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Posts posted by masstershake

  1. Its scary to see that the shift of content development is going away from story and more into compansions/raids, this is not something the majority of your players want or will pay subs for


    Ops are the only reason I sub. I can do rest of game as preferred.


    Sm ops are at a fine level of difficulty. I pug daily and never have any problem finishing them even if half the raid has no idea what they are doing.

  2. If it's the group finder you don't even have to be 70 just don't be that idiot that refuses to tell everyone you have no idea what you're doing until we all find out when you're not doing the right thing. I pug all the time and if someone says they haven't done it before it's never an issue as long as they can read the instructions on what to do during whatever fight you're in
  3. You've been saying this now for all of 3.0, and now 4.0. We've told you countless times that you never were under geared! And, let's be real here, if anyone is telling you that you're undergeared for story modes in today's swtor they have NO idea what they're talking about since everything is bolstered in that difficulty. I sometimes wonder why you're perpetuating some myth about raiders being total d bags lately. Me thinks you just are trolling. And, I mean, that's cool. I sometimes come on here and troll to pass some time at work and the like. So I get it. It's just your premise for now two expansions has been incorrect, and never changing, in that you're always seemingly undergeared. So in my mind it's one of two things a) the circle you're running in/ server you are on/ whatever community you are part of in game is just a horrible fit. or b) you're not being truthful here, since no pug on my server has ever said anything about gear requirements for story mode operations.


    Lol so much this. Im assuming that guy has no idea what bolster is. got told that once a long time ago before bolster and posts same garbage over n over

  4. Wow...just wow...here i thought the typo was going to be nim shouldn't drop same as highlighted but just 224s...instead its just a chance for 224s...i seriously think the devs want to kill off the hardcore/nim raiders so they can justify no more nim ops...
  5. You pull 18+ mobs at once on a veng jug without a companion? Sure...


    To clarify no. I dont do it w/o a companion on my jug. But the old dps set bonus does cause reflect to heal so it would probably be doable. I do it w/o a companion on my madness sorc/sin and merc cause they can heal up with dots/other abilities. I do use a companion on dps for most others.

  6. Lets try this again for you. Your quote


    Bioware says "For us, it would be impossible to tell if a user was posting an item at a higher value to try to "scam" another user, or simply because that is what they want to sell it for. " .


    My response; i am the person that chooses to sell my items at a stupid high price (not to scam) because that is the price i choose to sell items for.


    I fall under the second part of your quote.

  7. You sell them at a price that you intend to look like the average lower price in order to scam people into paying what is clearly a ridiculously inflated price? Wow. Congratulations then for being a scammer and being part of the problem instead of part of the solution.


    I think as you have demonstrated for us all; your issue is you need to learn to read.


    Where did i say i put up items with a certan value in mind. I said i sell items at a stupid high price because that's what i choose to sell them for.

  8. Actually yes, yes it IS a scam no matter how bad (or, more confusingly, WHY) you want it NOT to be. Right from your green highlighted portion Bioware says "For us, it would be impossible to tell if a user was posting an item at a higher value to try to "scam" another user, or simply because that is what they want to sell it for. "


    They CLEARLY demonstrate that they recognize a user posting an item at an inflated value is a "scam."


    Thanks for clearing it up for us, though.


    LOL DID U NOT READ YOUR OWN QUOTE? i purposely sell my items at a stupid high price because that's what i want to sell them for.

  9. Is this a joke or is the op retarded ?

    Cause yeah playing a tank class means you can tank, Congratulations you want a cookie ? or a brain ?

    Now try this with a squishy class (sorc dps, ia sniper etc) because we're not all playing a tank class, and post a video of course next time...


    I think you just need to l2p...i do the same thing the op described on my dps sorc. My MM sniper. My hatred sin. My veng jug. My concealment op. My dps merc and i do it all with companion in dps spec most of the time. I also for an extra challenge do this without a companion.


    No i am not a god. Just an average player that takes time to read/use all the abilities at my disposal

  10. your logic is... hilarious.


    I'm not even sure how to explain this to you at this point or whether I should even keep trying.


    how about... I don't know if you are a pvp or pve player, but imagine this situation. you are a pvper. this is what you love to do, this is why you play. now. imagine that pvp gear? can only be acquired through running flashpoints and solo ones don't count. I mean.. you can technically pvp without it, but its a lot more frustrating because people who do have that gear? slaughter you and you cannot fight back as effectively. technically flash-points are optional, but in reality? not so much.


    getting the picture yet?


    just becasue something is technically optional (like you know, playing video games at all is optional, paying subscription is optional, etc) , doesn't change the fact that its only technically.


    either way. I just wasted way more time than I should have on this thread. you folks are not the ones I need to convince anyways.


    wait so your saying not getting companions is affecting your gameplay? try again...

  11. I would like to bring your attention to a little fact that companions are not just their mechanical performance. some of those future companions that people are still waiting for - were also their romances. for one. many of them were their companions through original story.


    case in point. I want to get Lokin back on one of my operatives at least. he was her defacto mentor and she wants him back. however - in order to do so? she needs to kill a bunch of things for qyzen, a trandoshian she neither likes, nor trusts. and just like that... qyzen is no longer optional. and just like that.. this "optional" companion? is locking away some of her story.


    now. just becasue this is not currently the case with pierce since we are still on chapter nine... doesn't mean this will not be the case in a future... are you seeing where I'm going with this?


    and once again. this COULD have been solved with allowing us to reject companions and that rejection - progressing the alerts. instead of, yes, de facto forcing people to pvp.


    so you are forced to do stuff to get the digital skin on a companion you choose to romance...but again...you are not forced to do this, you are choosing to try and get lokin back. that is your choice. bioware is not forcing you to do anything...so again you are not forced to do anything..it is all your choice

  12. So you MAY need to pvp to get future companions...but who is forcing you to pvp to get these or future companions? will your story not progress if you do not get these companions????


    You are in no way forced to get these companions to complete your story... so you are NOT forced to do pvp...if you like these or future companions that may be behind these than you will have to do pvp to get companions but in no way are you being forced to pvp to complete the story. just to get a different skin on the companion that does the exact same thing as every companion you already have...

  13. I put stuff up all the time ridiculously over priced. It makes my day when someone buys it! I have yet to have someone sending me a mail saying it was a mistake. I figure they just really wanted my overpriced item.


    I also look for stuff ridiculously underpriced and snatch it up and resell it.

  14. Its so hard to get 8 medals! Especially the medals that have a damage requirement like... Do 5000 damage in a single hit.... Especially now that our stats are 8 times as large as they used to be at launch.


    How do they expect us to get 8 medals??? 8... Thats like so totally hard...! LOL


    That has nothing to do with it. There is an achievement for getting x solo kills x amount of times.

  15. Do this on a Balance sage (madness sorc) And a healing companion, i did this on a madness sorc with a lvl 10 healing companion. The healing from your DOTS will help keep you up. your companion should not grab agro. use the shield gen thing you pick up that prevents you from being pulled in on the way to the final boss. and use your heroic moment. start the thing with your heroic moment.


    i dropped to 60% once and that was it. use your stun break, and all of your abilities, it should be easy enough.

  16. I play Imperial side because my friends play imperial side and no they are not IRL friends but they are friends i have made in my guild and use voice com with.


    we do go pub side once in a while but the pub side is usually filled with people that have no idea what they are doing and just give up after 10 seconds of losing.


    also the abilities on imp side look so much cooler than pub abilities


    if you are having issues beating imps find good pub players and group up...


    or there is the great saying, if you cant beat em, join em...

  17. <xxxLéét'Pläyäxxx> voted to kick you from the ops group. Reason: Doesn't use Spacebar.


    That has never happened, try again...


    solo ops...give me a break...random daily "STORY MODE" group finder is more than a face roll for people that want to do ops. You do not need a voice com to do daily story mode group finder. You do not even really need to know the fights for most ops. Bioware has made Story mode STUPID EASY mode...


    It doesn't matter the time of day someone is always forming for the daily group finder. If not you start a group, it will take a little patience but will eventually fill up.

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