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Everything posted by RevenantMac

  1. That's true but it's pain in the neck with events like BBA. Not to mention most daily planets maxed out way too quick and the tokens takes up space in the inventory. And the cap does nothing but slows down progress and players, which can be discouraging.
  2. Players can't take full advantage of the events and increase the reputation enough for the rewards due to weekly reputation cap being too small. Currently weekly cap is only 12k so maybe double this cap so people would play events more.
  3. You do realize that not everyone would use Excel/google docs/LibreOffice etc, while playing right? And what age is that? What I ask for is something that completely removes the need to use these other applications, to make thing easier for us players. I don't want some temporary or 3rd party method to see and check my crew skills. It's the same with certain game breaking bugs that people are happy with some "workarounds" instead of an actual fix. You yourself just said that a search option it's tiresome if you have > 95 on a server. Don't you think what I'm suggestion is actually make things easier for you? What I suggested is something very helpful for many players without using any sheets and other 3rd party applications. Why would anyone make an additional note about your own characters just so you can track what a) combat styles and b) amount of CQ points (which I didn't suggest about anything about these two, only about crew skill icons).
  4. You do realize that you're literally stalking me at this point? And for what? Difference of opinions? Grow up. If you don't like my opinions? Move on.
  5. Agreed. No one would buy those dyes if it's not unlockable in collection or become legacy wide. And even selling these dyes on GTN with credits gives no profit for the company so making these dyes added to the collection or becoming legacy wide would actually makes people want to buy them.
  6. As title suggest, adding a small crew skill icons would help players to find which character has which skills for crafting. This would help a lot for people who has dozens of characters but forgot which character has which crew skills and have to juggle through all of their alts. I've pointed out where could be a good place to put the crew skill icons.
  7. It worked days later (which is weird) and no, there's no bonus objective regarding the use of loader droid in the cargo. As loader droid you carry bombs to the submarine and that's the part people get stuck at.
  8. Agreed. If ESO could do that then Swtor could but just as you said it might be too late. Then again, there's no harm for asking the devs to thinking about it. Maybe with luck they might return it.
  9. Command and Reknown ranking system worked before and there's no problem with this for not work again. Not to mention, Command and Reknown ranking systems weren't hard at all. Just play any type of contents you like and you get rewarded for it. It gave loots, gears, currencies and boosted new people with good equipment without having the requirements to do Ops or master FPs for better gears. And I won't talk about cosmetics because people would make their own from anywhere. And reason why I asking to remove the level sync is because it's time consuming to deal with every enemy around. You said video game is a big waste of time but you don't realize it's for many people a way escape from real life, relax and have fun but not waste time fighting against literally every enemy in the area. Not to mention it's annoying when you're just trying to get datacrons, crafting components, lore objects and just generally explore the planets you've been before more.
  10. You do realize that they can't put out all of these changes in one go right? Think about all the potential errors and bugs. And if you literally don't have anything constructive to say other than screeching things we already know, then I'd suggest you should stop visiting forum and suggestion box. Because it seems anything and anyone would say wouldn't suit your own opinion.
  11. Exactly. Level sync system is outdated and useless without Command or Reknown rank systems. If there's no more progression past max level then people wouldn't play as much. Grinding for gears or creds would get boring very fast and repetitive. At least with Command/Reknown rank people still kept playing and active.
  12. 1. Level shift worked only during the Command/Reknown rank progression system was available. But now that these 2 have been removed, along with further progression after reaching max level, it became too much time consuming to fight against garbage mobs at every corner when there's no more exp to gain. 2. Either bring back Command/Reknown rank system so people can continue play and progress after reaching max levels rather than just mindlessly grinding for creds/gears. People used to play lot more when this system was still active but many people left the game when there's no more progression.
  13. It's been 2 years my friend, 2 years. Since they haven't fixed it at this point then it's best they remove this step all together. Removing the root of the problem rather than just work arounds or a temporary fix that's going to disappear whenever new update comes.
  14. A lot of people already posted enough complaint about this quest. It's when you interact with the console to take control of loader droid to carry the mines. The bug is: 1. You're stuck as loader droid near the console (clipped into the console or chairs nearby and /unstuck doesn't work at all) 2. Even if you somehow doesn't get stuck to the console or chair you're still stuck in a wrong room, instead of teleporting into the warehouse. 3. People used to teleport to fleet or to SH and reload the mission to get a chance to progress but after the new patch that work around no longer works.
  15. This game breaking bug's been around since 2022. Instead of going through such mundane yet game breaking step you should just remove this section of the quest all together. People still experience this bug even today and can't progress through the story at all.
  16. 2nd time I got this error during my payment "An error has occurred while trying to process your request. Please, try again later. {0}". Tried different browsers, checked my bank account which had no problem, used paypal to buy different thing which worked without any issue. Many people had same issue and the customer support didn't do anything to help except saying the usual and useless "call our numbers". Really want this error to get fixed ASAP. This is one of the errors that came with v6.0.
  17. I really don't think they would actually give us such option so at least undo this change that no one asked for. People use any gears as outfit/fashion in first place so they didn't have to mess with this. Newer or veteran players was at least sell these loots for credits so they can cover their travel and repair costs but this update just ruined all of them. And in that note, they should really do polls or ask opinions of players whenever they plan to make such decisions.
  18. I want to make a helpful, friendly guild that help and teach various types of game plays to new player and members alike. And my IGN is Ma'sutra lvl 60 Jedi Guardian.
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