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  • Interests
    I love playing computer games and I have a passion in doing youtube videos.
  • Occupation
  1. Hey I need help with gearing my Sith Jugg Vengeance's gear for PVE.
  2. Hey community of SWTOR I've been exploring the world of SW:TOR for over a year now and I'm looking for a guild that has anything to do with military type thing. I'm a Imperial Agent, Sniper.
  3. Hey guys, I've been seeking a decent RP guild that is active and that consist friendly type of people I'm a Lvl 55 BH ( Mercenary ) so if you have any guild you want to suggest just feel free to reply =P
  4. Hey! I' m trying to get treek as a companion, and its taking forever to get to level 40 legacy, if any sub out there could help me by just using my referral link ( http://www.swtor.com/r/5dNVp3 ) then thank you, it will mean alot. What will this do: This will give me cartel coins and other stuff, for the user who uses it you'll get 7 days sub( This will give you 7 day free sub before they renew your subscription.) Thanks!
  5. First of all, doing this makes the game really pay to win, like seriously pay to win, and for your information I'm a subscriber and your thinking that "Why is this guy complaining?" its because it ain't fair, just ain't fair.
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