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Everything posted by Rudolf_Saebjorn

  1. Darth Krayt did it best. He had a whole bunch of sith with cool outfits.
  2. There were a few retcons, but the one everyone hates is the Ventress one. I am of the few that think the Clone Wars one explains things in a more logical way. Anyway, Ventress is a Rattatak. So, in the comics they made her homeworld and story take place there. It was okay, but the issue was who trained her as a sith. Also, the arena from the Clone Wars mini show is on Rattatak. It would be weird if she lived right next door. In the Clone Wars, she is from Rattatak, but gets taken away for Jedi training. That answers two of my problems right there. Then, she goes with the nightsisters (who use the dark side). The Clone Wars version is better in my opinion.
  3. Krayt did not worry about his degrading body in his PRIME. That is why they call it PRIME. Since Krayt had equal strength to Luke Skywalker in his prime he could take on anyone. I even think he could beat Darth Bane (who is highly overrated anyway).
  4. OK EVERYONE. Krayt wins. BECAUSE: in his prime (44 ABY) he was at equal strength with Luke Skywalker. This was revealed when they fought Abeloth. That's it. No need for further discussion.
  5. I don't like the rule of two. Darth Krayt is THE BEST.
  6. No worries everyone. Morriband is just another name for Korriban. It's just like Dac and Mon Calamari.
  7. You can't do anymore with Revan without having to stretch out his character so much. It would ruin the character. *Speculation Time* Let's just say he teleported to some beach and drank blue milk all day like a bad butt.
  8. Krayt was a really deep and interesting character. I especially like his involvement in Abeloth Crisis as the Dark Man.
  9. I think Krayt wins. For all the fore mentioned reasons plus a few more. First, this guy flipping took on Abeloth with Luke! Come on you have to remember that! Because of this it means he had to equal Luke's force power. It's believable because he had so much experience. Second, he only appears to one of the weaker sith because he is only extensively shown in Legacy when he was super old and degrading. Think about Krayt in his prime. Third, he has the Vong armor, which if you read NJO, can withstand lightsaber hits. Krayt (at the time of the Abeloth fight) is in the top 5 sith of all time. Comparing Krayt (from Legacy) to other sith is like comparing Ep.6 Yoda with other jedi. It's not fair.
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