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Posts posted by YodaUnrea

  1. 5 minutes ago, CrazyScruffy said:

    Thank you Keith for popping back in. But sadly we cannot take your word for it. We cannot take it on BioWare's word or EA's word. The track record is not there. This feels more like damage control, I imagine a lot of cancelled subs have scared some people and they don't want to lose any money until they can't spin it no more

    yeah prety much, i agree with you.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    As of today,  ESO now has not 1 not 2 but 3 brand new Classes introduced in past few years ( Warden, Necromance, and now Arcanist ) .

    Yet we here at SWTOR have had exactly....zero. :(

    'Combat styles' was not only a deceptive disappointment ( from a certain point-of-view ) but also just a stop-gap replacement for the previous  "then go make an ALT!"  placating talking point.

    Heck, this is Star Wars for broom-boy's sake!  Let us have a 9th & 10th Class ( aka 1 new Class with it's factional mirror ) and while you're at it how about a 3rd "neutral" Faction too?!?!

    From a sheer SW archetype perspective, maybe something like....ohhhh i dunno.....a combo Crafter/Combatant like..... 

    *Starpilot* ( Republic ) and  *Spacestriker* ( Imperial ) ,

    with  *HUTT* being the 3rd faction augmented tier.

    ( These could also finally give @EricMusco & BioWare the legit reason to acknowledge GSF's existence and start developing it again for PVE missions & free-open-explore zones & space-mining, etc. )

    EXPAND THE GAME, before there's no game left to expand.


    I like the idea to be honets with you but let's be real ESO is a very steam line mmorpg while SWTOR is not. It lacks so many things that i am not even try to list it to make it a better mmorpg. (cuz devs dont care at all and when you voice your opnion you get banned fromt witch, from the forum, and even from the game) 

    • Sad 1
  3. i like the idea to be honest with you, i want arcan as my companion becasue due to a game delay and desync i accidently pushed the wrong dialouge button and he died and i lost him durring the play through. Skipping conversations are completly bugged and delayed filled with desyinc. And i have no chance to get him as my comp i didnt even wanted to kill him lol, i love that character.

  4. 5 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    The FBI only has jurisdiction in the United States. This game is played around the world. What do you expect them to do, form a world wide task force over a video game? heh

    And like another poster said, I'd imagine they've got bigger priorities.

    Well according to my knowledge (but i can be wrong) but cyber crime is considered a world wide crime nope? 

  5. On 6/1/2023 at 7:06 PM, Gibbanator said:

    I log into SWTOR through Steam. I have overlay on and the screenshot key is F12. I set my folder to where I want my screen shots to go but I get no screenshots when I click F12. I also looked in the default screenshot folder for SWTOR but non are there. Lastly I tried changed the F12 key to other keys but still get no screenshots. Is there something I am missing or need to turn on to get the screenshots to work?

    Use windows key pluss printscreen button combination it always works for me. 

  6. Honestly i am thankful for the work and idea you want to put into this game to fix the economy, but this will not going to work out in long terms. We all know why. What you really need to do is step in against credit sellers and buyers even if you need to make radical changes. Becasue you can put any high tax on everything you want including high travel costs etc this is not going to work out while people buying bills of credits for a dime from third party sites. in order to fix the economy you need to get your hand dirty and literaly destroy the root of the problem. 

  7. So what you are want to say you completly disagree with the whole idea of a working posible way to separate pve skills with a duplicated method so in pve the classes will be still ruined by the constant nerf weaves? while in most cases the so called class tuning is based on pvp cry outs. 

  8. 6 hours ago, GeneralGyro said:

    bioware proved they dont know how to run an mmo and the proof is the lay offs and f2p of 2012 in addition to 2m subs dipping within the first 2 years

    I agree with you, not to mention even the current game engine is still a 11 years old Alpha state hero engine ducktaped together, and the game was costed 500 million dollar. (lets face it we all see its result) 

    • Like 1
  9. all of them can working out by fine tuning those pahses mobs damage, hp etc. im not a developer just a garfick designer but i am sure this is not a mission inposibel to acomplish, hence other games did it i cannot see why this feature cannot be added to this game as well. 

  10. Sorry about background dont know why look like that.

    To answering your question it is obvious becasue the shard when you switch into another map for example to a pvp one that shard is scripted or programed to trigger player versus player interactions. basically same applies to the warzones etc as well. Those are phases in that way. So my proposal is that the duplicant skills Skills B are tuned in a way that wont effect the pve aspect of the shards, baldes, phases in a negative way. while the pvp duplicant skills do less % damages, healing. same could be apllied for dueling as well. although dueling is kind of tricky, in order to work out of pvp phase, shard, the system around dueling also needs to be programed to switch automaricly to the duplicant skills B in that case. But the general idea is the same. And it works perfectly for example in black desert online. Let me give you an example in BDO: lets say your skill Chain lightning in pve does 1.886 damage hitting 10 targets and due to that it does in best in slot gear 10X more of that damage. But when you are in pvp it does 60% or even 70% less damage becasue the skill or ability hase a duplicant version of it for pvp interaction porpuses. And same applies for every skills/abilities in that game. 

  11. Dear Bioware,

    The current state of the game is very unbearable.
    Especially the gearing system. 
    Mainly the fact that how hideous the whole currency requirements for obtaining not just one piece but to even upgrade them.
    I am very confident to say that not everyone is keen to do dailies or conquest related content for extra currencies in order to obtain a piece of gear. Well at least not me. I am a flashpoint and operation runner, i don't care about dailies or conquest nor pvp stuff. But the current gearing system needs to go. And instead bring back the 6.0 gearing system without amplifiers. Or even with amplifiers for extra credit sinking. So no more matrix and commendation currencies for gearing. It's not good, especially for newcomers. 
    Other notes:
    Due to the insane amount of nerfing between classes also needs to be stopped. Instead bring up everyone on the same scale of damage output for the best dps class.
    Why? because pve suffers from pvp cry babies nerf demands. in order to balance pvp i have a very good solution for you, duplicate every class skills For example let's say chain lightning A is pve only and chain lightning B is pvp only (including pvp and pve zones ofc)  when a player enter the pvp zone the game auto switch to in this case to the chain lightning B which does less less damage in the selected areas (pvp zones, arenas, battlegrounds etc related to pvp zones)  How to picture this? use for preference from Black Desert Online does the same method so in pve you remain strong but in pvp your skills are tuned due to duplicate skill switch method. So basically this is how you can separate pve from pvp. And you can only fine tune the duplicated pvp skills and the pve remain untouched and due to this it remains relevant and still strong enough in pve. This method would work 100% on every skill, ability, etc.
    Skill Tree:
    This is currently one of the worst development ideas ever to be honest. The 6.0 version was really good.But the current is not helping at all, sacrificing a dps output for a raid buff? honestly? Think! It is absurd! And that's just only one aspect of it that I am highlighting. So in my humble opinion that also needs to go and bring back the old one.
    Match Making in PVP:
    I think this is not a new issue but you seriously need to rethink the matchmaking system in pvp, because putting in bis geared players against lower geared players is just pure cruelty towards those players. A very good example, let's say you are in 336 or 339 and you are the only one in that same gear level in your group and your enemy group is a pre-made or something similar you end up having a very squishy scenario in pvp. so that also needs to be looked into. 
    Ignoring system is completely broken:
    When ever the case to put someone into an ignored list the game doesn't count that fact that you don't want to be in the same phase, group etc with that person you just ignored. It puts you directly against that person in pvp, flashpoints etc. This should be fixed as well.
    And now here comes the gioteene part of my suggestion.
    This will be a very sensitive topic and many people are going to get mad about it but at this point I am not going to apologise for it. And it will be very radical.
    Every account credit limit should be set down to earth. Including guilds, legacy and personal character. Legacy: To 4 bill, Guild, 4 bill, Character: 1 bill. This can help to gain control over the economic crisis in game. Because thanks to the credit sellers and the lack of actions against them clearly needs radicalisation of the economy in order to save the game from dying. This is one possibility to fix the economy issue or the second one is to start flooding the game with CC-s. (I highly doubt that bioware is going to do that at all). Unless Bioware is planning to make contact with their legal team and give them a job to eliminate every credit selling sites with lawsuits which damage the company product financially as well. Not to mention the damage that have been caused by these sites financially, bioware can demand financial compensation in court. which leeds more resources to the company and they can also invest that into the game in constructive ways to help evolving the game and up to date etc. Heavy trading taxation(GTN, Personal etc) or travel costs are not going to solve this huge issue sadly. 
    And my last recommendation is to increase the Game Masters present in the game. Or implement an agent program that monitoring every in-game action including suspicious activities as well in the background. (cheating detection etc) Because the game is flooded with them.
    Kind regards. 
    PS to my fellow player mates. Don't destroy this thread. My intention was clearly motivated to help not just Bioware to maintain some sort of long life chance for the game but also for the players as well. Just look at the steam numbers... and I am not even going to mention social media and influencers' opinions about the game in general and about their opinion about gearing and the economy.   
  12. Greetings friends and allies in the Force!


    While I can not speak neither for the game population as a whole, nor even our server at large, I am able to authoritatively speak to how some basic errors in 7.0 have negatively impacted our nearly 7,000 character member community. (Yes, we have 7 guilds nearly max on membership in each)


    The first few days saw a MASSIVE spike in returning members, player activity, logged in members, and frankly... a bunch of new recruits asking to join.


    It all died FAST!




    Well, again, many of our community gave feedback as to why they were disappointed and not going to stick around.


    1. They LOVE story, and felt they were gypped into resubbing only to find a couple hours of story and it was "all the same regardless of character".


    2. They don't want to be FORCED to repeat the same exact story, over and over and over and over in order to level up characters fast and effectively. (ie flashpoint / pvp xp vs story xp)


    3. Weekly "caps"./ gear grind. This has actually stifled many of our members that were EXTREMELY active in 6.x and now are frustrated they are being given a disincentive to play by capping their medals... combined with the extreme extent of the gear grind compared to the previous expansions.


    4. Appearance Tab. People are FURIOUS they've spent real money on weapons in the cartell market and can't use them now due to their stats bringing down their item rating. Not sure what about MMORPGs that brings out the fashion designer in everyone, but there it is.


    5. Not being able to re-spec. We're in a guild or pre-made group and we can't change our spec/roll inside a flashpoint or operations .... AND/OR we made a mistake and want to make that second class choice again.



    While we are but a microcosm of our server, and the game, we are not a small group. We've been around since SWG... going on 18 year old community guilds, with a massive history with thousand upon thousands of members.


    Help us Bioware, you're our only hope!


    A few simple and rapid fixes could really help to fix the boil here.


    Post Script. Loadouts are Wizard! Thank you!




    They gave up on this project sience 5.0 so there is literaly no hope for this game anymore. Licens will expier in this year. and i hope for the best that this game will be shut down, human resources will be reestated to other projects.

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