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Posts posted by Lightmaguz

  1. They are Perfectly fine the way they are after 4.0 they where beyond to strong. the people complaining of them not being strong enough no are just not wanting to play with more thought than a 3 year old is capable of putting into the game. After 4.0 I put my 3 year old on the game to keep her out of my hair while I worked on a customers computer. She was able to complete 80% of chapter 1 on her own beyond me just telling her what direction she needed to go


    Buddy, you've lost. Our "whine" was much stronger and Bioware clearly noticed now deal with it.

  2. I don't care to make a wall of text essay on the matter, others did it already I just want to join the choir and figured this is the best way to be head since I'm subscribed why the hell not, right?


    It's bad, it didn't make the game more challenging it just made heroics grindier and more time consuming. Not a lot of extra time, granted but enough that I feel it's an overnerf. The HP nerf was massive across the board, the DPS was enough that companions can't take down an NPC pack without dying anymore and the only thing that was overtuned was the healing anyway and that needed a slight surgical nerf not a bat to the head. I'm unhappy with this change as are many many others.

  3. Or you could be creative and not use xXDarthDeathXx


    Creativity only goes so far, a bunch of unique names and Star Warsy names(and I don't mean Vader, Luke and so on) are taken too on most servers and people are resorting to ' ` and ^ pretty commonly now. In all fairness this could be fixed with a change in the naming system with the simple addition of space as a valid character.

  4. I think the lack of customization options for new companions is indeed out of worry that the females would be wearing skiimpy clothing and get negative press from certain elements like Feminist Frequency over it at launch. Watch customization options appear in some form after the initial hype of the 4.0 launch dies down and there's fewer eyes scrutinizing the political correctness of it all.


    One would hope developers don't care about Sarkesian's ****.

  5. Love it's great, I can join most groups, do heroics, stay after overleveling a planet and although there's severe whining lower level npc's do die really extremely fast.


    What im starting to see now is two or three low level chatacters jumping level 60's that are now brought down to their level. So what have we really accomplished here? Ganking in a different form now is all


    Wpvp has been dead since Ilum and the pvp servers are all dead as well, that's not a problem but lower level characters jumping 65's is pretty awesome to tell the truth.

  6. It will. People will be excited as the movie date draws nearer, and it is very easy to get in the game and start playing.


    What drew me to the game is gone; I feel used and marginalized.

    Having played through Mass Effect and Dragon Age, I spent the time I managed to stay logged in angrily space barring through the "new" content.


    But losing me , and people like me, is a price the company is willing to pay, because there are tons of people who find entertainment in this kind of game.


    I have been in a state of nerdrage for 5 days now. I finally managed to stay logged in enough to get to the new 65+ content (alliance), and just felt... tricked.


    But, I understand that my rage is fueling other peoples dump trucks of money to the company's door, so I am just looking for something else to play.


    The game was SO GOOD.

    It had light sabers

    I am angry I can't enjoy it anymore

    I am even more angry that my anger is irrelevant.



    You seem relatively reasonable, what's so bad anyway?

  7. I've transferred all my characters since po5 is dead and one of them is having a particular issue, I can't use my chosen name the box says it's invalid. What's curious is that I can and have created a new character with the same exact name I want to use so it's not flagged as invalid and it's available. Support apparently lacks the power to manually fix it for me and it's very frustrating. I know of at least one other person with that problem.
  8. Allow spaces in names why? So people can start breaking the tos and legitimately simulate titles? Darthbrahmin becomes Darth brahmin? No. Bad idea.


    You do realize that with titles for at least two classes that can already be done right? Not to mention there's virtually no difference between that name with and without a space.

  9. You love it because you like games with a system like it. You keep saying how great GW2 is. GW2 is a POS in my opinion because of their version of level sync. I don't like level sync its retard and pointless. Just because you think something great doesn't mean it is.


    Just cause you think something's terrible doesn't mean it is... Circular logic's interesting sometimes right?

  10. In both cases, your suggestions are perhaps over-elaborate. Simply do what Guild Wars 2 does and allow a character name to be up to 19 characters including zero or more spaces that separate words made up of letters, possibly accented. The figure of 19 is up for grabs, but you get the idea. (I would have said "like Guild Wars 1 does", except that I don't want to prohibit one-word names.)


    Of course the "/whisper" command becomes a little hairy - how does it distinguish me saying "Smith go" to "John" from me saying "go" to "John Smith"? By the current design, both would be "/whisper John Smith go"... Perhaps square brackets around the name.



    That would make me so happy....

  11. not until transfers are available, no other reason, my server is dead, no community= no sub


    Pretty much... and to be fair I didn't touch a single day of that free month would have rather given it to someone else.



    Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.


    Commit to a bad service all you want pal.

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