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Everything posted by orichichan

  1. I must admit I prefer the old one. I really dislike this "fog" on the new version. I hope they will come back to the old one. However I really like the update of the textures. I hope it will be the last update for this kind of thing because planets, even the old ones, still are amazing. No need to update them. I would prefer Broadsword uses this time to make new planets.
  2. I don't think. It will be an event like Rakghoul Resurgence.
  3. Good news. We will finally get some new beards and hairstyles (3 beards with different colors and 3 new hairstyles for males and females). I hope it's just the beginning of this to add more customizations to our characters. It seems focus on some beards and hairtstyles coming from the canon but I hope some legends cosmetics too. So I hope we will get more soon. I would like to get some hairstyles we can see here too. I think it's a good start if they release some beards and hairstyles in the future for each "major patch".
  4. With the time, I think Broadsword could make a mix between coming back on old planets and release new planets with the assets they already have. For example, we got Ord Mantel and Nal Hutta for a second time with new areas. So why not next time to add new planets using the assets they already have? Examples: Ryloth => use assets from Tatooine and Darvannis Csilla => use assets from Hoth and Illum Shili => use assets from Tython and Yavin 4 Kashyyyk (Shadowlands) => use assets from Yavin 4 and Zakuul (Endless Swamp) Mustafar => use assets from Oricon and Belsavis Dxun => use assets from Dxun and Onderon Geonosis => use assets from Ossus and Darvannis Rattatak => use assets from Tatooine Dagobah => use assets from Yavin 4 and Zakuul (Endless Swamp) etc I find it could be a good thing to get sometime old planets with new areas and sometime new planets with this method. Maybe using assets already in the game, we could get more planets. But I really hope we will get more new planets now and in the future.
  5. You are right. So we will get 3 beards with different colors and certainly 3 new hairstyles for males and females. Cathars seem to be on the list too.
  6. Yes I know don't worry. Not so many choices for them. 😅 But by chance I found the good one.
  7. I think update old planets isn't so important and this time should be given to make something else.
  8. I'm done to put the same hairstyles on every characters more choices we get better it is.
  9. I really don't care if we need to use Cartel Coin to get new ones. Just give us more hairstyles and customizations please. At least we get some new beards for now.
  10. Don't forget new customizations too. More hairstyles would be nice.
  11. What canon? A Dantooine stronghold could have been a better choice than an event on Dantooine but I will see what exactly is this event before saying something on it
  12. I would like to see more customizations too mostly more hairstyles. Many of my characters have the same hairstyles. We really need more.
  13. Don't know if we need double xp when we can take levels so fastly now. But maybe we will get it for the may 4th. Who knows.
  14. With the near end of the story of Legacy of the Sith (maybe still a 7.6 and a 7.7) Do you think we will get a 8.0? If we get it, what do you want in this 8.0?
  15. A little pet for sure. But I hope we will get something else too.
  16. It could be nice to add it for every species.
  17. Nice found. Sadly the arm have only three fingers when I would like five fingers on the hand.
  18. Don't hesitate to put other species than Devaronian you would like to see in the game coming from the canon or the legends here. I'm curious to know what race you would like to get. I hope we will get a new race for the 7.5 stream or in the 8.0.
  19. Don't you think it will be better to get less important characters like major Anri or Lane Vizla? Just a question because I'm curious about this.
  20. I don't understand why we don't still get purple + white + lavender skin colors for our Twi'lek characters. Please add them in the customizations.
  21. Yes it's a better armor. I prefer this one to the other one in the end of the Jedi Knight story. It could be nice to get in on hte Cartel Market mostly when we get the Valkorion armor.
  22. Too many decorations to like. But I think I like the npcs decorations because it gives more life in our strongholds.
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