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Everything posted by Alexandrozingsw

  1. I have this mission in one of my alts, the probe is in the mission items tab its called "genetic research probes", also it shows as an icon in mission tracker list right next to the mission title: A kindly old monster (icon) when you are in the tunnels you activate it or wait near someone that has activated it and the "Deploy Probe at Site X" will be removed from the list, once all sites are probed you return to Lokin
  2. seems to be intended all veteran flashpoints (previously called tacticals) had this behaviour since KDY (my first solo atempt back in the day). also bloodhunt in veteran mode the two mando fight is not properly balanced, same group that did it on hardmode pre 5.0 had a lot of trouble in it (we all had set bonus gear 220/216 some 224 with 220 mods/enh and some 230 from the new boxes) as usual tank 2 dps and healer, first and last boss seems ok for that level, but shae vizla has too much hp imo
  3. I imagine that the solution serverside its like: Server: hello players where are you what are you doing? Player1: here in spawn point waiting and oh just throw a snowball to player2 Player2: same.. but no snowball Player3: spawn point just chating and choosing the correct outfit Player_Hack: eh uhmm wait I'm like here Server: Player1 here have a parcel, Player_Hack repeat please Player_Hack: I'm Flyiiing! Server: No you can't... now die Player_Hack: aww
  4. * veteran flashpoints are the old tacticals * master flashpoints are the old hardmode * the reset the game tells you is the reset active phases, right click on your portrait and select the option to reset all active phases/flashpoints
  5. Nope, that would prevent new legacy on new servers to be able to do content.
  6. Bestia farming is for normal XP, it has been a power leveling thing from long time now. KP first mobs was farming CXP but was nerfed
  7. try this things: "... Player groups are not currently able to have more than one active Flashpoint. If your group has recently entered a Flashpoint and attempts to enter a different Flashpoint, players will see a message prompt. The message will incorrectly state that you cannot enter because of a different difficulty selection, but it is actually because the first Flashpoint is still active. Workaround: The group leader must right click on his or her portrait and select reset all active Flashpoints from the context menu. Then you should be able to enter. Note that you can only reset Flashpoints once every 5 minutes. If the party leader recently reset, players will need to wait for the timer or leave the group and create it again using a different leader before resetting the active Flashpoint from the context menu. .." from: http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2012/01/known-in-game-issues-with-swtor.html "... Check for a small gold bar with a character name You can tell if your character is within a story area or flashpoint when you see a small gold bar on your screen with a character name on it. If you are on your own, this will display your character's name. By default, this is located near the top center of your screen. If you have modified your UI, you may have moved it. Leave the story phase or area If your mission is located within a story area or flashpoint, try leaving the phase by either: Walking out of the Phased Zone via the Portal Entrance (Green Gate) Using your Quick Travel ability to a Bind Point Using your Emergency Fleet Pass Once you have left the story area, open up your Mission Log by pressing L, then highlight the mission you need to reset and click on the Reset button. NOTE: You cannot successfully reset your mission when inside your personal ship or your hangar at a Spaceport, as these are considered story areas. ..." from: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-reset-mission/
  8. Lol.. next time tell him that first two adds have a buff that says clearly "shielding kilran" no mistery there =P
  9. matrix shard should be able to be collected and give some MK-3 current gear rating relic =/
  10. take the already obtainable reputation tokens from the GC crates and put some GC reputation ones. a set of 5 vendors on fleet that sells good gear with reputation restrictions/GC level restrictions for different tiers (4 vendors, one for each class + one vendor for decorations/mounts/pets/schematics) also you can do some ziost/gree/rackghoul alike tokens to make it more interesting
  11. Almost the same here Still have passes no cartel coins added Ticket # 30414076 Thanks
  12. the colour is wrong, usually same name and different colour have a +4 or +8 stats depending on tier and prepended with an "advanced", seems like a visual bug or duplicated item ingame, seeing the actual names could be more specific and could be that the purple hilt one has an "advanced" in the name, in that case should be rating 234/238, or the blue one should be 228 depending on how the new tiers are rated
  13. please re read, I say I have them in legacy cargo, not guild bank. also you may notice that I clearly asked in that thread if legacy cargo is ok. no mention in all the pages to personal inventory, cargo hold, or legacy cargo are stated. EDIT: sorry missquoted, I think we said the same thing
  14. And cartel coins for passes? Ticket# 30414076 Still have the passes, no cartel coins added. thanks
  15. Ticket# 30414076 Still no CC and have the passes on my legacy cargo. thanks
  16. source? I filled a ticket as I said before and no mention to that.
  17. nope no word on where to hold them, the only clarification was that in guildbank they will dissapear, so they suggested to remove them doing so they would bound to the legacy of the remover. There is an easy way to check cartel coins ins and outs: https://account.swtor.com/user/cartelcoins
  18. an official word on it would be nice I also have some on the legacy bank. I've filled a ticket and the response was: "... We'll be granting compensation for these on launch day, December 2. Some of your characters may have received compensation after maintenance on Wednesday, November 30. We recommend that you check for your credits and/or Cartel Coins on all characters after maintenance on Friday, December 2. ..." I have to mention that this email was received on 5 dec.
  19. the one I tried said this item is bound for ... (2 days if I remember)
  20. Well at first that was my impresion, so I kept some missions finished but not acepted, then activated the boost, and the cxp number didnt change like normal xp boosts did. maybe working as intented maybe a bug, idk.
  21. I bought one, and is not much useful if you dont do pvp or uprisings constantly with a premade group non stop for the time that is active (ie fast content with good cxp/time ratio ). for anything else you spend more time finishing the mission/heroic/daily/flashpoint/operation than gaining cxp so in the end my experience was like meh. traditional xp boosts are constant this ones are functional at the end of the activity. (with the original 10cxp fro elites would be different but now 125% of 1 its rounded to 1) as I see it this may open the door to a unbalanced pvp stage, like people group queuing and let the other team win fast to cash the cxp and then queue again until the desired cxp level. maybe a new type of win trading? anyway with so many differences in gear and lots of pvers doing pvp I saw its hard to know if the team is really bad or want to lose fast
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