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Everything posted by DaroxSKSKSKSKSKS

  1. Oh they "can" do that. Except it's more profitable for them to just pump out superficial stuff, since they know people will buy it. If enough of us get together and demand more root-core changes, I assure you they will see our point. They'll have to, or the game will start losing population. Don't forget we, the community, are the ones keeping them going at all. So we have the power to steer the direction the game is headed. So yes, do I want full open-world experience? Yes. Do I want less map-restrictions? Definitely. I can't see that as anything but a good thing, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Besides, after all this time, the game engine itself needs a full overhaul. Better yet, move to a newer engine. So while they're overhauling it, they may as well make it less restrictive.
  2. After all these years, I think it's time for classes to gain some more variety. Here are some suggestions: // Bounty Hunters // Soldier Of Fortune: (in game description) This mid-range skirmisher specializes in rapid burst attacks with a variety of charged flechette munitions. At the same time, his ability to set different types of mines and various traps for area denial, means he is capable of systematically cutting off his prey's avenues of escape, while he closes in for a kill. Mainhand: Scattergun Offhand: Generator Armor: Medium Effective combat rotation range - 20 meters (basically a cross between Merc and PT) Spec: DPS or Healer // Troopers // Combat Engineer: (in game description) These versatile combatants prefer to operate at medium range, using a variety of specialized munitions, to launch rapid burst attacks. Also capable of deploying different types of autotargeting turrets to cover a given area, a Combat Engineer can strike at the enemy from multiple vectors at once. Mainhand: Scattergun Offhand: Generator Armor: Medium Effective combat rotation range - 20 meters (a cross between Commando and Vanguard) Spec: DPS or Healer // Inquisitors // Sith Alchemist: (in game description) The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. For a Sith Alchemist, those limits are made to be tested. Mastering the ancient arts of dark force alchemy, these powerful Force wielders can literally alter their own bodily structure, giving them powers of transformation into avatars of the Dark Side, capable of withstanding tremendous punishment, while dealing death and destruction to those foolish enough to stand in their way. Also, they can use their corruptive influence on their surroundings, to raise various forms of Sithspawn, to aid them in battle, whether offensively, or by replenishing their own life force. Mainhand: Vibrosword or Electrostaff Offhand: Focus/Shield Armor: Light Effective combat rotation range: 4m (but their minions can attack outward to 20 meters) Spec: Tank or Healer // Consulars // Jedi Purifier: (in game description) The Living Force binds the universe together. As willing conduits of the Living Force, Jedi Purifiers are the ones whose connection to it is the strongest. They can call upon the Living Force, to imbue their own bodies with extraordinary fervor and resilience, making them its living avatars, able to resist tremendous punishment in battle, while unleashing righteous judgement on all those who would seek to subvert the will of the Living Force, for their own ends. At times of great peril, their commitment to the will of the Living Force is rewarded, with the Purifiers being able to summon it's own avatars, to aid them in battle, whether offensively, or by replenishing their own life force. Mainhand: Vibrosword or Electrostaff Offhand: Focus/Shield Armor: Light Effective combat rotation range: 4m (but their minions can attack outward to 20 meters) Spec: Tank or Healer Basically, all four specs would be midrange fighters, focusing on deploying/summoning/raising minions, while also being reasonably effective in direct combat.
  3. You misunderstand. The new speeders would fly over the mobs, just like taxis do, but you'd be in control of them. You obviously didn't read my whole post. With my proposed change, mount speed would be increased to 400-600%, and they'd fly over the mobs, you couldn't be knocked down anymore.
  4. That's one way of looking at it. But it's that desire for simplicity and convenience over gameplay immersion that makes Bioware continually dumb down and simplify the game. I guess you have to ask yourself is convenience worth losing all the potential you could have, from exploring a truly open world? You can always stop at a safe zone and get coffee, after all.
  5. I really like the Tacticals idea. The premise to change the way you play your spec. But there's too few of them, and the changes are incremental at best. You should make Tacticals have more an effect on the abilities. For example, ones that completely replace the dot ticks in dot specs, with more immediate burst effects, or the reverse, tacticals for burst specs that turn some of their bursts to dots, and change the way you play them, more sustain for less burst. Just a couple of examples. Or for tanks, Guardian/Jugg tanks for example, make it so there's a Tactical that extends the duration of Saber Ward to 24 sec, and speeds up the cooldown, but nerfs it's power, making it a less potent, but more ready-on-demand DcD. Another example off the top of my head. I could think of plenty more, if I gave it some more thought, but you get the idea. You could also make Tacticals that outright replace certain abilities with different ones, giving each class and spec a lot more variety and customization. Even make a kind of "sub-tacticals", a smaller modifiers that modifiy each specific ability for their chosen class/spec (what you have now is good, brings some fresh air, but there's so much more potential in Tacticals, in my opinion). Also, please make them accessible at lower levels then 75, make them an integral part of the whole leveling process, maybe as craftable accessories (different crafting skills-dependent, for each class the tactical is for) so we can build our own custom-specs around them. I like the premise. But it could be expanded upon so much more. So... more Tacticals, please! Regards
  6. I can't be the only one who thinks Sages and Shadows throw way too much rocks and debris around. Usually conjuring them out of thin air, especially in an all-metallic environment like a ship. Which is quite a trick, but it doesn't make it any less silly. Where do all those rocks come from?! https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Electric_Judgment Enter the Electric Judgement! A Light Side force power that is similar to Force Lightning, but used by the Jedi. You wouldn't even need to do much. Just retexture/reshade Force Lightning (and it's derivatives), into various shades of green and yellow, make up new interesting-sounding names, and replace the rock-throwing with it. Regards
  7. Self explanatory. I'd like to see all taxi speeders removed from the game, and replaced by just people flying their own mounts to different places, at increased speeds (i'm thinking 400-600% speed increase). What's the point of those taxi's anyway? It's not like we can't find our own way around the planetary maps. It would add an entirely new dimension to the game. You could add new secret places/datacron locations for players to discover, new hidden quests/heroic areas, etc. And exhaustion zones, like on Tatooine - what's the point of that? Immersion-breaking to the extreme. You can just make the whole map open, and let people fly around as they see fit. Give a real feel of a vast desert planet! Again, potential for new secret places, new finds, new quests, etc. Make it more fun to explore! Regards
  8. Something that honestly bothered me ever since level-capping first made an appearance. I understand why was it implemented, but it brought its own set of problems. Mastery and Power boosts are completely useless on capped planets, since they don't have any "room" to work. Same with high-Endurance gear, since max health is also capped. That makes a large portion of gear types only functional on non-capped planets (end planets). I think level (and health and power) caps on planets should be removed, and the whole leveling power-curve rebalanced. I'm not suggesting going back to the old system (that was terrible too), I'm suggesting a whole new approach: 1) Smooth out the power-curve. Right now, the curve is exponential. From lvl1 to 50, you have a relatively nicely consistent curve. From 50 to 55, it starts to get exponentially steeper each level. From 55 to 65, it's getting much steeper, to a point that a lvl65 player has over twice the health/damage of a lvl55 one. Same from 65 to 70 and 70 to 75. This brings out the necessity to cap the lower level planets, since the power level of max-level players is so high it would be completely unbalanced. My proposed solution - smooth it out. Make the curve a, well, curve, not a escalating mountain peak. Right now, 306 geared players can reach close to 300k health and over 7k damage, which is ridiculous, even compared to lower ranked same level gear. To say nothing of lower levels. You already have a pretty good power curve, from levels 1 to 50 (the base game). So why not continue from there? Make it a constant curve all the way from lvl 1 to 75, and you have a nicely balanced curve. That way, you will eliminate the insane power-creeping that exists right now. Obviously, to accomodate the extra 25 levels over 50, you'd have to make the curve even more gentle (which would only make differences between planets less pronounces, and help solve the problem). Basically, in hard numbers: A level 1 player should have a max health of about 800 hps (same as now). A level 75 player should have a max health of about 25,000 hps (same as current lvl 50 players, with lvl50 gear). Same range for damage, etc. And make the curve escalate slowly and steadily, across the levels, from 1 to 75. Slowly increasing. So, this would solve half the problem. The power-creep. But the other half is something that goes back to before the level-cap implementation. Which brings me to my second point: 2) Lower-leveled players being completely unable to damage higher-leveled ones. This was a big thing back in the time before level caps. Even discounting the damage output disparity, a lower leveled player was mostly unable to do any damage to a higher leveled one, it would be "resisted" (as far as i remember the floating text messages I used to get). That was the crux of the problem (even now, when a lower level player tries to atttack a high-level training dummy, you get the "resisted" float). Why not get rid of that entirely? What's the point of that at all? Make it so even a level 1 player can do damage to a lvl 75 one, without the "resisted" thing happening. Basically, make it so everyone can damage everyone else, regardless of level. Lower level players would still be at a disadvantage, but not nearly as much of one (since they would be able to damage the high-levels consistently, and since the power-curve would be much gentler to begin with). The disadvantage would be there, but it wouldn't be insurmountable. And it would add a measure of accomplishment, to leveling experience, as a player will be able to experience at each level, their increasing experience and competence. Case in point: In general chat, no matter which server, so many people ask "what's the quickest way to level to max". What's the fastest way to skip past all the capped-out nonsense, and get to the "real" experience, past all the "irrelevant" lower planets? To me, that demonstrates graphically, the drawback of level-caps. They are an artificial reminder to us all, that the only game content that really "matters", is what happens at the uncapped endgame worlds. There is no need for level caps. I firmly believe that. If the leveling curve was more sensible, and the artificial limitations the lower levels have against higher ones were removed. Anyway, sorry for the wall of text, but this is an issue I thought about quite a bit, and I believe it's my duty to present it to you in a concise way. I hope you'll consider it and perhaps implement my suggested changes, so we can all enjoy this great game more. Regards
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