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Everything posted by Makavelithug

  1. ^ That and a bag of chips. Here comes the truth and most of you this day of age in a mmo don't think this way, but here it goes. 1. The mmo community are spoiled rotton kids and adults, this generation wants everything handed to them. Nobody wants to work for gear, rating, or pride. And the moment they face a unmovable object they fold and cry. 2. A arena isn't about gear or incentive, they are made for team work put together comps. The fact that this generation thinks incentives should be involved proves that these kids are lazy. 3. This community for most part are scared to lose face and wants Bioware to cater to them every move. I have come to find out coming from 8 years of Warcraft that no mmo will ever get it right when it comes to arena, I love arena and wish this generation of kids could appreciate a organized event where a premade can face another premade and whoever wins learns new organized skills they never had before. Arena in Warcraft taught me to be a better PVPer, and I am grateful for it, but you won't hear anyone here saying they are grateful for arena here. Here also what is funny, I keep seeing these guys wanting 8 vs 8 back, well isn't that another form of organized PVP? Haha, people will cry about that too, it amazes me how much crying goes along in mmos anymore....
  2. They took dat amazing Mosh vs Quan thread away. All dat trash talking will always stay in my heart. So sad today bro. Could someone revive those good old times again for me, I am bored now. So sad.
  3. I agree concel/scrapper needs defense, other than that I still think you can still get a decent rating running a comp with a concel/scrapper. I do hate this place they are though, least the damage will be at par with assassin so who knows we will see cap gear. Bioware needs to address some defense and then we will see it right there in the mix. Nice to hear its doing good in PTS.
  4. Is 2.6 here yet? Your opinion is irrelevant until then. Amirite?
  5. See ya when you come back in about 1 month or so!
  6. I got a 55 shadow collecting dust there, I would enjoy killing him in open world lol.
  7. Bottom line, in the hands of good players OP concealment and even Lethal is viable as long as that group knows its strengths and weaknesses. A buff means the class will shine better, sure Deception still has a stronger open but have you see the utility a Operative has? A skilled player that uses utility can beat a skilled player whos class has barley any utility most of the time. In my opinion a group of operatives that are skilled on healing, stunning, and setting up kills scares me more than a group of herp a derp smashers leaping all over the place.
  8. Glad that nerf happened, cry more OP class haha. Also buff to concealment makes me wet, dem stabs going to be sweet. I see tears on its way about stunlocking ops hiting hard at capp gear. Its going to be precious tears that will drop.
  9. I have a feeling your team uses this cheap tactic and your trying to convince everyone here that its real pvp when hiding a whole match. Let me guess you got your precious rank rating cause someone in your group likes to hide until the acid comes. The glory, hiding and not doing nothing else to get rank rating. Amirite?
  10. Its people leaving, not Biowares fault that there is a bunch of scared people who don't want to play arena.
  11. A job to play hide and go seek is the most garbage way to have arena I have ever seen. Fact is only stealth can get away with this cheap way to play, non-stealth can't hide in a corner and pray the acid kills the other team before dieing. Also the fact of the matter is this is arena, not lets hide don't do nothing and basically let the acid beat the team. What kinda skill is involved here hiding 2 rounds, and not doing nothing but hiding? Give me a break, Bioware needs to enforce if the time runs out and who ever has either more damage or more alive in their group that team wins. Take the stupid acid away from arena, problem fixed and these cheap azz players can stop hiding like some sissy's. /end thread
  12. A un-bubbled sage that back peddles the whole match. Actually my fav is a concealment op/scrapper that opens up on you real decent, then you come back and beat them 1 vs 1 while they are rolling away.
  13. Its the thought process I wonder why Bioware would allow stealth only to dictate a match. Bioware has handed stealth a HUGE advantage when it comes to the arena, and I am a stealth saying it. Its the biggest crock of shet thing I have ever seen, and when I see these kids doing it really makes me angry that a system is in place where stealth can out last a full group just because they can hide and wait for the stupid acid to appear. Serious its garbage to the max and if any of you think its funny to outlast people, never mind I won't get banned for what I want to say. /end rant
  14. You lucky sob, I remember screaming over those dam bags haha. I miss Illum dailys geting into huge pvp wars. I think its bs they took it away, actual open world pvp was ok there. Unless you have a toaster for a computer.
  15. If you only knew how hard it was back in the Battlemaster/Warhero days.. Bioware catered to the crybaby crowd of casuals, back in the day the grind was horrific, not to mention those that farmed Illum for valor was WAY ahead of casuals. I actually miss those days TBH.
  16. Makavelithug

    Ranked Huttball

    Yes ranked huttball. Please and ty.
  17. I agree, there is hope just takes people to care.
  18. I know, 3 fleets and no q pops is retarded. I think the problem is, 1. Guilds that have a guild leader have no direction, and its members wonder around making alts and not caring. 2. Those that want to do ranked don't understand how to start, meaning communication and being social on a teamspeak with some strangers. 3. People are scared, and make excuses like not being fully mini-maxed perfect. This is what should happen, and once I am 55 and ready I am going to contribute on a huge scale, cause hell this server needs people like me that gives a ****. 1. Become social with the top zerg guilds, like for instance Boss, Killface, ect. Its leaders and officers should be reaching out to guild leaders, and forming a chat or allowing access to vent where groups can be formed. 2. The republic like Dont Panic and Synergy should allow access to sith leaders and together form up some communication bond that way people Q non-stop and know its popping. 3. Stop being scared, stop making excuses, make friends and beat each other to death for epeen. I know this would take some work, and by all means I am sure some things like this has been going on. I honesty think these guilds and self proclaimed pvpers are scared and are lazy and are in bad guilds with suck *** guild leaders. The system to q for rated and make a name is there, its up to people to make it work not bioware. What a sad bunch of lazy *** people, get off your high horse and make a name for yourself. Bads. ps. Don't tell me I am the only one that sees the bs, how hard can it be to go to social, who, type in guild, and see who is on, whisper, and makes things happen. If guilds are dodging and are scared then they need to go to a RP server and stop wasting time haha.
  19. Can't be as bad as geting mauled for 11k, amirite?
  20. For your FYI, Wildstar is already geting horrible reviews. http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/06/12/e3-2013-not-so-wild-about-wildstar/ Here is a quote in there, " I thought I was playing World of Warcraft with Guild Wars 2's combat with bad controls. There, I said it. " See you when you get back folks, I give it about 2 weeks maybe a month..
  21. I would be madness assassin in a heart beat if they would make it viable. Wishful thinking.
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