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Everything posted by HighCalibrHooch

  1. Dear Bioware, Yesterday I got my taste of 4.0 -wow I must say! From a design stand point It's like you've read my mind. I'm embarrassed to say I was lvl55 for a long time but this 4.0 thingy re-kindled my interest. I wanted to tell you I absolutely agree that the key to a truly compelling gaming experience is reducing the input required from the player to nearly zero. The complete removal of any sense of peril or danger during combat has been a god-send. Why, just the thought of my character's health ever dropping below 90% again gives me nightmares. The buff to companions has also been a pleasant surprise. I never got around to figuring out what those icons at the bottom of my screen were for, so it's nice I can just remove those bars to un-clutter my screen. It's made for a much more cinematic experience. Also, I now understand what everyone means when they talk about "Quality of Life improvements." I got a whole load of laundry done while my companion Talos Drellik and that robot were killing that girl from the Blood Hunt Flashpoint! Amazing! It's like the game cares that I've got a life outside of the Star Wars universe. I'm hoping to tackle my mess of a filing cabinet and re-alphabetize my utility bills the next time there's a big dramatic fight like that. That being said, I find combat to be still too difficult, meaning the games seems to need me to do something whenever I come back to the keyboard. (At the risk of being rude, how did this sneak through beta testing?!) To help you fix that, I've got some suggestions for the next patch: 1) Is there I way I get my character to "follow" my companion, instead of the other way around? I'd rather have them move down the corridors for me, as I get lost easily. Besides, requiring the player to sit there and figure out where to go next seems to defeat the purpose of the 4.0 improvements. 2) Can I get the companion to loot the bodies for me and move on? I'm a Darth now, I shouldn't have to rummage through dead bodes. 3) Can the game play a very loud 'chime' whenever the mission or instance is done? That way I know it's time to stop doing the dishes or whatever and come back to the computer. Make it loud please, my vacuum is roars like a turbine. 4) Sometimes I sit down again to see what's what and I see a circle with some dialogue phrases on the screen. I tried clicking on a bunch of them but my choices don't seem to matter. It all feels so pointless. Can't my companion do all the talking??? (I'm usually within earshot so I can kinda listen to what's going on anyway). Respectfully, I have two more suggestions not really related to 4.0: 5) I honestly don't like how I have to actually click on the cartel market button all by myself and click 'buy' a bunch of times, just to get the latest packs! Can't you just auto-debit my PayPal account and put them in my green storage box? I'm sure your lawyers can just slip that into the terms of service during the next patch. 6) I'd like the game to lay out for me the latest cartel market outfits on my stronghold bed, just like how my mother used to do. The Stronghold is supposed to me home, after all, and aren't you my game mother, in a manner of speaking? I hope you find these suggestions helpful. I have more but I just can't wait to get back into the game. I'm worried I won't finish all of 4.0 before 5.0 comes out. I don't want to fall behind. Thanks Bioware, keep up the great work!
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