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Posts posted by KristoKal

  1. I do not use voice chat, I cant, I do not like headphones, and I just do not get used with them, ears start sweat right when I put them, its discusting and I also cant use speakers, I play volume down, becouse 2m from my desk my 3 year old daughter sleep, in other room. I cant keep volume up. There are many reasons why people cant use voice. I am agree tho, that for opses, it make explaining easyer and its good to have, so those rare times I do ops these days, I use headphones, but I really, really hate them . thats why I do not do opses anymore.
  2. Hard Mode Blood hunt, had many many times attempted it, but we stil tought to give it a try once more. I was on my that time main, Inflitration shadow, then we had sage healer, guardaian dd and shadow tank, all guildies and all knew how to play theyr class. We wiped once at first boss, Jos and Valk, no problem, Shae Vizla, other DD and tank end up dead early, healer resed tank, but he made mistake and got into fire and end up dead agaim, so I tought, well, we gonna wipe....buuut, we managed to 2 man her, damn that was intence but we did it and that feeling was awesome, I never forget that. Other one was when we did guild SnV run, same tank, but it was first time for him there, when I told him that there are +10 datacron in bottom of that hole...my face was pricless, when he actually went after it.....
  3. I am at the point where I am rised 2 of my original companions to 50. I tought first that since I am done KOTFE/KOTET so many times I do not start with this one, but well, toughts changes, so...If I start KOTFE, and when I get them back, I know they return quite early, do they still have lvl50 influence, or am I wasted credits and time?
  4. Alrite, calm down everyone, I am shure they think all our best and what we want, so in near future they add consumable called P2W, its one time use and remove legacy lock from one objective for a day. you can then do it with that character, ofc, if you want to do anothre alt, you need to use it again, but worry not, its easy to get, CM 500CC for 5.....Aaaaand best part, you can use as many as you wish, :rolleyes:
  5. The quest seems to be indeed broken since yesterday's patch. I've just finished leveling another toon and picked up the intro mission on Monday, completed my personal target yesterday night and nothing happened. Then I gathered another 5k points to see if having 20k points makes any difference but no, mission is still there, incomplete.

    Using the priority missions terminal or the dropbox doesn't help.

    I belive, you get reward, after conquest is reset, when use mission terminal, not dropbox. At least in past, on new toon, I picked up next week weekly quests from priority mission terminal and it got completion then.
  6. You can finish any of the veteran fps with a group of lvl 15s.

    The problem isn't level, the problem is people don't learn how to play and then don't have the skill to pass fps that still requires some skill.

    Agree, infact, veteran fp's are more fun with low lvl character, give some challenge. Only exeption is BH and Trainwreck(umbara) and not becouse they impossible, but both are laggy, really laggy,

  7. People who insist on doing a line of sight pull for the Commander Rand fight in Legacy of the Rakata - MM or VM - are a plague upon this earth. It is a complete and total waste of time. It negates no mechanics and takes slightly longer. The only possible reason I can think of is that it's a power trip for the tank.


    Yeah, all you need to do there is stuck up, and AOE them down, no need to go behind pillar. But LOS is still better than sameone running around and kite that last few adds, probably only ranged in group. Then you chace them around, even you tell, stuck up and AOE them...

  8. I belive here on forums, there are lot, I mean really lot of our toughts. Let me highlite it for you guys, YOU MESSED UP, BADLY, this new conquest system is real BS. I loved conquest before 5.8. was one of my main activity in game, Now. I amd done with 1 main and half way done with 1 other and I am done all area weekly, I am pve player, so not mutc left to do, craft 1 invasion per day, grind flashpoints for 325p? Donate invasion forces, 10 of them, I have old stock, but when those run out, what then, I need to spend all my few h per day to collect low tier mats, to be able to craft 10 of them, and then donate.....nononono. Even people like me, who have really limited gaming time, 2-4h per day most, we was able to take part and help our litle guild to stay on top 10, and sometimes even win( craft weeks), now it is impossible, we have hard time to pull off even low tier point target. We have 4 conquest player, well had 4 now we have 0. Those 4 was enough to place us to top 10 each week, we did it multiple alts etc. My sugsestion, if you really wanna push this system, make flashpoints 1000 points any veteran or MM flashpoint, not just random, make weekly character based, not legacy. And do same for pvp players. To be able to do flashpoints repeatetly through day is good thing. But atm, to get personal through flashpoints is, well, how to put it, INSANE, 50 fp to complete personal, whaaaat??!!
  9. I am part of small guild and love(d) conquest, was big part of my gaming experience to score as mutch as possible, You talked, you make it easyer for smaller guilds...Really cant see how??!! Well, I am agree with all points others are talked, crafting week´s was showtime for smaller guilds, also last boss lockouts. You think you mad e it harder for big guild to use last boss farm...well, no. Big guild`s have lot of different legacys, last boss runs do not score as mutch as before, since same legacy cant score, but taking new legacys for every run, it stil working tactic, in small guild otherhand, where you had 8 people online, and you farmed last boss, lets say 4 timeswith alts, now its 1 time, how this is easyer for smaller guilds. Old system was fine and fun. I didnt mind that big guilds rule, ofc they do and that is normal. Smaller guild just wait, look where big ones go and not go there :p Now, small guild have hard to achive even smallest tier, and there are million scorers ahead anyway, so, what´s a point?
  10. I do lot of flashpoints, but rarely get anything like in this threath, but few days ago and today was few. I main inflitration shadow and I think I do deasent job. My shadow is full 248 with 236 augments. Queued for random Veteran for conquest points and got HS, all70, slinger, another shadow, and guardian DD, all was in 230. So it was quite normal, that I got most aggro and I knew it and I am able to handle it. Weird part is when guardian DD told mo to not taunt at cooldown, told them, that so far I had not used taunt once, yes I use it to take adds off from healers or save other DD in tactical. They didnt belive, how can shadow pull from guardian, impossibel, in that point I looked better not to answer. I
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