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Everything posted by Wonkanerd

  1. I personally prefer : http://www.twitch.tv/roudyzor/c/4234068 http://www.twitch.tv/roudyzor/c/4234163 No offence to DailyPvP, but he just doesn't have experience or knowledge to comment on that kind of matches.
  2. Venijrai, I guess you judge from Roudy's stream. Listen man, Roudy = best assassin player, that doesnt mean every other assassin perfoms just like him. You can not really say things like "oper healer has no chance vs that". Roudy kills oper healers with deception as well. I agree, madness is strong, but maybe its just where it should be really?
  3. Gratz to Seele/Rommer/Roudy/Zaer Not only you guys played vs your counter(but I guess you are used to play vs double cleanse by now ), but also with 200 ms. rip in peace pot5.
  4. Its common sense in MMORPG games, that people that will mainly focus on PvP go to --> PvP Server. and obv people who will do PvE and mostly focus on that go to a PvE Server.
  5. Holy **** u called like your whole sorry guild here? LOL. Not sure if I should be ashamed or honored haha. guys, Im a bigger PvE Boss than you think, you need more people :DDD
  6. here comes another pve hero, come all of 'ya, will be easier to get rid of u all at once.
  7. May I ask you something> How do you manage to be unfunny all the time when you show up in every thread?
  8. You played with good players(on your team), you also played their counter-setup. And yeah, you are pretty bad on your sniper. LoL is different game with different rating/elo system with different classes/heroes/mechanics. I am explaing this and not only that Idk for how long now, but you still dont quite seem to understand anything. Calling you "dumb" might be a compliment after all. In LoL you are also needed to be level 30 before you are able to go ranked. And on you way to 30 you are FORCED to play constant PvP games, which would make even a fcking monkey understand the basics. Im just gonna say it again, in case you didn't get it, SoloQ of LoL is NOT Yoloq of SWTOR. And no, rules in these 2 games for that mode are completely different.
  9. I really thought you werre smarter than Corv, but it turns out you are actually dumber....sad. LoL has millions of people playing it. in LoL rated you can queue with 2 ppl for SoloQ. ( I know that you guys frrom Vis Fatalis syncqueue but its a lil bit different there) in LoL you are banning characters / classes you dont waant to play against/or see 'em in LoL you can blacklist/ignore people so you have reduced chance to get in a group with them. There is like 100 different classes. I can go on and on, but it really pains me that you are that dumb. Also gj losing with x2 sniper to x2 maras, you are countering them so hard yet you lost. Where's your soloq "skill"? Gone suddenly?
  10. Thats what differs very good team, lets say tier 1, from other team(tier 2). Being able to win over your counter, Roudy's team proved it multiple times now, back in Season 1 - when they fought with carnage/sin vs Corvineus(x2 cleanse) and ripped them apart, and now in Season 2 with HouseMD/Osdo team(also x2 cleanse). There is nothing like that in SoloQ. no, just wrong. Wow, 2 teams that didnt get in the match got filled in with each other? surprise surprise. Judging from yday's Roudy's stream you can clearly see for how long they need to wait on their mains(10+ mins for a pop) and on their alts - INSTA Q POP. See the difference? It would add a lil bit of lower-rated teams to the scenes, but thats about it. We already know a story about teams transfering to tofn and getting stomped by Corv's or Roudy's team back in a day. This is exactly what we are looking at right now as well - if the "top" teams from other PvE/RP will transfer back to TOFN Im afraid the same scenario will happen. Because people like you and other no-life soloq heroes think that yoloq rating matters, when IT DOES NOT. You dont need to win 'em. being able to just hold up against them is already an accomplishment. Once again, you dont get it. In group you coordinate = that extra layer of SKILL is involvled while in YOLOQ you just derp around or farm HPS(like you do). Most of the group players dont do yoloq because they dont need to prove anything to any1 mate. You, however, think it matters and tryhard to showcase your "skill" bragging about your yoloq ratings which tells me absolutely nothing. Corvineus was easy. And yes, you are the right victim.
  11. Afraid of getting roflstomped? like what happened to Azid's team, the moment they faced good team they got roflstomped and stopped qing for group ranked. now that matchmaking actually works and high-rated teams almost never get to face low-rated ones lower-tier teams can play each other without worrying and eventually get better
  12. yoloq*, was kinda established here that it is the same.
  13. You are also blind? Oh my. You mess up your rotations, rarely cleanse, dont assist with dps. It's all basic stuff but I guess you can ignore this in soloq really. But you should really get into some of Osdo's man.
  14. Competitive = has competition = people/players/etc of same skil lvl compete vs each other, including counter-setups, sports etc. RNG = NOT COMPETITIVE, because it goes round the fact how lucky you are with members you get in your team. They will never get matched with a team that has less 300 rating than them. You made it pretty clear you have 0 idea about group ranked. Unless its only Roudy's team and low-rated team qing, and even then it takes 30 mins or something. its not more competitive, its the ONLY COMPETITIVE mode in this game. and the only ratings that matter are thus of TOFN, Bastion and POT5. Far less people doesnt automatically make it less competitive or anything, there are teams that have tough matches against each other, unlike YOLOQ every person on a team has to be good in order to compete. You can obviously live in your imaginary world, but to every1 else that rating means absolutely 0. Win over Roudy's team or Osdo's or MvP's or US teams and I'll say - yes, you are really good. But as for now, you are just another soloq hero who nolifes it 24/7 and thinks it matters.
  15. watch Osdo's or Roudy's stream, hopefully it will help you.
  16. Well you are not exactly bad and you are not exactly good either. Can't rate u on ur yolo rating cuz that means absolutely 0, but judging from your stream you are not even close to the level of top opers like Osdo, Seele, Stadaren etc.
  17. ehm YoloQ is already a fcking regfest lol. It just has rating tied to it for some awkward reason.
  18. oh its that guy who has 2k rating in soloq! I heard you are good because of that? Oh wait....
  19. WoW has rewards only premade arenas, why cant we have those as well? get some balls BW and remove rating gains from yolo. Let it be a farm fest, which it is.
  20. matchmaking doesnt work in soloq. Good players still get matched with bads. However it works perfectly fine in group q, but the population is just not there. Just get it in your dumb head - YoloQ is NOT competitive. Its RNG Fest, luck-based normal warzone which matches you with either 3 above average guys or 3 utter bads or mix of both.
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