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Everything posted by StarveTheEgo

  1. Yea but wit enough protection along with pressure towards the other team plus proper cc...mercs make really good healers. But yes if you can consinstantly interrupt the merc. Than your outplaying that team. Remember ops and scoundrels can recieve the same tactic
  2. Class balance does have a factor. But so does knowing your class and knowing how to play. like mercs and mandos are easy to focus first. True to a certain extent...because every class is easy to focus if all 4 dps focus the same target. (from a dps match pov) Also as a team you have to work together so say to cc properly and kinda help to keep somone up if at all possible.
  3. this right here i agree 100% with.Even on non-raid nights you can advertise solo ranked...and they will be in regs
  4. Moar solo ranked! Team is obviously for the more "elite" players. Solo ranked is a really good mode for teaching, and for people to learn. Since most say and live by the belief that solo rating means "nothing" It would make sense for people to try to get this going more often. People dont like to lose and thats really understandable. When people get put in solo ranked there is usually a mix of people who know how to play and some who need work still. So it sort of makes it a even playing field, and basically what im saying is if people get into solo ranked more and get some reps in....MAYBE it will give them some more incentive to team up with people and go against the more elite players...
  5. Now thats not right sir. thats just not right. Although bastion has some teams that are split....We still have teams that are very much so in the same league.
  6. I left pot5 because bastions rank is a much better scene. shots fired.... joke...basically all we do is gvg.. but i think as a community JC just doesnt really work together to get ranked in general to go..
  7. solo ranked....to pop group ranked to pop. ranked....in general. merge us with pot5.... hmmm lets petition that.
  8. http://imgur.com/qVsZsko Id say this is all the proof ya need...
  9. There are pictures to prove him asking for people to cheat the system for him to gain rating...he is a prime example of pos.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/LiU5QEn.jpg Damage done/death ratio Guardian Also could you switch these ones with competitor to the name Going please? Put lovebites in there for healing done/death ratio as well. ARENA
  11. http://imgur.com/fnBvuLz Guardian arena biggest hit 2nd place
  12. Bro...worst choice in your whole life....if you move a pub here.
  13. 66 66 58 69 66 58 66 66 61 69 61 58 Also you can use 2 lvl 53 blue implants.....will help increase this bolster. This only effects bonus damage..if you use all the power heavy mods and enhancements...and implants. carry on...this will hopefully be fixed....but untill then..its not a exploit...its working as intended obviously:rak_01:
  14. Why do no guilds que ranked? The only guild i see even trying to is boss....Ranked would be alot better if more teams got out there and did some work. Lots of good players on this server....do something more then regs..
  15. I'm guessing his mom got shiv'd from behind by cinereous... At a community college. I'd be mad too
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