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Posts posted by ForceOfFinland

  1. Uhhm.. Actually its really not hard to kill us at all! :rolleyes:

    I ll tell u the little secret: u just need to use huge AoE immidiatelly when we escape with restealth/deep stealth, or we will run away very, very far and heal up to max there.

    Then, important thing is we cant just start our damage burst without preparations. So when u c hatred sin sends any type of lightning attack in ur way, prepare to block this what follows, or it can hurt a lot. ;)


    Nothing is impossible if u have fast enough computer, good graphic card and fast internet. But if its old PC, bad graphic card or weak connection... No role is good enough.

  2. 72% surge is too low, and 27% is too high. Crit goes heavily into DR past 25%. As for alacrity, you CAN use some, but not a single point should be put in before you hit 75% surge. And once you're at 75% surge you have enough room for exactly 2 alacrity enhancements, which will put you around 2%

    Sounds most logic. Thanks! ;)

  3. Ok, now 1 from me: its not actually the theme, but context. :)

    As sin (hatred) u must have 75% surge, 25% critical and 3% alacrity rating. But good question is: HOW? :confused:

    I ve tried to justify all this according to these percentages but guess what, it failed, so now i haven't more then 72% surge, 27% critical and ok, 3% alacrity.

    Pls help or u ll continue to watch me in horizontal position after each round! :rolleyes:

  4. I dont understand that why do you lose more rating when you lose a match than gain when you win?:confused:

    Im wondering the same... Maybe u loose more when ur loosing from worse team then ur is, and winning less when ur winning worse team, and reversal?

    But i ve noticed the same, so i would like to hear from somebody who really understand the thing - big WHY?? :confused:

  5. Hey, hay,


    now its better, lost enormous amount of rating, but practiced at least defence so "keeping" myself at 750 elo. I know - objectively disaster, but im proud because for now i dont fall anymore. ;)

    Still some work with attack and damage making, and my elo will raise, im sure!

    But my biggest problem is slow computer, not very new anymore: in almost every rwz i have monitor freezing and system cant load enemies fast enough. I am compensating it with more defence then attack, because to me its more important to stay alive as much as i can, then do 50K damage in 2 sec and then drop dead, not usefull to group anymore.


    Anyway, thanks for help all of u, and wish me luck - today practicing more! :)

  6. When all defenders in VOidstar go to one side, or no one calls and it gets capped within 30seconds. I am leaving.


    When people cap nodes and leave them, or dont call inc. I am leaving.


    When people refuse to play Huttball in Huttball. I am leaving.


    These are simple things. I do not need to put up with that kind of idiocy or aggravation on a game. I choose not to.


    You do what you like, and i'll do what I like. Happy?


    And u never felt wish to advice them to defend pylon, to go for a ball, to call inc etc.? You were, or ur one of players who just follow the lead because ur too lazy to take it?

    If there's the last thing, i suggest u not to play warzones anymore because u actually play them to waste ur time, but if ur trying to help ur group to win, then u have more right.

    Anyway, i cant find good enough reason for leaving warzones. What if situation suddenly turns to right after u left? What if everybody begin to leave warzones because they dont like match anymore!?

    To me its really unfair to ur group mates, and when somebody leaves ranked warzone, then its worthy of really bad punishment!

    Players who spoil ratings of other from their group in rwz with quitting group should be punished with banning them from playing ranked warzones this whole day + 100 rating minus.

    And yes i am rigorous, but thats what they deserve.


    Of course, with one exception: system should be able to recognize (and not to punish of course!) if somebody leaves warzone because disconnection, and as far as i know its very possible in 21. century.

  7. For those who suspected that im troll - no im definitely not a troll! If i was troll, would i ask for help here!?

    For those who tried to help me - thank you very much. :)

    But the problem still occurs... In normal warzones im good, because usually weaker players are playing it and nobody's targeting u, but when im attacked from 2 enemies at the same time in rwz AFTER actually spending half of my defences because i have big target above my head, i really cant persist in beating them so need to defend more, and more and more.

    And while im defending, my other teammates r dead of course - and my dps is lower then tanks! :(


    May somebody tell me how to use rotation in rwz when im targeted, to make big enough damage and defend well at the same time?

  8. Guys i need advice. Started with ranked yesterday, played 11 or 12 matches for now, won 3 lost everything else...

    I m using phase walk when its needed, stealth + deep stealth, electrocute, deflection... everything.

    But, firstly, my damage isnt high enough (usually overall from 90-150K not more) and second, sometimes my system doesnt load me enemies on time!

    This thing with damage... I dunno how to make higher one, because when im attacking and not defending, they r killing me too fast.

    Please help! :confused:

  9. While I understand the reason people do it, to group up with their friends, etc, what are their goals? I mean, obviously it isn't a challenge to them to go into unranked at 60 and just faceroll the other team, and a LOT of people have simply stopped playing 60s because of it. IT really seems that some premades soley do it -only- to troll unranked.

    Its not always such pain. I was in few premade groups who were actually worse then the opposing group. It's not necessary bad for you, all depends! ;)

  10. If you got that kind of delay getting in and out of matches, your PC is probably below system spec for the game or your internet connection is just below par. Either way, the only way to improve performance is avoid running game UI add ons and set everything on video to low.

    Yes it might be the reason for my problem then... My laptop "measures" 5 years already, and i have all game settings at "very low", but it still doesnt work fine sometimes. :(

    Have to wash many dishes for my mum, maybe i get a new one soon! :p

  11. Oftenly after i pop in warzone, i got kicked out as "deserter" because door didnt open at all! I am waiting and waiting and i can't enter. :mad:

    I know the reason might be my not so fast computer which loads warzone too long, but why more then 15 sec for these door to open!?

    Please short this i am not the only one with this problem!

  12. You guys have right in many things mentioned here, like possibility of making chat invisible, ignoring and reporting, but all of this you can do actually after some abuser attacked you, what means you are already abused and insulted! :(

    Ok, same would be with moderators inside the game, but i think people would at least become more pollite with time, because they would know that probability for being punished hard is bigger.

    Also, Bioware would loose one part of players on that way, its true, but they would be these abuser only! ;)


    And yes i support everyone who sais that man who queues ranked undergeared provoces attack, and also i think its selfish and low to make your group loose because you were too impatient to buy yourself full gear, but still - not a good enough reason for name calling.


    And for those interested, something about me: no im not some crazy woman from Twitter, and no im not undergeared player in ranked warzones, im just one typical, usual and ordinary player who experienced very rude words pointed in his/her direction and directions of many other players who did only one small mystake in their warzones, and some of them even had appropriate gear and skill.

  13. This is so much true! I can accept some little sarcasm or sg but rudeness is an other matter:(

    Right but what Bioware does? Nothing! Truly, there is "report" link, but nobody ever gets warned or banned...

    My idea for Bioware is to keep it, but for a change, to start to answer at all these reports, and also to put moderators at Fleet and in some warzones (ranked especially!) where they will exclude abusers from game same moment when they start with insults.

    Of course, i know its impossible for moderator or more of them to watch every warzone, but from time to time there must be someone who checks the situation.

  14. The title is telling everything. There are too many players - more and more - especially in ranked warzones, who insult their group mates with ugliest words and humiliating them after these warzones, even at Fleet! Maybe attacked players are weak or not apropriately geared, but i think nobody deserved to be called with names like "idiot/imbecile/lame/m...r" etc.

    I consider this game serious enough to have moderators online who controls the conversation in warzones, fleets, at planets etc., and i would like Bioware to answer at my request.

    Bioware, its really big need, because 1 more thing: there are 13 and 14 year old children playing your game, not only adult people, and the language they are "learning" in chats and internet violence they suffer are completely inapropriate!

    Please do something!

  15. Anyone posting that marauders are underpowered is either a troll or needs to L2P.

    Well, best for proving it is - make 1 and check it alone. :p We are badly nerfed, with weak defences, except Undying rage. And other defences r easily interrupted and last too short.

  16. What ru talking about!? Nerf maras and all will have full right to reroll! We are already badly nerfed, with maybe good dmg but really bad and weak defences. And if accidentally enemy group targets us we r dead in less then 1 sec!

    Nerf sorcs and sins, also do something with juggernauts - if they know their class, its impossible to kill them in 1 vs 1 fight. :p

    Dunno why Bioware made such thing - its definitely not fair. Deeefinitely!



  17. Help (but please, only players who really know the thing)! :)


    I m marauder lvl 55 and full brutalizer. Also i have Overkill might augments highest lvl, and i have changed few enchancements from brutalizer ones to Advanced adept ones (pvp of course).

    Now its the time for changing my mods, but im very confused.

    People told me i have to change it to Power ones, so i watched and i cant make decision between Advanced deft mod 30AX and Advanced deft mod 30X.

    Advanced deft 30AX gives me only 29 Power (not enough!) but leaves my strenght and endurance unchangable.

    Advanced deft mod 30X gives me 59 Power what is great, but im losing more then 10 strenght and endurance, and its well known these r my main stats!

    Because of that i give more "chance" to Advanced deft mod 30AX, but im really not sure.


    What to do?


    Thanks in advance! :)

  18. Im marauder and im doing it on this way: first i jump at him and start to do biggest dmg i can. Then when he starts to prepair some naughty defence/attack (obvious in the right upper part above the attack line near his character pic) i interrupt it. Then i continue to do biggest dmg possible, and when he repeats it, i interrupt again.

    So, the most important is to always interrupt them and watch very carefully r they preparing/making some attack/defence! If u miss even 1, whole health gets back and ur dead. :D


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