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Posts posted by ebinhovdloca

  1. 'Clarification on gear ratings

    What is the max gear level?

    In the 7.0 release, players can upgrade up to level 330 via Legacy Master Mode Operations. The max obtainable gear level for all modes will rise over time throughout the expansion.'


    you clearly haven't read the post.



    336 will be the max gear confirmed by biochris, the ceiling will infact rise for all modes but max will be 336, not only isnt there a harder difficulty than NiM so they cant add more IR but as said it was confirmed by one of the devs




    so yes i did read the post and saw conversations on discord, max gear will be 336, modded gear will be 334 and 336 or just 336, every1 will have access to 334 and 336 will be gatekeepeed to MM R4 only, in the worst case scenario

  2. MM Nathema - Date of the vid - May 12th 2018


    Kind of old that new MM FP solo...


    if you go back and read the post that lead to this response one of the fps requested was nathema the other was copero, nathema was just the easy to find




    solo meridian



    solo enclave

  3. What are you talking about? It's called pinnacle gear, it's how you get the highest gear score, boost your light level all that jazz.


    gear cap and BiS are 2 different things, currently gear cap is 306 but there are multiple mods that are 306 that arent BiS

  4. It will never be BiS, that is how the whole system works as Bioware has described it, only MM+ players will have access to the new highest level of gear. Every time they bump up the gear cap, they also bump up the max gear cap so as it stands anyone who isn't a raider will never truly have BiS.


    you clearly havent read the post


    336 will be the higheeest gear in 7.0


    modded gear will either be 334 and 336 or just 336


    "Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game?

    No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players. At 7.0’s launch there will be no moddable gear awarded above level 306"


    so if 330 gear will be the max on 7.0 launch and no1 will have modded gear that means modded gear will be 334 or 336 and every1 will eventualy have modded gear so worst case scneario every1 will have 334 and ppl that do MM R4 will have 336

  5. That is what I am saying, just look at this season of Destiny 2, they have had more players than ever in that nightmare that is Trials of Osiris because they made changes that let casual players into it. Overnight it took a dying game mode and made it one of the most popular game modes. I don't know why so many people thing "Progression Raiding" is so good, its an old and outdated system.


    if it was outdated the most successful MMORPG's would not keep using it

    you keep using destiny 2 when destiny 2 doesnt even have BiS gear

  6. Actually no it is not just that. It has solo content. If players are just doing solo content, they are just as vital to a MMO's ecosystem as group players. If this wasn't true no MMO would have solo content. Many of them have solo endgame content.


    The days of endgame for MMOs only being group is long past. It also definitely has not been Swtor's practice since the beginning. The major expansions always bring solo content and it is the focus. Even Legacy of the Sith is about the story way more than the group content.


    Swtor does bear the label MMORPG but it has always been the most solo friendly of all of them. It's strengths and draw have always centered around solo play.


    never said u didnt need solo content, but if u only had solo content just make a single player game, the only reason they are adding BiS gear for all paths is because of how friendly this game is to solo players yet ppl still take it for granted.

    Most MMORPG's wont even give you access to BiS gear if you dont play the hardest content

  7. I think I'll cancel my sub.


    The new itemization is a disaster, period!:mad::mad::mad:


    Additionally I'm fed up with people (elitists) telling me what I need and what I don't need.:mad::mad:


    I'm playging solo, fp, pvp and op, but I won't start doing any NIM!


    I'm too old for things like that and if I want to learn something I'll attend a school or in my case an university!


    By the way most of our guild members have started to rethink their sub, too.


    u can have BiS gear just by playing solo content its just a TIMED exclusive

  8. This is my last time responding to you because it's a waste of time...


    Go sit in your elitist chair and sip your elitist coffee while you watch some elitist television programming... or w/e, I don't care.


    You are embarrassing yourself, you just don't realize it.


    so thats your argument? all u can do is insult some1 online when they show you that you will have access to BiS gear? it was just be a TIMED exclusive to R4 ops?

  9. I'm not the first to say this, but there is something of a compromise that I see as best type of system...


    BiS gear should be crafted BoE, but require unbound mats that only drop in the "hardest content". Everyone has access AND harder content is more rewarding.


    edit: it also makes crafting relevant


    but why would u want that when every path will have at least 334 and BiS will be 336

  10. If you think the game was at it's lowest during Ossus, then either you are new or haven't been paying attention. Go back to the days after launch when all we had was Illum. That's the lowest point in the game's history.


    I think the loss of Pvp players is more complex than just the removal of expertise. Just ask the community. There is a laundry list of complaints and I would reduce their issues to just that.


    GSF, especially with the conquest focus, has also seen more interested players really trying it. An increase in players is going to bring good and bad.


    As to raids, that kind of peaked around the Dread Ops and has been dropping ever since. You saw a huge departure after the SoR ops and that long stretch. Kotfe really was the nail in that coffin. The community has been on the decline ever since really. Honestly it was never that big to begin with. I mean progression raiders. You have always folks that will hop into a story Op once the guides are out.


    Still even back in the old days, there has been a sizable portion of the game that will never touch group content.


    You say that " a game being heailthy doesnt just mean a bunch of players, swtor was never in risk of shutting down due to lack of players" So what is your definition of a healthy game? I am betting it involves specific tastes in MMOs. My stance is simple, a MMO without enough players is a dead game. Swtor's pop drops enough or it stops making enough money they will shut it down. It's in our best interest, if you like the game, to keep it a popular as possible.


    game was bad at the start cause u had no f2p option and no trial , after the f2p option was added i havent seen anything lower than ossus

  11. If you can't get BiS gear without completing NiM content, then you obviously don't need it for any content in the game. On the other hand, how you you know the skill level of the people that I helped gear up? How can you say they didn't need it if you don't know that?


    skill is irelevant , content is balanced to a certain IR, getting anything above that isnt needed

  12. I have only ever played this game and FFXIV, and I hated FFXIV because it was too much of a gear grind, so I gave all of my stuff to another player, and quit that game. I want to avoid the desire to quit this game, and so I am speaking out now.


    Also, I don't care what other people do to gear up. That doesn't affect me.


    All that I care about is that they have the gear that they need when grouping up with me.


    In the past we got people geared up by running them through content, and letting the have all of the gear drops. It didn't matter to me that it was easier for them to get the gear than it was for me. I was just glad that they had it.


    need is a strong word, since no1 will actualy need BiS gear, and yet every1 will still have access to it, how was FF a gear grind?

  13. Why? What benefit does that actually accomplish?


    I will tell you what it doesn't do. Guarantee that folks will bother with it. Many ignore Ops for the very reason that they are group only.


    So in what way does this stance benefit the game?


    if ppl ignore the content because its group only they have no interest in playing an MMORPG

    its obvious what group content accomplishes multiple players playing together thats exactly what an MMORPG is

  14. One thing we agree on. But this shouldn't be fixed with a crap gearing design.

    Most flashpoints are extremely exploited and broken. Fix the flashpoints and you will have less problems, this system they are moving to is just neglecting the actual problems.



    *edit - forgot the /spit


    if its that crappy why is it sucessful in the most popular MMORPG's? In those u cant even have access to BiS gear, in swtor u will have access to at least 334 gear in all paths

    most of the successful MMORPG's just make you do a specific raid/boss over and over again until you get the specific BiS piece for that slot

  15. Pvp has had those and similar issues long before 6.0 for one or some variation or them. Kotfe massively inflated them. Look back at the win trading issues. GSF may have more less skilled pilots but new people are playing it. It's been dead for whole long.


    The token system was also use when the game was at it lowest.


    Swtor, especially since the Steam launch has been growing again. Play your way has keep folks around. 7.0 is going to loose players that's not good for anyone.


    game was at its lowest with 258 gear(ossus gear)


    a game being heailthy doesnt just mean a bunch of players, swtor was never in risk of shutting down due to lack of players, pvp has been getting less and less players since expertise was removed, gsf was never active and with 6.0 just added suicides making the experience worse for the players that actualy enjoy them ops not having higher gear lead to less ppl wanting to get into SM then VM making the game have less and less raiders

    if 6.0 had been that sucessful they would not undo most of what 6.0 did( only thing thats being kept is tacticals)

  16. No, people are not asking to get anything for free. First off, the people complaining are paying customers, and second, they are willing to put in an effort to get what they want, they just want to chose the content that they participate in to earn it.


    a paying customer in an MMORPG , again you will be able to play whatever content u want and get BIS gear, u are taking for granted the basic fact that even having access to good gear as a solo players is rare in this genre

  17. A player can be good at the game right?


    We have tons of content in the game that used to be group that's now solo-able. Let's be clear you could solo those flashpoints well before we went play your way. So a gated gearing system wasn't the issue at all.


    Content being labeled group shouldn't be some sort of holy dogma.


    you can be the best player in the game that does not mean you should be able to solo group content, the reason u can solo group content is because ur character is way too overpowered(companions as well)


    group content should be literally impossible to do solo

  18. So we still have to wait half a year, maybe a year to get moddable gear? And even then the ceiling will continually raise. The points you are making are dumb and wrong.




    the ceiling is 336 the modded gear will be 334 if you wait half a year for 334 thats what every1 else will wait as well 334 isnt coming for any1 at launch.

  19. That's a broad assumption. Companies make bad decisions. Even by that logic why would they return to a system that the game was using when not at it's peak? This is just a reskinning of the token system the game has had for most of it's life. In fact let's take it a step further, token gear with Ops gates is the gearing system the game has had at it's lowest points. Why go back to that? 6.0 may not have been the peak but it's been pretty healthy.


    We know this doesn't encourage group content or player retention, so why go back to this?


    6.0 hasnt been healthy at all , outside of solo, u have pvp players standing still for season rewards, gsf players running into walls over and over again, token system was used when the game was at its peak, the game losing players had nothing to do with gear decisions just the slow release of content , 5.0 was healthy as well with an awful gearing system (ossus farm)

  20. So you need higher rating gear that is exclusive modify option for... not an advantage?


    "Is the only way we can get moddable gear is if we can clear VM 80 OP? Is there no more min/maxing for players who can't clear the hardest content in game?

    No. Over time, as upgrade ceilings raise with new game updates, moddable gear will be accessible to all players. At 7.0’s launch there will be no moddable gear awarded above level 306"

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