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Everything posted by ThirdDementor

  1. If you have Treek, use Treek. It's that simple. She's a better tank than any tank companion in the game, and a better healer than any healer companion. People did not pay 2100 CC (and 700 more for the legacy unlock) for the novelty of getting yelled gibberish in combat. For tanking or healing, Treek is the best companion available. First of all, Treek still has 2 healing abilities in tank stance, making her tanking significantly more effective. Furthermore, here's a scenario: You fight a relatively strong boss, like in the Heroic +2, and your tank companion tanks the boss: If it's SCORPIO or Kaliyo, they tank as much as they can, then either: they die, or you switch them to their DPS stance and hope they lose aggro quick enough. If they do, you're now tanking the boss. If it's not low enough when that happens, you'll die. If it's Treek, she tanks as much as she can, then you switch her to heal stance: she uses her smoke bomb to drop aggro immediately. You're now tanking the boss, but with a healer healing you. If Treek prioritizes healing herself, that's fine too: switch her to tank stance and she'll tank again. Rest assured, I hate Treek's guts. Her voice is enough to drive any person insane. But her combat power is undeniable.
  2. When this discussion started, I never expected to say this, but you actually convinced me to see things your way. You've made very convincing arguments, and I find myself with little to no counter points. Well played, sir. Didn't think it would happen, but I'm sold on the Inquisitor. Mind you, I still don't think Darth Marr will be replaced next week, but I am certainly open to the possibility now. Just hoping that stuff will happen after war.
  3. I think it could be a really neat set to add in a future patch. The armor is quite snazzy. In case you're not familiar with it: Picture Closeup I imagine making toons' eyes show through the helmet is gonna be tough, but I wouldn't actually know. Thoughts?
  4. I never said he inspires the same fear as the Emperor. I said people don't want to pick a fight with him for the same reason they didn't want to pick a fight with the Emperor, and that reason is fear. What contenders? No one's in a position to challenge Marr, and no one with half a brain would want to. There's the risk of failiure (with worse-than-death consequences), the risk of being ratted out by a fellow conspirator who wants to gain favor with Marr (again, worse-than-death consequences), the risk of being ratted out by a Council member who genuinely wants to preserve the Empire (like Vowrawn or Acina) the risk of losing the Empire (and thus losing all authority if not one's life or freedom), and even assuming everything miraculously works, what's the point if you have to share the power at the end? Sith are treacherous, ruthless and conniving, yes, but you make them out to be a bunch of colossal idiots who can't plan further than the next 5 minutes. Malgus tried to pull off a coup with a very large force, superior technology, a stealth armada and the element of surprise - and he failed. Who in their right mind would think their chances are better? It was always about the Sith, because the Sith are more powerful than regular people. But that was when the Empire was stable. When the threat is this grave, when the Empire stands on the precipice of annihilation, a minority, no matter how powerful, is still a minority. Just look at our own world. Dictatorships can maintain control through force and the threat of torture. Like Sith compared to regular Imperials, people with guns are more powerful than unarmed civilians. But when people have really had enough, when they feel they have nothing to lose, and when an entire nation rises up against its current rulers, those rulers fall. A Sith can fight 5, 10, 20 people? Even the Sith have limits. You can't fight your entire people and win. And with the Empire at the brink of destruction, I certainly believe the people have had enough of infighting and betrayal. The killer of Marr would not be accepted as the new leader - he'd be burned at the stake as the traitor who destroyed the Empire. Fair enough, I see your point. However, I have to disagree on the next one:
  5. Got a new one as well: Nar Shaddaa spaceport. And I didn't even log out in my Nar Shaddaa Stronghold, but my Dromund Kaas one as usual.
  6. But back to the topic at hand (spoilers for Warrior, Inquisitor and Knight here):
  7. This. So this. Especially when loading the main floor of the fleet takes longer than most planets.
  8. Just happened on my Operative as well, so it's not limited to one class.
  9. Interestingly enough, I'm also pretty sure it only happens on my Inquisitor (who is a female, so it applies to both genders).
  10. Major spoilers ahead for both Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. Seriously, don't read this if you haven't played both of them to their ends. --- Anywho, I get why the Jedi Knight might appear so powerful, having killed the Emperor and all. Except the "Emperor" part is false. The Jedi Knight kills a Voice of the Emperor, which, while an impressive feat, is nowhere near taking down the man himself. Furthermore, as Scourge repeatedly says, the Emperor is weakened from sustaining the rituals the Jedi Knight interrupted. However, that's not the only reason he's weakened: the Sith Warrior also kills his Voice on Voss (by the Emperor's own request). So take all this together, and the final outcome is: The Emperor was heavily weakened both from sustaining his rituals and from one of his Voices being killed, and the Jedi Knight beat another Voice, hurting but not slaying the real Emperor. So it's not that impressive, and in fact felt like a very hollow victory to me. I'mma quote the Skyrim trailer and say the defeat was merely a delay. On the other hand, I find the Sith Warrior to feel a lot more powerful. Handpicked by the Emperor himself to hold the second highest rank in the Empire - even greater than the Hand and the Imperial Guard - every part of the story feels like the Warrior is completely and utterly unstoppable. From start to finish, he never meets an opponent who can actually give him pause. It's also important to remember that the role of the Emperor's Wrath is reserved to someone who can beat any Dark Council member in case they rebel against the Emperor, so if our good friend Vitiate picked the Warrior, it's quite safe to assume he is indeed stronger than any Dark Council member - literally the best of the best. Regardless, I agree that in terms of influence more than sheer power, the Agent wins (depending on the choices you make).
  11. Hey guys. First time posting a bug, so I'm not sure what the protocol is, but let's get to the point: I log out in my stronghold, and sometimes when I log back in, I find myself at the fleet. Specifically, the Korriban Departures area. Any ideas/advice/suggestions/solutions?
  12. Ah, that's fine. I'm mostly interested in a 1-55 rampage with him, not the really endgame stuff. I've decided to go for a Focus Guardian, since I wanted to replay the Knight story as a male and darkside (the opposite of what I did last time). Thanks for the advice, everyone!
  13. Shouldn't be a problem if he starts with full orange gear like Treek. Does he, though? Because I've been snooping around on the forums and google, and everyone says that even when you buy him at level 1, he comes with his level 50 gear which he obviously can't equip, and taking out the mods doesn't remove the level requirement. However, all these posts are from 2013 or earlier, so I can't be sure if it still goes that way. Also, I know HK uses both Cunning and Aim. Is it better to stack one, or split them both equally?
  14. Oh snap! But anyways, could you elaborate more about why HK is easier to equip on Imp side? Because I was actually planning to go Republic, due to already having a BH in progress and wanting to try a full darkside Guardian.
  15. A tank with a healer is basically the most efficient duo for big boss fights, and naturally the best at doing heroics even without a full group. However, having 2 of you is already 4 people with companions, so heroics shouldn't be a problem regardless, unless you're exceedingly undergeared and/or underleveled. So the question mostly comes down to this: do you want combat efficiency, or do you want pure rampage and fun? For the former, I'd recommend a Juggernaut tank with an Operative healer. Juggernauts, while lacking the utility of Powertechs and the versatility of Assassins, are considered to be the tankiest tanks - the best damage soakers - due to their obscene amount of defensive cooldowns (especially if you have Biochem). Both of these classes also scale very well and are welcome in endgame content and Operations, not to mention having lower queue times due to DPS being more common. For the latter, I actually made a thread asking something similar, and the answers I got were Rage Juggernaut and Arsenal Mercenary, as they kill mobs extremely fast due to their huge amount of area damage. If you're interested in PvP, however, then I wouldn't recommend the Mercenary. Whether as healers or DPS, they're considered to be in a bad spot right now due to their channel times and lack of mobility.
  16. Warrior: started with 3 things I then regretted and wanted to fix: being mean to Vette, being human and not pureblood (was F2P when I made him), and being a Marauder (it sounded so cool from the advanced class quest giver!). Thus, I rerolled the sucker. Agent: Made a sniper, utterly hated how combat feels, and decided to go Operative instead. Inquisitor: Loved the story and just wanted to experience it again. Same thing happening with the Warrior now.
  17. Not sure if troll, 12 year old, or both...
  18. In terms of playstyle, I like both classes. But story-wise, the Guardian wins.
  19. I mean with getting HK-51 at level 1 and going double DPS for the lulz. Which class/es do you think will be the best at just tearing mobs to pieces as quickly as possible? No heroic soloers or anything. Just plain old slaughter.
  20. Definitely Dromund Kaas. The rainy weather makes it feel nicer to stay inside.
  21. Here's my guy. The moment Remulus Drepya's Set came out, I knew I had to make an Operative and give him that cloak. As for the Classic Phantom Helmet, it was my way of trying to out-Jadus Jadus by being more Jadus than him. The bowcaster was shamelessly ripped off of Tarckun, and Karness Muur's Gloves because Advanced Slicer's Gloves haven't existed at the time. http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/08/ninth-1.jpg http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/08/ninth-7.jpg http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/08/ninth-6.jpg http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/08/ninth-5.jpg http://tor-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/08/ninth-2.jpg
  22. ... did everything just get 10 times more complicated or is it just me? It used to be so clear. Stealth, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv, Corrosive Dart, Lacerationx3, Shiv, Laceration, Backstab, and so forth. But now it's all so weird. Always gotta make sure Acid Blade is up. Also gotta make sure I'm not being paranoid and using it when it's already up. After Hidden Strike, do I Backstab for the sheer burst, or should I save it till the poison runs out and opt for Shiv+Lacerationx3, then Acid Blade+Backstab? Normally not the biggest of deals, but added with the rest of the Operative's bag of tricks to manage (defensive cooldowns including Warzone Adrenal and Medpack, Stim Boost, re-stealth, Sever Tendon, stun, Flashbang), all the while trying to move around your enemies to mess with their targetting... once I got Acid Blade, it suddenly became too much. Anyone else experienced this with their Operative and got some tips on how to evolve past this phase?
  23. Class stories are what made this game better than other MMORPGs. /signed
  24. Definitely Assassin. Not only an amazing story, but also in terms of gameplay, Madness Assassins are very powerful right now, in both PvE and PvP, while also being fairly simple to play. You just can't go wrong with this class.
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