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Everything posted by ebinhovdloca

  1. yes it will "Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game? No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players. At 7.0’s launch there will be no moddable gear awarded above level 306" not even 334 gear is moddable, only 336 gear will be, 336 gear is max gear in 7.0 and every1 will have access to it by "upgrade ceilings rise" it just means that the paths that dont have 336 gear available will have it raised until they reach 336
  2. i play both games and i still find and raid with ppl that arent tryhard or elitist, elitists or tryhards will exist in any game on any circumstance, yes playing the content because u enjoy it would be nice, if the content would be updated regularly which it isnt
  3. next year BiS gear wont even be available for any1 7.0 launch will only have 330 gear, not 336
  4. "Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game? No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players. At 7.0’s launch there will be no moddable gear awarded above level 306" guess you gotta wait just like every1 else BiS gear wont even come out with 7.0
  5. you were given more than a bone you will have access to BiS gear and mod vendor just not at launch
  6. very good way to misrepresent both ppl and twist it to your own opinion, person #1 also felt entitled to everything just because they pay for the subscription, no1 felt offended because the game doesnt provide cosmetic or gear rewards in high tier content, they got offended when they got called elitist by wanting something unique for the content they love doing even if its just cosmetic (like pvp ranked seasons)
  7. crafting gear has been wiped out for ages, crafting armorings/hilts/mods in 6.0 is a waste u get dozens of them per day
  8. because they are doing harder content SM is balanced to 318 not vm or mm
  9. so why , in mutiple comments did u say u wanted it to be available to solo players? "The fact that there is gear in the game that I can not get because it is put behind grouping up with people, and NOT behind difficulty or risk, makes it extremely frustrating for my OCD as is the lack of reward for reaching the maximum" this indicates u want to be able to have access to all gear even if u dont group with ppl "The lock is behind grouping up, not behind difficulty." multiple times you mentioned you didnt want the gear to be locked behind grouping up meaning u want a solo path, multiple times your reason for wanting said path is because u pay for the sub, that is entitlement at its finest, you arent entitled to anything by paying a sub in an MMORPG
  10. you cant level a vanguard using a sniper rifle actualy xD
  11. you have been one of the most entitled ppl in this thread and you are calling other ppl entitled? your entire reason for wanting BiS gear in solo content is because you pay for the sub and u want it, thats entitlement
  12. that entire argument can be flipped on its head, max gear being available only for MM ops doesnt hurt any solo player gameplay wise, sure u might want BiS gear, then play the content that its awarded in if u dont wanna play group content just dont play an MMORPG
  13. if you can complete them now confortable in 300 gear they are easy, if they are balanced for 318 gear and u can get 326 gear in 7.0 they will be easy, there are 2 types of dificulties in MMORPG's mechanics and numbers, number difficulty is irelevant since u are overgeared for everything, MM chapters have little to no mechanics making them easy in that department as well
  14. u realy did know u can still get to 100% after 7.0
  15. "All other solo (and most multiplayer) activities for 7.0 and beyond are balanced for 318 gear" 7.0 is the expansion it doesnt mean that only 7.0 solo content will be balanced for 318, MM chapters arent balanced higher than any other story content currently u can do it in 300 gear pretty confortably and yes no1 will require R4 gear in 7.0 unless VM R4 is balanced to 334(which i doubt it will since SM r4 is balanced to 318 gear
  16. i didnt compare the grind that u needed to get it, i compared them being moved to feats of strenght the moment they removed galactic command and introduced renown, and made 258 set bonus useless at lv 75 it was obvious that in 7.0 renown would be removed and at lv 80 lv 75 gear sets would be useless u will still be able to buy 6.0 gear sets and unlock their achievments if u realy want to "Will the achievements currently categorized under "Spoils of War", the Equipment Sets and Tactical Items also be moved to the Feats of Strength category or will they still be achievable in 7.0? The Spoils of War equipment sets will no longer drop from content nor be able to be directly purchased from a vendor. As a result, the achievements will be moved to the Feats of Strength category. The sets will still be obtainable via Kai Zykken’s Random Unique Items box."
  17. so being overgeared and 1 shotting everything in your solo adventures will be fun? i never said i needed more than 326 i am in fact disappointed that NiM ops wont require BiS gear, not everything in a video game is a matter of want, when expertise gear existed you NEEDED expertise gear to be able to compete in pvp, when IR max was 224 u needed 224 for the hardest NiM fights or u would fail the dps checks
  18. you can gear up to a competitive level to complete group content since its balanced for 318 gear, having solo content and group content award the same exact gear just makes ppl unmotivated to play it 7.0 MM chapters will be balanced to 318 gear and u can get to 326 gear, it will be harder than it is now but still easier than it was when they 1st came out trying anything on the pts means nothing when gear was 1st introduced u could not even kill TC cause of the balancing errors, PTS content isnt balanced to 318 gear yet. Currently they indeed are as easy as i am implying since u dont even need 306 gear to complete them
  19. already answered to that u can do it currently with 300 gear, it used to be challenging, now it isnt
  20. why do u need to make your character stronger than 326? sure u want to, but why?
  21. should not happen because its an outlier on MMORPG's MMO= massive multiplayer online ESO BiS gear is mixed, u need crafted pieces, pieces from dungeons , pieces from raids even some pvp pieces, why are u even bringing it up if u need to do a specific dungeon to get some gear pieces?
  22. chapters can be done in 300 gear(they were challenging when they came out now they arent with tacticals and veteran edge stacks) , eternal championship is easy (even most achievments) maybe sprint champion is a little challenging, again you are playing an MMORPG, its a standard practive to have harder content give you higher tiered rating, the mere option to have BiS gear as a solo player at any point is an outlier in MMORPGs
  23. you chose to farm tech fragments and farm all gear sets, galactic command was removed it was expected everything from 6.0 to be removed as well especialy with how useless most sets were
  24. mod vendor will exist, "players like being able to overlevel their gear" why would u like to do that? just makes the game boring and unchallenging
  25. "I just want the same thing for every kind of content" should never happen in an MMORPG, swtor was probably the 1st one to do it, and yes its true that u wont need BiS gear for any content in the game if NiM is also balanced for 318(which it prob isnt) what the dev prob meant is that the SM group content is balanced for 318, but yes it is dissapointing that NiM content wont be balanced for BiS gear
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