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Posts posted by Preminous

  1. Another question for you, Eric, and maybe you addressed it and I missed it.


    What about Cartel Market stash? The current limit is like 500. Let's say I have 265 items in my Pack Explorer on Ebon Hawk and 280 on Shadowlands. Will I lose items from Pack Explorer? Will I not be able to get more stuff from the Cartel Market? I'm assuming you are going to merge the Pack Explorer so it's all in there, but what are the ramifications of that, if any?



  2. Eric, hopefully you can help me out on this. The language states:


    "Legacy Perk – For each character that reaches Command Rank 300, we will automatically add an additional 25% bonus CXP to your entire Legacy up to a maximum of 100%. You do need to purchase the initial 25% perk, but the additional 75% will be free. And, YES, this Perk is retroactive, so you will immediately benefit once we deliver United Forces Foundation."


    Does this mean if I get three characters + purchase the perk, I get +100% CXP? Or do I have to have 4 to get the +100% CXP?



  3. I have a couple of questions for the team, and maybe these have been answered, but alas, I have missed them.


    #1 Are we still going to get Command Crates from running Heroics?


    #2 Is the Influence we have with the Alliance crew (Hylo, Oggurobb, etc) going to make any impact to the story?

  4. Please let us store the armor set boxes in our legacy storage. This used to work before - but now it's saying "Invalid Item Type for this Container." However, if I open the box and get the individual pieces, I can store those. Is there a reason for this change that I'm unaware of?
  5. I pretty much agree with the above.


    The voice acting is both a blessing and a curse. It's really neat to get to watch your character actually speak the dialogue, especially when you hear the tone of voice they're said in.


    I've always wanted a third faction. Four new classes that can even be mirrors of the Pub/Imp side. But something like, a warrior who doesn't use a lightsaber but uses vibroswords. Maybe part of the Mandalorian faction?


    I don't know, but it's really not going to happen anyway. Too much time and production put into it.

  6. ....


    I don't like pvp, I actually hate pvp, and I never ever want to participate in that BS. As long as you pvp'ers stick to your bunch, I'm OK with it, but this constant "let's force everyone else into pvp so we can gank noobs"-BS makes me wish all pvp content would be erased from the game, just so that people stop making these stupid suggestions.



  7. Yep...


    Frankly, there is a market for that stuff, if you like it, go find those games, SWTOR isn't it. If it became it, for every one of the OP it would gain, it would lose ten of me.


    This. I would cancel my sub the very day this came out and never look at SWTOR again.


    Go play on a PvP server. There are like two planets and one fleet you can't gank on. Other than that, have a go at it with people who also share your idea of "fun" from Taris to Yavin (or Balmorra to Yavin depending on your allegiance.) I am sure the thrill of killing a level 16 is comparable to killing a level 10 when you're level 60

  8. Personally, I think an un-flagged person should not be able to participate in any PvP unless they manually turn on the PvP flag.


    For our purposes, Person A has their flag on. Person B does not.


    Grouping - One sends an invitation to the other to join group. Person B gets an error message that states, "Person A has their PVP flag on. You may only group with Person A if you turn on your flag. Would you like to turn your PvP flag on now?"


    Buffing - Person B tries to buff Person A. Person A receives no heals or buffing. Person B receives a message that states, "Person A is flagged for PvP. You must turn on your PvP flag to heal or buff them."


    Randomly walking into PvP zone - This is fine, IMO, because it gives you a 10 second warning.


    Auto-flagging - Person A is a stealth class. They sneak up behind a mob. Person B uses an AOE attack on mob. Mob is damaged, nothing happens to Person A.


    Disable the use of Guard on attackable NPCs.


    When using Group Finder, for ops or flashpoints, Person A's flag is automatically turned off for the duration that they are in the instance. Once they are out of the instance, they can turn the flag back on.


    All PvE quests are in PvE areas only. I'm looking at you, HK-51 Quest.


    These are relatively simple changes that distance PvE only players from PvP. And it puts the majority of the onus on the PvE player.

  9. Not sure how feasible this is, but...


    I think one of the most iconic scenes in the Star Wars movies, is where we see Obi-Wan and Darth Vader engaged in a lightsaber duel, fighting aboard the Death Star, right before Darth Vader "kills" Obi-Wan. (I know, I forgot to put Spoiler Alert! :p)


    I think it would be neat if there was a decoration where, if you have a Jedi Knight and a Sith Warrior, you can have a moving statue of the two fighting with lightsabers.


    This would only be cool if:

    1) They were characters from your legacy

    2) It carried over the outfit you were wearing.

    3) Was not a hologram

    4) Kept the lightsaber colors.


    I suppose this could be cool too if you had one for like Smuggler and IA too, both behind boxes shooting at each other.


    Just a thought!

  10. I was just thinking about this, this morning. I'm a big collector of outfits and uniforms.


    We should have the ability to have female and male mannequins (selected of course) and of course. Oooo...and maybe racial mannequins!


    Bioware, we need this!

  11. Sadly, I doubt they will do this.


    MMOs generate money based on time spent in the game. So anything they can do that can slow you down is implemented so that you have to play longer.


    This is why they have things like elevators and speeders where you don't do anything, but you have to wait for it. They even do it with small things. For instance, have you ever noticed that a lot of times when you run through a door, there's a solid wall in front of you that you have to run around to get to the other side? Most sane people wouldn't build a building like this in real life, even for aesthetic purposes, but you seem them ALL the time in SWTOR. Why? Because it takes you a few seconds longer to run around that wall every time. And then you add up all of the seconds that each player who goes there has to spend...you have hours and hours!


    All of that to say, I wouldn't look for this to be fixed. It subtracts money from EA and as you know, that's a cardinal sin in their eyes.

  12. I think the reason we aren't getting any details is because Strongholds is still on the horizon. They haven't released that yet. They want us all to not just gloss over Strongholds and be focused on the other expansion. Frankly, I've seen a lot of people look at Strongholds and glaze over it. There's the potential for the guild flagships to be interesting, but playing the Sims in a galaxy far, far away doesn't have a lot of people jumping up and down.


    In fact, the thing I'm most looking forward to in Strongholds is the legacy vault for all of my crafters.

  13. I got excited reading about this...


    And then I remembered it was only a suggestion.


    Devs, pay attention to this! More storyline content! And it doesn't have to all be about the Empire/Republic War!


    This might also be a really cool thing if they put it in for the level 30-35 range. Something to break up Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 for fun.

  14. I'm not a fan of this suggestion. I like seeing what other people are wearing.


    However, if they did implement this, I can see the next request. "We should have a list of people that we can add their name on to that they can always inspect my gear." Then the next one is, "We should have the option to have our entire legacy be able to be added to the list."


    It's just never-ending work for the devs. I say, leave well enough alone.

  15. I like the idea. When I read the initial thread title I was thinking of some guy relaying news.


    "This just in, while on Ord Mantel, yet another Smuggler's ship was stolen..."


    "Uh-oh, it looks like Darth Baras has really cheesed off the Emperor's Wrath this time..."


    "The Dread Masters escaped from their prison on Belsavis...it is uncertain how this was accomplished or who was involved but authorities are looking into the mass escape."


    or it could be chat radio,


    "Caller, you're on the air."


    "Yes, I just wanted to complain about how Juggernauts are OP."


    "Oh yes. We've had comments about this a time or two. Go ahead..."



  16. yeah I bet its wonderful you have won those battles, but all your enemies were not force sensitive. Im just saying how the hell can I be sniped with my reflexes, you would think a sniper is better with a still target, now you seem to have a force sensitive at dead lock aim.


    Ummm...I said my enemies were sages. Those are Force-Sensitive.


    You have awesome reflexes. But my aim is better.


    You might think of adding defense and absorb augments. Might help you.

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