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Posts posted by beliglath

  1. Well I think it’s time for me to stop posting suggestions and rather post some feedback regarding my warrior and tanking. Let me start with the basic, I love this game and I love my warrior that being said I do have a problem with some aspects of the game and some letdowns with the warrior class itself.


    “The Promises”

    When you start playing the game you get some cinematics where you can see Malgus fight (Malgus being our ultimate reference for a sith juggernaut) after that you get to play and you see some things missing and it’s kind of a letdown

    a. Force Lightning, you don’t get to throw lightning and during these cinematics you get to see Malgus doing it, to be honest I am left wanting. ( while I said no suggestions I will say that they could use the legacy system to make aesthetic changes to let’s say force scream to be a lighting right? :p)

    b. Saber throw and force push hitting more than one enemy, again this is seen on “deceived” where Malgus quickly kill a bunch of enemies by throwing his saber and using force push.

    c. Force Impale, for those who don’t know what this is its basically pulling someone to your saber as seen on Hope

    d. Reflection of attacks, as seen basically on any star wars movie. While most of the attacks in Star wars are basically deflected many of them are reflected that never happens here (not even on cooldowns)

    e. Deflection of Force and tech attacks, well have you ever seen a Jedi parry a force lightning? Have you ever seen Malgus deflecting 2 out of the 3 missiles shot at him in “Hope” using the force to change their courses? Have you even seen Obi wan vs. Durge on the clone wars deflecting a flame thrower? Malgus deflecting the huge chunks of a ship on return? You don’t get to do that here, and it saddens me, it makes me think that my warrior doesn’t have the skill to perform such a feat.


    “Beeing a ragdoll”

    I am a tank and I can say one thing, I hate this game mobs, it seems every single mob has either a knockback or a pull and its really frustrating because you cannot control your character while everybody else is starting to DPS and you end up losing agro because we are melee. I did the new dailies on Corellia and specially the new Heroic 4+and I’ve faced mob setups (with no cc whatsoever) and this is what happened:

    1. I run to the mob in order to have force charge ready to use when I get knocked back.

    2. The First mercenary knocks me back.

    3. I Charge

    4. A Second merc will knock me back again

    5. A robot will pull me in

    6. The very same robot will knock me back right after pulling me in.

    7. The other robot will pull me

    8. The other robot that just pulled me knocks me back to a mercenary

    9. The said mercenary knocks me back

    You can imagine that at this point I am not happy nor amused by the said mechanics but rather I feel that I am a ragdoll, I imagine that this feeling is the thing that causes many other warrior tanks to go with the Hybrid tank, to have at least some degree of cc protection and this should not be the case in my eyes.


    “Saying sorry to soresu stance”

    Funny sub title right? Well that is how I feel every time I spend a point in the immortal tree (with some exceptions) in the whole immortal tree there is only one talent that actually reduces the damage you take and three other talents that barely help you mitigate “weapon damage” so when was leveling up there were only three times that I got excited to level up to use a talent

    1. Force grip ( I love it )

    2. Immortal

    3. Crushing blow

    So what’s the bad part? Two of those are to make more damage rather than reducing it. Almost every point in the immortal tree feels like it’s there to pay for the penalty of soresu, should it be different? Shouldn’t soresu be upgraded by the tree rather than giving all its benefits to anyone who uses it?


    “PvP taunt”

    I’m just going to say one thing; shouldn’t the person using this be at least in the tanking stance?


    Well I guess that’s it. =) Thanks for reading

  2. Ever since i started playing with my warrior i feel like im missing something, something "core" to make it feel like a real Juggernaut, im talking about a force and tech reflection hability, ive watched the movies watched many cartoons and shows and one thing i see in them is jedis stoping lightning with their sabers, pushing away rockets with the force. Currently i feel that my warrior just sits there and takes it and it makes me sad, does anyone else feel the same?
  3. Have a Spell reflect mechanic for melee tanks or give us the hability to deflect dodge and shield force attacks


    and if non of that can happen.


    Make melee attacks actually melee, i hate beeing stabed to dead or punched or kicked and feel that my tank is fast enough to deflect a blasterbolt but not fast enough to dodge a kick or a punch.

  4. First things first, I would like to say that this simply an opinion and I know that some of the stuff I will be proposed can be viewed or is in fact overpowered, I have not taken into consideration other classes in this since I am just writing this to show how I feel the warrior and what changes I would like to see.


    Sith Warrior Proposed Changes:


    Retaliation: This is an awesome ability but I would really love to see it changed; currently this is an attack that can only be used after successfully defending yourself. What do I propose? Change it so it can be used without that condition costing 4 and granting a spell reflect/attack reflect that last for 1.5 secs. Successfully defending lowers its cost to 2.

    Why? Simple we all have seen all jedi and sith deflecting lightning or pushing missiles aside while I play my warrior I feel like a n00b sith, only once during a cinematic I’ve seen my warrior “parry” lightning. I really think as warriors we should be able to reflect things or attacks. ( this would also help our aoe agro as tanks )

    Note: you cannot reflect an AoE attack.


    Smash: Again I love the ability but still feels underpowered compared to other AoEs (except for rage). What I propose here is simple, have you seen the fight with Baras? Or that quest “freeing the fallen”? Have smash leave an AoE that constantly ticks for damage. This would help our AoE threat and would create nice scenarios in pvp (this should be considered a DoT so it doesn’t interrupt objective capturing in pvp)


    Force Charge: Have you seen that talent that grants you immunity to cc for four seconds? In my opinion it should be baseline at least from Npcs it’s really annoying to jump to mobs and feel yourself like a ragdoll and being unable to generate threat because you simply are being controlled by mobs.


    Intimidating Roar: Give it the flashbang treatment, let it have a damage threashold and have it last a little longer. Or at least make the targets run away from the warrior.

    Sweeping Slash: I have to be honest I hate this ability and I don’t have a clue on how to fix it, it’s bad no matter how you look at it. Maybe more damage? More area?


    Sith Juggernaut Proposed Changes:


    Force Push: It’s nice but its single target have this ability affect more than one target (even though it’s targeted) another important thing is that it should push the target were we intend, I know for a fact that the game delays sending positioning information but lets you act on the information you get, I’ve played with a friend sitting beside me and I have seen that the games sends the ability information right away but it has like a half a second delay for movement and positioning information resulting in weird pushes in pvp, this should be corrected. Additionally if possible force push should hit on a cone.


    Force Throw: Nice ability but it should hit additional targets up to 5 enemies generating 1 rage per target hit up to 3 rage, also each hit should lower its cooldown by 5 secs up to 20 secs and have its range requirement reduced to 5m instead of 10. This would help us contribute to large scale pvp.


    Backhand: This talent should be baseline.


    Force Pull: This should replace backhand in the talent tree and it should share a cooldown with force charge, no cost 1 min cooldown (reduced by thrown gauntlet). This would let us tanks be able to pull people and mobs just like the other tanks and having it share a cooldown with force charge should stop it to warriors from becoming overpowered. You have two options, pull the target to you generating no rage but being safe from the enemy team or jump to the target generating rage and triggering effects but exposing yourself to the enemy team.


    Chilling Scream: This ability should uncloak sheathed characters.



  5. macros never should priorize, if the first cast fails the rest should fail too, if thats not the case then you could just create your rotation in one button, the macros should be there however to create mouseover macros or focus shifts, hostile and friendly macros ( charge / intercede ) or to use out of cooldown abilities such as retailate or trinkets and cooldowns.
  6. =/ the only thing that this patch made was made me feel like a fool for opening lots of bags in the past and getting nothing, yesterday i had 83 centurion comendations wich mean i nearly opened about 28 bags bags and i got some ear pieces some implants a hand and my main hand saber twice, with this change i would have 420 centurion comendations and 196 champion comendations wich would have let me get a full set of pvp gear and be competitive again in the pvp world.


    so i feel like a chump. GG pvp, eventually ill return to you.

  7. Well, at least that's what it feels like when you get killed from 60-0% within a period of ~4 seconds...through Saber Ward.


    Reminds me a bit of vanilla Rogues tbh.


    I think you guys need to revisit the way that spec deals damage. Something is seriously off.


    oh but thats because defensive stats dont work against anything xD tanks are rolling with DPS gear because of that

  8. Absolutely false actually.


    The time spent waiting is completely dependent on what role you are going to fill. Tanks and healers will have instant to near instant groups while dps will have to wait. I don't know the make up of this game yet but in my experience more people would rather pew pew pew rather then take the responsibilty of tanking or healing.

    I should know, in WoW as a dps I have to wait on average 20-30 minutes to get into a group if I happen to on by myself. So what is the solution? Have me re-roll into a spec, not have the gear for and fulfill that I don't want to do? Lie on the LFD and click both tank and dps and hope a tank pops in or immediately change to dps once in and say "lol sorry guyz"?


    ive done 4+ heroics with dps only.

  9. I've had issues w/ the LFG tool currently in the game. You can't get nearly specific enough as to what you're LFG for, and the notes are completely useless.


    If the LFG tool in this game was as good as WoW's was pre Dungeon Finder, I'd be totally fine.


    the only diference here would be that you are not able to select the Quest/raid/dungeon and setting the role. and it would be a good thing to tell the team that they can do that, but what the OP is saying its completly false ( current LFD / LFR working for group quests )

  10. One thing I really hated about WoW was x-server battlegrounds. The community was pretty much dead once they launched it. It was further impoverished with LFD and now with LFR it is most likely thing of the past.


    Community has changed from a feud induced pvp into a grind. Where there was hatred and purpose there is only pixels and math. I think no one ever look back at the southshore-tarren mill battle without regrets. Those were they days when you knew the enemy and they knew you. Now except for some xroad and goldshire raids... beh.


    I think OP clearly demonstrated what happens when you introduce LFG systems, faceless players, you don't group for people but for loot. They are pretty much there for your own use and once you used them, they are only good to boot.


    MMO thrives on having a strong community, if I would log in everyday and felt "forever alone" I would not log anymore. Seeing a known face in the opposite team or in my team makes the game a lot more enjoyable. You make a name for yourself and are recognized among your circles.


    In other words, making us work to find "friends" is good for the game, it weeds out the anti-social and greedy people.


    Reputation is everything and LFG destroy it, if you are an A-hole on an LFG no one cares now if you have to group with the ppl from the same server eventually no one will want you in their group. You Reap What You Sow, a thing that was forgoten in dungeons in WoW and now its beeing forgotten for raids due the LFR.

    Anywho, the thing is that ppl are still saying that they want an LFG for heroic quests and let me tell you kids NO GAME HAS THAT, just so you renamber.

  11. This post to me is only proof of how lazy people have gotten in MMOs. We always used to look for groups in chat...it is a good way to get to know people on your server. God forbid it takes a little effort to TYPE into a chat box holy hell are you kidding me lol?


    If I were Bioware, my attitude would be "well if people are THIS INCREDIBLY LAZY that they don't even want to be bothered to type in a chat box, encouraging this kind of thing will just lead to even more ridiculous demands in the future" and not put a LFG system in at all.


    If you don't like to socialize at all and just pound your face into a keyboard all day while running like a headless chicken from objective to objective, MMOs are NOT FOR YOU.


    Those of us who actually enjoy them for what they are don't want them ruined by anti-social gamers who just want to complete tasks as if they were doing their grocery shopping.


    Seriously, quit with this nonsense. If all you are ever asked to do to get an upgrade to your gear is type into a chat box a few times, you should be happy and quit complaining like a bunch of basement dwelling trolls who just ran out of hot pockets.


    The only thing that this post proves its that either the OP is trolling or that he is deluding. WoW LFG tool while nice in paper its horrible ive made group faster here looking in the chat than waiting in the LFG, the LFG is so bad that tanks and healers get EXTRA rewards, wich encourages them to treat dps like garbage. Aside from that i keep LoLing at posts like this where they attribute WoW things that it does not have like a Quest LFG, that my friends DO NOT EXIST, when i started playing this game i quested along side a inquisitor and we would do all the heroics togheter and brake the party, after a while in the new world we would start again with the LFG and find each other again and it was like that until i was level 50, if you cannot get a group either you are not polite you are lazy or the instance you are in its empty, if you try to blame bioware for that you are either a troll or someone that lives in an imaginary world where everything works like they would like and expects a perfect game from a company that never made an MMO before.


    Is the game perfect? No. Is the LFG ( in swtor ) usefull? not really. Does it stop you from playing? not at all.


    So i say to you you can either be part of the begining of a great game and give sugestions (constructive) or you can wait the game top blossom, take your pick, but please restrain yourselfs from creating this kind of threads.

  12. I have tested a lot with my jugg and i can say that the problems i had with ravage retaliation and many other abilities due the parry animation are now fixed, the link above its just saying that abilities on cooldown should be grayed out ( feature introduced a few patches back )
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