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Everything posted by BarrinMarshall

  1. Apparently we have overly biased judgements and generalizations of the player base who have a differing opinion than yourself as well. Sheesh Last time BW focused on story to the exclusion of all the other MMO aspects of the game was launch and we know how that turned out. WZ's and OPS and whatnot may be coming in mid 2016 or whatever but for folks who ALSO enjoy competitive PVP and OPS this is not the reboot we're looking for. Look, we all love the story to varying degrees, obviously, but some of us need more than tweaks every year to help scratch our itch, know what I mean? P.S. Stop throwing out your judgements on the player-base.
  2. The only post I've ever read of yours that I agree with!
  3. I started on Harb couple years ago, right after the APAC servers got merged with us. Due to that fact, we have WZ pops day and night server time. I know some people have lag/latency issues for whatever reason but I would encourage you to take advantage of 12xXP and roll an alt on Harb. Level him up to 20 or so and then dive into lowbies and test it out for yourself. One thing I can PROMISE you is constant pops regardless of the day or night. Plus, Harbinger is the most populated server in game in case you like to split your time with PVE content as well. Come check it out, you'll be pleasantly surprised methinks.
  4. There is NO STRUGGLE. Come to Harbinger, It's the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you, your love for 24/7 PVP is strong. GIVE YOURSELF TO THE DARK SIDE!
  5. This is as accurate a breakdown as you can get. There are great aspects of the game but there are also neglected elements as well. If you have fun, then play, otherwise move on.
  6. Tux, he has been apologizing... he's been the most vocal Apologist on these fourms during that 3-1/2 years. Only time he went into semi-retirement was when he participated in the Ravager exploit and kinda/sorta stopped with the blind BW defense drivel. All of that was documented in that mega thread concerning the Ravagers exploit and BW's action on it if you want good reading. For a more recent laugh, Infernixx posted that TOR is going back to a sub based model and getting away from the F2P/Cartel Market model. I mean can u believe that nonsense? The post is a few pages back in this thread.
  7. So much this. Roll an alt on Harb guys and check it out. I think you will be surprised at the amount of population and the consistant WZ pops we have at every hour of the day. Just make your alt over here and level to 20 or so and dive into lowbies to check out your ping. Give it a chance.
  8. First off, stop with your judgemental statements, no one cares and your not in any position to pass judgement on anyone. Second, even I must agree that you possess some amount of intelligence, otherwise how could you so skillfully dodge the obvious? This cheap transfer thing is BW's PR job to contain negative hype about this shrinking/constricting game. Sure there may be some returning players but if populations were stable, they wouldn't be implementing this. If returning subs were overtaking the people leaving numbers wise, they wouldn't be implementing this. If pops on the PVP servers haven't dropped to the "uncomfortable" level, they wouldn't be implementing this. The players on the PVP servers have been yelling about pops for quite a while now and BW hasn't even given one acknowledgement of any kind regarding the issue and out of frustration, those players pony up their cash to transfer to fix the gaming problem and now this? They have every right to be frustrated. BW should have jumped on this months ago. And don't come back with this "We're getting a new x-pack, the game isn't shrinking crap" because it most assuredly is and this new x-pack is coming at the expense of EVERY OTHER FACET OF THIS GAME NOT GETTING ANY NEW CONTENT. PVP-Been what, a year since the last WZ map? No mention of anything else coming down the pipeline either...so it's going to end up being what 2 years for some content here, maybe more? GSF- LOL Raiding- Only thing to happen BEFORE q2 of 2016 is the old ops getting upgraded to 65... so just throw a couple 00's on the end of old boss hitpoints and just re-hash everything. Swell. See the IGN interview with Hickman and McClean for confirmation on timing.
  9. I've got some to add to your post Zion. This new x-pack is going to really polarize the community for good or for bad. The changes to everything and the non-existent OPS or PVP content (at least for the rest of 2015 according to Jeff Hickman) is going to split the player base. The raiders and PVP'ers are leaving and the RPG story guys are prolly gonna stick around for a bit. If BW just came out and spilled the entire beans, people could then determine if they were gonna stay or un-sub and go. By dribbling out info, it keeps most hanging around sub wise until they confirm the stuff you don't like and then decide to bail out. This is a pure business decision, not a propaganda one. E3 is where everyone spills the beans and pimps out their new projects, it's the one time you sell you game with everything you got, not purposefully withhold most of the info, especially with a release date that's only a couple months away.
  10. You voice my concerns as well. I think the PVP changes coming next patch were nothing more than a giveaway due to the fact that no new PVP content is coming this year, maybe next, but definitely not before Jan 1st 2016. Right now, I don't even feel like logging in and doing anything. Grind gear? For what? PVP? For what? Max companion affection? For what?
  11. Your a joke man. Only one aspect of the game is getting supported by Jan 1st 2016... that's single player story. GSF, Conquests, OPS and PVP are getting backburnerned as far as new content is concerned till spring of 2016+.... don't believe me, then read the IGN interviews with head producer jeff hickman and that McClean guy. As a parting prize, they are going to re-tune the old FPS and OPS to lvl 65.... you know, the stuff you've already run 600000000 times..... have a nice day.
  12. sorry Raf, your pleasantly naïve to say the least. Story, yes we're getting that. Every single thing else in the game is getting backburnered tlll spring 2016... everybody has to determine if that fits with their game plan or not.
  13. Once again the community thanks you for adding absolutely nothing to the discussion, positive or negative, and for trolling at every possible opportunity. Stop posting, thanks.
  14. Bran, read the interview with Hickman and McClean. There's threads and quotes all over the forums and tell me that that is not what they said and my obvious paraphrase of the interview is completely wrong.
  15. Well since you opened a line about PVP'ers and their rage with an antagonistic, insulting, generalization, I thought I would throw one out there as well. After all, in the scheme of things, the White Knight Defenders, Bio-drones and Apologists are just as damaging to this game as the doomsayers. And this thread is FULL of people defending a x-pack where the details are sketchy except for a quote from the producers that basically says "OPS and PVP content are backburnered till 2016, but we'll scale up the content you've ran 6000000 times before and we'll make PVP gear cheaper to get as you log in and replay the same warzones for the 6000000000th time. Everything else is pure speculation and just blind BW defense cause you want to believe, so in comes my reference about delusional apologists. Get it?
  16. Ain't no delusion like Apologist delusion as well.
  17. Mighty, your posts throughout this thread are the only logical and grounded posts in here. Nice to see someone who gets it. We need to cut through all the hype and just call a spade, a spade. Whether that's good or bad is up to each individual player. Personally, I'm not sticking around for ANOTHER YEAR waiting for PVP to get injected with some content/life.
  18. Don't worry, he has NEVER added any intelligent post to any thread he's ever responded to. He comes on here to troll, antagonize or harass without ever putting forth any kind of solution or positive work-around for anything so your assessment of him is quite accurate.
  19. Well bro, it was just an example to put forward the idea of name handles and what people would think about that. Secondly, at this point, you would pretty much have to merge ALL the servers in the game together to get 30 min. log in ques
  20. Tux, what do you think about if they merged POT5 with Harbinger lets just say but as far as name conflicts goes they just assign a handle like Tux-5 or Arkianai-5 or something like that to distinguish? At least that would might just be a small irritant rather than the massive failure of forcing people to stay on a dead server or fork out a billion dollars for transfer costs or lose their established guild, guildships, strongholds, etc.? Then, as far as OPWPVP is concerned they could have 1, 2 or 3 separate instances on the planets for full on pvp. Everyone, both PVP'er and PVE'er alike could make a choice to which type of instance they want to quest through. I think, I remember reading you had an idea like this or something? I think it's sound. Meanwhile, like in every post I've responded to I want to encourage ALL who are suffering from low pop servers to give Harbinger a chance. We have constant PVP pops day and night, peeps are CONSTANTLY drilling chat for PUG OPS groups, Hell even the gold spammers send you credits for invading your privacy without cause! Check the server out with 12xXP before committing, I think you all will like it.
  21. Yeah bro, it's dirty business that Bioware hasn't at the very least, acknowledged the pop problems and handed out a token "We're working on it" response. I also think it's a raw deal for those that want a pop to play with to have to consider leaving behind their established guilds, guild ships, strongholds, etc. I would like to invite you guys over to Harbinger if you still feel like playing, we got constant pvp pops day and night and peeps are PUG'ing for various Ops at all time to. Roll some toons over here and see for yourself before you even consider throwing money at the transfer service. Wish I could do more for ya to keep ya playing but come on over dude, the pvp community welcomes you at any rate.
  22. Please guys, for the love of all that's Holy, roll some toons on Harbinger. Test out your ping, see our consistent PVP pops day and night... give the server a chance. Don't sit there and just take it, do something about it. If Harb isn't to your liking some of the other PVE servers might suffice. Use 12xXP to your advantage and find some fertile grounds. Click on one of the chaps referral links in their sig for a free transfer and lets do this man.
  23. Joe, I've always found your sarcasm and str8 forward posts hilarious dude. On a side note, come on over and roll some toons on Harbinger. I can't vouch for your ping, I don't know where your located at but one thing I WILL PROMISE YOU is that you can get PVP pops at all times of the day and night constantly. I was pvp'ing on my new Jugg who is in mid bracket from late morning, mid afternoon, even till 230 a.m. server time and the pops just keep coming. Give it a try dude, I think you'll like Harb a lot.
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