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Everything posted by Sith-Viscera

  1. What he said, Fits my toons to a tee............ Be well........
  2. Hey welcome back to the game. The advice of the other folks there is the best. So Again, Welcome Back and have a Great time. Take Care and Be Well.......
  3. You have some Mad Skills. Whens our first comic coming out?
  4. Yes, I believe thats how it works. Not 100% sure but so keep asking to be sure. But i think so... Welcome to the Game. May The Force be with You.... Take Care & Be Well.........
  5. You just leave the Op Roll alone or i send my Cousin Vinny after you. And he knows how to make it hurt. Hmm or is he, a She, Been so long cant recall?
  6. Dude, what about the joke, i wont to hear the joke, whats the punch line? Dont leave us all hanging..... HOW RUDE!!!!
  7. I got lucky and got it out of the pack. And that other guy that bought his. A pretty penny is an understatement. Because those prices you could build a very nice Mansion or a super Mansion with Bat cave with, depending how many they are and how bad the sellers are under cutting them selves.... Then again when they first came out i saw one that cost more then the whole Budget for NY, Chicago and L. A. cities combind and enough left over to pay for a few counties in each state. So Good Luck to Poster...... Be Well......
  8. There is no link the post been removed or something....
  9. Yea, thats BS, they dont have the right to do that to you. Take Screen shots if you can of those in that match and especially that that kicked you. Then make a ticket in game and send that screen shot/s with the names on it, if you can that is? Just because they have and are in a guild, does not give them the right to do that. You have every right to take their guild members slot in that match. It is first come, first serve, period... Now what needs to be done, is? BW needs to make GSF pvp and this could go for regular rank pvp and unrank Solo pvp. Give Guilds their own matches with other guilds, being GSF or Regular pvp's. No solo pvper can gain access to these matches specially for Guilds. So other wise all guilds would only go up against other guilds in all expect of pvp. If you're wondering how could they implement this, well it is simple. Make the matches that recognize the players Guild name. If you have a guild name, then in your pvp box where you select rank, solo, Group & then the new, Guild matches. If you are in a guild and display the guilds name it will recognize that display name, it will calculate how many guild members are qued up and then if there is enough for a full match then your Ques pop, and off you go. There would be no mistakes as far as mix matching other guild member on your team, do to it would know that the 2 guild names, are not the same. So there for, always being 100% Full Guild Match. Guild vs Guild. This could of course be smoothed out by the devs so much better, & it probably should of been done in the beginning of this game, but it is not to late to get it done now. And who knows this could promote old Guilds reforming & new Guilds starting up. Solo pvp, well, i guess it would stay the same. Just another idea. I dont know how to code but i cant imagine this being to hard to do. Also this should come with new Guild only maps to battle on, i would think? Any Way, I am sure they wont give this idea a 2nd thought, but it would stop this crap of members of Guilds, kicking solo people to save their guild members a slot in the matches. Oh well. Take care, Be well.....
  10. He (being Quinn) will kiss your sith warriors Butt till the day he dies. It's all good, FORCE Choke the crap out that trader. lol
  11. Give us Jaesa Willsaam and New Content, Or Give us Death!
  12. Well if i recall from talks on this subject of inactivity, long ago. I swore i recall BW saying after a year of in activeness and if it is a purge name time. Those names thats a year or more of in activeness, will be up for grabs. I think a year is an adequate time span to come back from a years hiatus and if not, the name goes back into the name pool, so to speak. Yeah it should been 'Mustard O'Condiment' i screwed up. I do that alot when im rushing through my thoughts faster then my fingers can type. Or when i am tired as hell too, or all the above. All the above, i really screw up then. Oh well... Take Care and Be Well....
  13. This is why i added at the end of my post: 'I am sure it can be smoothed out a lot better by those smarter than I.' By those smarter than i, I mean, the Devs of the game them selves. Which they would know all that you pointed out and would take in consideration all those stipulations when it comes to the most fair way of re entering a name back into the name pool, if you will? I thought something like that on the forum would be a big help and plausible for implementing. But it is true if one has the imagination coming up with new unique names would not be a problem. I for one didnt have this idea cause i had that problem of coming up with names. It was because of reading the forum that i seen those can struggle for having a lack of imagination. Now thats not a bad thing, every one is different. I have 12 toons for most of this games 6 years, and i have taken one word and turned them into 12 different names just by by altering a letter or 2 or using a Greek or Latin version of the name or some other version of the name. or combined one name and given the same word as a last name. Either way i have 12 toons that all derive from one name. And over the years, i have came up with 3 more names from the one. So if i was to make another 1 or 3 more toons i am covered on names. Or then again i just might make 1 and call him "Mustard O'Condiment" thats definitely a unique and imaginative name. LOL
  14. I always wonder why BW hasnt put a Character Name Check Box on the forum. So lets say i am gonna make a new character and i have a name in mind but is it already in use? So i go to the SWTOR Forum and i look up at the header of the site where Leader Board, My Swtor, Store, Cummunity, And Character Name Search is. Then Click it, then next put the name in the "Name Available Field" Or "Name search box", (what ever sounds best) "Mustard O'Condiment" is the name. And you wait a minute or so then a little window pops up saying, "that name is available" Now if it isnt available it will tell you that name is an active player name or a inactive player name, and it will tell you how long it has been inactive. Longer then (what ever BW deems appropriate amount of time is)? Then it will say (Ask for request from BW to Acquire that name) They will double check for availability and if it is long enough, then, you now will get the ok to Obtain the name. Cause its safe to say, what ever the time they give for that player to come back to game is, is up? Then its safe to give that name away. I am sure it can be smoothed out a lot better by those smarter than I. But i think this or a similar system would be ideal and make, Coming up with a new characters name, a little easier. Also giving an idea that the name maybe, becoming available. Thats the kind of info you dont get in game while coming up with a new name during character creation...
  15. This is not the forum you are looking for. Move along, Move along.
  16. Dont know if you can do this but. You may be able to buy a master card or visa Gift card put 20 bucks on it to pay for your sub. Again, i do not know if you can do that, but i hope it helps you. Good Luck and Be well.......
  17. This event has been around long before level 70 ever was. I cant recall exactly when they started the event if i was level 55 or 60? But regardless with the right gear and companion, i had no problems. Eventually by the time they had lvl 70 i was doing Rakghoul event solo with out companion. So i hate to tell poster, what every one else is no doubt saying? Get the right gear and figure out the best companion. You do that, you'll survive it..... Good Luck.... Take care and Be Well...
  18. Well im not playing WoW, never had, probably never will. This isnt WoW this is SWTOR and makes no diff this game or WoW or another mmo, if sub goes past 15 or 16 buck, then i am done. I am not willing to pay another penny for a game. Besides It just isnt in my budget. I have 2 kids and i am a single father and this is pretty much my main entertainment and of course family comes first, & that comes with a budget. Now my girls entertainment cost me way more then mine and that is why i wont pay a penny more for mine. Theirs is so much more important then mine will ever be. I would sacrifice any thing and every thing of mine, so they dont have to go with out.
  19. Increased subs would just not cause me, to quit once and for all but most likely, a lot of players would too, quit. But i'll let them tell ya them selves if they like.
  20. So, we are waiting for an update about, an update, am i wrong?
  21. If this is how Bioware phases out their old MMO game there is no way in hell i will ever play another of theirs MMOs just so they can do it again 5 years from now with another New mmo of theirs. When this SWTOR bites it because of this phase, i am done... 6 years is just not long enough to call this game a total success. I can accept 8 or more, then i feel like it accomplished a decent and successful RUN. After that then i would play another of their mmos, but only if it goes down like that.
  22. Yes address this Rumor. I read someone said it was "ok to pay 20 real bucks for lingerie, but not for another piece of gear that might benefit you in game". No i think it is ridicules to pay 20 real dollars for digital lingerie. Now i can see 99 cents or $1.20 for something like that. Stop and think when the Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion pack came out, wasn't 20 bucks for a WHOLE Expansion of content, and now such a tiny item like Lingerie or a small little pet, cost as much as a whole expansion pack, thats just wrong. Little Pistols with a laser pointer going for 10 dollars would be wrong but yet i've seen so called rare items going way over 5500 cartel coins which is like 40 50 real dollars or close enough to that, IT IS RIDICULES. It is a Rip off. I said a long time ago, take the platform they have now for cartel market and turn it into more of a browse and buy type of a store. there be some packs i say no pack would be more then 15 dollars but single items would be a lot less then that. People would buy more and buy more often and they wouldnt feel so guilty for dropping big bucks on digital toys. A lesser price would bring less guilt and some people do feel guilty, believe it or not. The cartel market would flourish i strongly believe it would it had a system similar to what i layed out there. JMO Now address the RUMORS..................
  23. Well if they might stop development on this game, for time on their other game and at the same time, letting this one waste away to dark space. Then i refuse to buy any thing else from Cartel Market. I'll be damned if i will spend real money on digital toys then at any time get a notice "game has ended" after dropping 20 or more on new gear that i might get a day or 2s worth of use out of then game ended. Nope i am done spending real money if i can get the credits up to buy from GTN then i just wont have it, what ever it may be. I cant imagine to many people not agreeing with me. I could be wrong though.
  24. no i am sure you explained more than enough. the Devs wont be changing the animation just cause of one person dont like it. If you have a problem with flashing lights on a PC Monitor, perhaps you have a medical issue you may need to see a Doctor about. If this flashing just drives you nuts, then thats more a mental issue and you may need to see about that if flashy things irritate you like this one seems to be doing. Other then tell you not to play that class any more so you wont be annoyed, or stop playing the game in general, then i do not know how to help you. Good Luck and Be well......
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