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Posts posted by Toastandtoast

  1. Seeing as she pretty much tries to kill you every time she even thinks you are less than a galaxy away from her, I'd say the chances are slim.

    Though she does taunt a male PC (Not sure about a female PC) on Asylum by telling them "You have a crush on me, admit it!"

    Remaining chapters will tell us where that will go. I personally dislike Vaylin (In that she is a detestable "human being", not that she is badly written.) so I won't complain if there is no option but I won't oppose one for those who might be into her.


    Oh I agree. She is a terrible person, but she is the only one in the SWTOR universe that doesn't shave her head before putting on a hooded robe.

  2. Dude, you've been complaining about this game since 2012 launch. You have taken part in at least three topics about how you "deserve" a free month of play. Not once in your posting history do you have one beneficial post. Please try to relax.



  3. No. This is a complete betrayal of what they promised. I'm not going to just "get over it."


    LOLOLOL yes you will. The same way you got over everything that you've been whining about since 2013. I just looked at your post history and I don't even know why you still play.

  4. (first I excuse me for my english, it's not my mother tongue)


    Well, what exactly do you guys from Bioware think you have created with KotFE?

    Please stop killing the theme of Star Wars!

    An Alliance? Really? Wasn't it enough in the Revan Addon? Am I now in WoW?

    The theme of Star Wars (like you can see in all movies, also in the new Episode 7) is: Sith against Jedi, Jedi against Sith! The dark side and the light side, and not even a grey side of the force.

    Not this crap you've created under the influence of some Woodstock-peace-drugs. For me KotFE has nothing to do with Star Wars, really nothing!

    What's next? Mixed Operations?



    No, you stop.

  5. That is the one lesson I think will be learned from this, sure subscribers through all that time deserve early access, but give everyone a chance to buy in for that early access out of pocket. I knew I was late and didn't qualify and yes I would have paid for it too. From a business standpoint they're passing up a potentially huge revenue stream, rather than have people angry at the wording for what qualifies for early access and likely losing some subs as a result.


    Are you one of those people that throws a fit when your expired coupon doesn't work?


    Edit - actually serious. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk. Although, it is a jerk question.... sorry

  6. These types of threads are not really geared towards discussion as much as they are a way for the community to express their opinions and concerns to the developers. While anyone can reply, I don't understand why the player community feels it's necessary to attack these types of threads. In this particular case, a lot of people misunderstood the offer. You may not have, but that doesn't change the fact that this misunderstanding did in fact occur for a rather large group of people. Was it their fault? Maybe it was, but I think everyone can also agree that this offer could have been worded far better than it was, preventing any of this from being an issue.


    That's a false statement. It's posted in general discussion. It is for the player base to argue and express opinions with each other. I attack these kinds of threads because of posts such as


    "I think it'd be generous to give all current subscribers early access." - Self entitlement.


    "you guys white knighting bioware on the forums are pathetic" - aggressive and uneducated


    "My bad for putting together a funeral in my families time of need. You sob's." - Bioware, like any company, doesn't care. Don't pull heart strings because they didn't look into why your sub lapsed and you can't play. Harsh, I know. You have my condolences, but don't place blame on Bioware.


    Don't get me started on the dude who thought it was Bioware's fault for not telling him his credit card had expired.

  7. I wish they kept the new story line from SOR and new expansion and simply reverted back to 3.0.


    The dumping down to 1 single stat for 4 types of classes because people cannot understand the simple system of aim/cunning/strength/willpower is not a good reason to do it. Why not just have 1 single stat in the game then that governs everything? HP, damage all rolled into 1 single stat?


    Dumping down of crafting is awful, removing variety, which screws some of the players who had spent alot of time unlocking schematics...


    Removing the needs to equip companions for stats.. awful.


    Besides the new story content, everything in 4.0 is so horrible. I wish I hadn't subbed before 4.0.


    I hope they make a new server that retained the 3.0 rules but with the new story content.


    When people can't read one faq of subscription info, Credit card expiration dates, or are feeling self entitles to everything ever, I'm not surprised they needed to dumb it down. People are dumb.

  8. He might didnt play the game because there was simply nothing to do in it. Its not bw fault thats right. But this just shows how disrespectful they treat their customers. If i was him i would prolly forgot about swtor sub either because when your card runs out there quite few things that need to be sorted out . And helping your customer by reminding him via mail is just simply mandatory gesture


    I'm sick of seeing crap like this. What more should they do? Call him, go to his house, show up at his work? I mean come on. If he didn't log in to see he wasn't subbed and if he didn't check his e-mail what else can be done. smh.

  9. Its really simple to understand aug 10 to oct 19th...means just that. when you go to work you work from start time to end get it?


    if you didnt understand the FAQs then its on you to make a ticket or call to get a better understand of what is written in plain english


    dang is the world getting so fricken stupid it cant understand simple things or are you all just trying to be self entitled jerks who if you didnt understand and didnt ask its your fault


    get over it...learn to read..learn to ask question but take some personal responsiblity for your inactions


    no wonder the world is falling apart...this is a clear example of the stupidity that is the world today


    flame me all you want i said my peace and will not respond because all you whiners will do is keep whining and complaining and blaming others



  10. Give it a couple hours.


    Honestly thought so far it seems people that got the EA, Are Complaining about bugs and people who didn't get in such as my self are Complaining about not getting in........................................


    Would it not make sense to to a random server maintenance or something, Fix a few of the bugs and then let people in if they have 3 out of 4 or whatever of the stupid Pre-order items?


    Look, I don't care either way on early access. I have it because I read the requirements for the sub. If people felt mislead, whatever. It's like those people that walk through a mall and see a "WIN THIS CAR" contest and just immediately sign without reading "You will have to pay 1/2 the cost, an entry fee, a competition fee, transportation fee, does not come with gas/tires/engine/steering wheel, no purchase necessary, must be 18+ to win." Oh, also all the phone calls and spam mail from them using your information to promote everything ever.

  11. Here is my real question with level sync. Why have levels at all? Why not just go to a planet and you're forced to a level. after you complete that planet you move to the next planet in which you are forced to a level for that planet. If you don't want a system in which your character develops based on exp, make it so you don't gain exp and you don't level. You get assigned certain skills and stats based on location.
  12. They do level syncing on Neverwinter, as the guy said you do not lose the moves or the gear you are wearing, you just get a reduction. as long as you can solo Herorics at the highest level. Should not be a problem. This idea is a good one including changing the Grouping to make it better than soloing. If I can group and not lose out on Exp, that is a good thing.


    Funny enough, this is why I don't play Neverwinter. It's also the reason I quit GW2 after I bought it. Level syncing is a pretty crap mechanic that adds nothing to a game already well into it's run.

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