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Everything posted by AlienExplorer

  1. So I started a new character, a Sith Warrior Sage, to roleplay being accidentally sent to Korriban when I thought I was going to the Jedi academy. I send two RP messages in general chat, nothing that would get me in trouble, and then suddenly I can't post anything in general chat. Guild chat and other chat I can, just not general chat. So I check other characters, they also can't chat on starter planets. So I check other planets, and I can, just not the starter planets and not general Chat. What the hell? All I did was some harmless roleplay and I get muted? I'm not even a new player, I've been playing ever since SWTOR brought in free-to-play, I've been a subscriber, I am currently subscribed and anyone clicking on my character can see I am a legendary player, which means I've done all the class stories. I'm not new, and I'm not a troll. How come gold sellers don't get muted? But role-players do? Could someone able to unmute me please see this and contact me? I'm not happy about this.
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