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10 Good
  1. Thanks guys, it was the Crystals and found them already.
  2. So.... I need 2018 Expertise. There are tons of topics on the expertise, bolster subject... but this last bit I can't seem to find it explained. With PVP-gear available at level 60, can you get 2018 expertise with the Exhumed set, or only with Dark Reaver? I'm stuck at 1900-something with my exhumed set. Am i Missing something? (I have al 7 items from the set and 2 blasters(M/O), 2 relics, implants, ear-piece, so... every slot.) Do the mods on the blaster still have to be of lower level, like it is suggested if you use 'normal' 162 gear? Do you NEED augments for expertise? or expertise crystals? Let me know, Thanks in advance? Gurdo.
  3. Dear Imps, The Empire in its current form is losing grip on the situation. The Republic is one step ahead of us every single time. Therefore the Empire needs new vision. New leadership. Bringing Power and Determination back to those who want it the most. <Imperial Vision> is a guild of outlaws that know the Empire must implement change and are willing to subject it to change. Forcefully if needed. We are a new and ambitious guild. To fulfill our ambitions we need Social and Competitive players that want to help a guild grow and improve along the way. If you are that kind of player we need YOU. We are making plans for ops-teams and pvp-teams. If that's not for you, but you are looking for a fun group to hang around with in-game, you're very much welcome as well. In a few weeks, we have established a core of active players, willing to contribute and have recruited more than a hundred members in total, all saying they love the chatty atmosphere and the helping spirit of the members and have a guildbank that is filling up quickly. Moreover, we have weekly social events planned for the next period. (Think datacron hunting or a first try at ops.) It doesn't matter if you are new to the game, since we all were at some point. We are open to All levels and All classes. Check out our new forum: imperialvision.enjin.com and leave a message! Or send a in-game message to Gurdo. The Guildmaster, Gurdo
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