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Posts posted by srtyab

  1. I’ve been around SWTOR since 2012. I’ve left at times for FF14 and WOW. Both great games. But while those games get the proper respect why is SWTOR always an afterthought?


    I’ve left wow because of shadowlands. The gearing rng is ridiculous. The grind for legendaries and upgrades is ridiculous. The taking away of flight at the beginning of each expansion is ridiculous. All the while the community puts up with it while Ion tells them he knows best.


    SWTOR gives players what they want. The best gear available for every player. Great mounts and armors for every player. Great perks through the legacy system. QOL improvements.


    Almost everything you want is obtainable in the game some things will take time but the grind for them is nothing like other MMOs.


    Tons of content. Yes, the newer content is not as abundant but if you’ve never played this game can keep you bust for a long time.


    New game engine, graphics that actually use my 2080 ti nvidia for what its worth, character customization, an expansion that takes more than a few hours to go through, race specific dialog . . .


    those are only a few things they need to give us to be taken seriously. This game is an EA cash cow, and I know this because it still exists, and wouldn't, if the drug dealers running EA weren't making money.


    They care about their greed, nothing else.

  2. Well said Ellie. Completely agree. I used to pvp all the time and then, they made these changes and I quit. It really tells you something, how idiotic the devs are, that they could not see this coming a mile away? anyone who plays the game could. 90% of people in the queue are there to get their daily and weekly done. If that is not longer possible, and it isn't, they'll leave, just like I and many, many others did.


    TL:DR forcing players to behave a certain way inevitably backfires.

  3. Very fair question, which I have talked over with the team. With regards to why Pirate Incursion is occurring twice this month while Gree and Bounty Contract Week are not happening, it's because we wanted to highlight our newer events more around the general holiday window.


    For us Conquests can fall into two categories - ones tied to specific in-game events (EX. Pirate Incursion) and ones that are standalone (EX. Flashpoint Havoc). The in-game event schedule is something the team has more of a manual touch on, meanwhile the Conquests that fall between the in-game events are randomly determined. While it's easy for us to pull up the in-game event schedule to communicate it broadly at the beginning of every month, that really isn't the case for the non-event Conquests, which is why we never folded those in to the outward facing article/page updates.


    We really appreciate the constructive feedback around around certain in-game events appearing more than others and we'll take this into account as we look into potential changes next year.



    Dear Daniel,


    Where is our double xp for the month of December, or, are you guys Scrooge this year?

  4. The newly announced augments are not necessary (at least under the CURRENT operation tuning) to have for PvE. The augments will be most in demand by the high-end PvP types who wish to remain on the bleeding edge of their meticulously crafted BiS min/maxed stat curves, meaning that the PvE types can trundle along just fine with the current augments.


    I get that.



    I know. You wanted to mix things up a bit, literally. There may be aspects of the game where that's fine.

    This wasn't it.

    Ask us first next time.


    Well said, and well written. And no, i don't think they spent even five minutes debating this before deciding to implement it. It's stupid on so many levels. Hardcore raiders and pvpers don't want casuals showing up without a clue. Being a casual, I get that, and will stay away out of politeness.


    A developer friend of mine said, no developer ever thinks anything that they did sucks. These guys are proving him right . . .

  5. Hi friends,





    Terrible idea, for all the reasons everyone else has stated. I'll also add, that, not only is that content totally inaccessible for most, it also gives me no reason to run unranked matches. At least if there were a small chance, I might step into warzones again. Did you even think about this at all, before posting? sure feels like you didn't.

  6. Plenty of people want this event to return, in some way shape or form - revamped, ideally, to fix the tons of complaints about the 1st D vs L event. Funny that a few are whining about necro, when they fail to realize that D vs L return is still very relevant to many.


    Bring a revised D vs L event back, please, BioWare


    well said.

  7. Ahh damn, that's what I expected but I was hoping something new had been written. Wonder if there is anything in the expansions or onslaught.

    Curious thought.


    yup, which is why is absolutely pointless to play anything other than human in this game. Unlike in a game like Dragon Age Inquisition, where your race completely transforms your experience, swtor offers virtually nothing in the that department. Really tells you just how cheap they are, that they can't spend the money to pay for a few more dialog choices. Really, really, annoying.

    • Like 1
  8. ***, this mission is CRAP, now u have it on a Vteran to Master mode stupid mission. The whole reason why so many people don't do KOTET is so they don't have to do this trash. When it was easy it was still bothersome but tolerable, now i'll have No Choice but to skip KOTET because this crap mission is impossible to do now.


    Do your jobs get this crap off so we can do our storyline, because right now Our choices Don't matter. when we can't do them. trash trash trash.


    agreed, the walker missions are stinkers. There's no way around them, other than to skip, which i do, religiously.

  9. I'm posting this to rise above the din of a few ardent nay-sayers. The Devs need to see there's also a solid, positive response to the 6.1.1 changes.


    First, the ding:

    Give us an option in preferences to suppress the conquest update message. If it's felt by the devs that it's necessary for us to know on the HUD our real-time advancement of conquest points, then put a (small) progress wheel somewhere out of the way, but even that might prove too much clutter for some. It could be a third, thin progress bar beneath our renown bar.


    Now the praise:

    This system is by far the most generous and widely-available conquest system ever, and that's a good thing.

    6.1.1 addresses many of the shortfalls and perceived sleights many players have posted on the forum.


    The ease of access for conquest points ensures that soloers, role-players who don't engage in certain content, casual players with limited time to play, and members in small guilds have an abundance of choice and opportunity. Good job.


    Gone is the need to follow a pre-defined sluice of just a few options to reach personal weekly conquest, a sluice which, for some, proved a hurdle to achieving personal goals because not everyone could or would jump into that sluice. Good job.


    The ability for players playing low-level characters to acquire significant conquest points is a huge gain for guilds of all sizes. As a guild leader, no longer am I looking at the roster, seeing a bunch of under-30 somethings logged on, and having to think to myself that they'll be able to contribute to conquest meaningfully... eventually.

    6.1.1 grants them that power now, right where they are in terms of their progress, and doing what they're doing. Good job.


    The pendulum has swung in the right direction for conquest.

    Thank you, EA.


    100% agree.

  10. "content that requires other people is now vastly inferior in bringing in conquest when compared to fleet busywork&planetary heroics. This is crazy."


    Nope, it's awesome. I love how easy it is to get conquest done on my many, many characters. Group content can die in a fire. The less I have to party with the human trash in this game, the better. Turn this game into the RPG it should have been, and shove the "Let's party with 20 people I can't stand" to get anything, out the nearest airlock.

  11. I am all for redistribution of damage if it will make deception competitive in pve parses.


    Yea, that's a fair argument to make, assuming they were treating everyone equally. They aren't. At best, as a class, we're middle of the pack damage wise. What are they doing to the top parsing specs? absolutely nothing . . .if you going to balance classes, balance them all, not just the one that makes people upset, is my point.


    My vengeance jugg, for example, has better damage, better survivability, and much stronger cooldowns, i destroy stuff on her, and they're getting buffed . .lol, like, where's the logic?

  12. You’re crying because you can blow people up without actually trying? I beat if you got killed once playing a sin you would start complaining about how it isn’t fair that sin defenses suck.


    well they do, but no I've died piles of times and killed piles of times, been playing since launch lol. Didn't cry once. I'm just lamenting the loss of those sweet player tears. The smell of their fear. It was awesome while it lasted. Bioware is cutting off my sugar supply :( I'll still blow people up but, i can't humiliate them quite as much. Can't blame a girl for being sad about that.


    I also love how, say mercs, have been retardly op for years, and nothing is ever done. And the second assassins are dangerous, they nerf us.

  13. Also:


    Deception / Infiltration


    Crackling Blasts / Deep Impact critical damage bonus increased from 5% to 20%

    Dominating Slashes / Prevailing Strikes now increases the damage of Voltaic Slash and Reaping Strike by 20%

    Surging Charge / Shadow Technique does an additional 30% damage


    I like how you conveniently left out the part where every rotational skill damage, except maul, was buffed.


    and that helps me blow people up in 10 secs, how exactly? here's an idea, stay out of my way in warzones.

  14. This is completely unnecessary, recklessness granting three crits for each attack style was perfectly fine considering the crap tactical available to deception assassins. Please give us a useful tactical if you’re going to nerf our good set.


    agreed. We were already just middle of the pack dps wise. Now, not sure what will happen.

  15. Assassin / Shadow


    The Death Knell Set Bonus has changed:

    4 piece: The cooldown of Recklessness / Force Potency is reduced by 15 seconds. Whenever you activate Recklessness / Force Potency you gain Reckless Critical, making your next Maul / Shadow Strike or Leeching Strike / Serenity Strike critically hit


    Thanks for screwing us Bioware. Appreciated.

  16. Hello everyone!




    4 piece: The cooldown of Recklessness / Force Potency is reduced by 15 seconds. Whenever you activate Recklessness / Force Potency you gain Reckless Critical, making your next Maul / Shadow Strike or Leeching Strike / Serenity Strike critically hit


    Let us know what your thoughts! Please tell us if you think certain changes make a class overpowered or underpowered. Throughout the next week or so, a thread for Troopers/Bounty Hunters will be created with their respective changes too.



    Hate the change. Basically no point in playing assassin anymore, and its not like we were top dps to begin with. Huge hit to dps. I should get something in return, i.e. high damage, for wearing tissue paper armor. Thanks for making us a joke. Why do assassins keep getting screwed with their pants on? its really annoying.

  17. Sorry to necro this again, but, I really wanted to say thank you to the OP. What you've done is truly exceptional and appreciated. I was agonizing over using auto-complete for a long time, literally years, because I didn't understand how it worked at all (something, Bioware should rectify, btw), and I didn't want to endanger my many romances with Lana. Thank you so much!
  18. I earned the full set (5 times!)


    I also have no issue with BioWare putting it up for sale at the same cost as the HK-55 Bonus Chapter on the CM to make money, also enabling me to unlock the original set in collections at the same time.


    Win / Win. Who really loses by doing these two things?


    People who want to feel special lol. But seriously, I earned it too, and I agree, I think a CM option and collections would be fantastic.

  19. I would frame it differently. The problem for solo players is a combination of two factors -- the longer companion activation time and the Stat capping.


    TL-DR: The companion timer nerf plus level synching makes old content less enjoyable, not necessarily more difficult. This impacts solo players disproportionately. I'm not worried about the base planetary or class missions so we are clear. I'm talking about former so-called group content that was 'more' soloable.


    Let's stipulate at the outset that there are two ways to improve one's performance to complete content:


    a) improve your understanding of your class / learning the encounters; and b) getting better gear.


    The problem is right now that Option B, getting better gear, is limited because of Level Synching down. Pretty sure Rion, you know full well that this results in Stat capping and that certain gear stats become useless.


    So where does that leave us? Yes, it is possible to still do that content we could before. In many cases, however, it's not a L2P issue -- it's an issue of annoyance. In my case, I play a lot of alts so it hasn't impacted me too severely yet, but I can assure you -- I avoid Section X, Oricon, etc. -- at least on non-stealth classes.


    The longer-term impact for me is going to be on soloing Vet FPs. Now, one cay say (tritely), well Dasty, you aren't supposed to solo H4s or solo Vet FPs outside of faceroll Hammer Station. Fair enough, but that means content I could do before, I find far, far more annoying to do now. Encounters are lengthier because even if I know my rotations, CDs, etc., they are still essentially just HP sponges.


    And what happens when they raise the gear Ilvl past 306? It will help only for the brand new content. It won't mean squat for everything pre-6.0.


    The end result is that BW is offering me less variety of content than I'm willing to put up with because of the annoyance factor. Yes, that's my personal decision, but it hardly seems like i'm alone. And, well, when I run out of interesting, enjoyable content...(dunh, dunh, dunh!) :rak_03:




    Exactly how I feel too. By doing what they did, they limit the content available which makes my monthly membership feel far less rewarding. I'm a whale too. They definitely would lose a lot more than 15 dollars a month if I quit.

  20. A lot of people are in the same position and also its 2 char slots needed at least (one pub, one imp).


    They'd have to give me 43 char slots for 2 to stick and others much more than that. (Some had 100 per server).


    They won't purposely run an event people can't participate in.


    I also very much enjoyed the event and did it on 2 servers but mergers messed up character slots badly. They never rectified this. I'd love to buy more but im not gunna spend over 25k CC in one hit just to get another slot or 2 :/ that's crazy expensive.


    Yea it is, hundreds of dollars, which obviously it'd be crazy to ask that of anyone. I'm just wondering if they could have reserved slots, for dark vs. light toons, like free slots just for the event. That way everyone could participate. It just sucks that, that event was the only way to get heirloom gear.


    They could also design a new event around toons that have already been made. I've heard they're looking at options, but don't have any clear idea yet. We will see.

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