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Everything posted by Arma_Dolus

  1. Id rather have that era fleshed out than be speculative of it.
  2. And what's your source for that information?
  3. It wasn't this. It was the Warrior's Vest but the moddable version has a different name. A number of people on Fleet have also seen it on the GTN before but dont recall the name.
  4. As I've stated before, it ISN'T the Blade Tyrant/Storm chest. One exists because I found it on the GTN before. The reward for the Revanite chain is BOP, so it definitely wasn't that.
  5. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Warrior's_vest.jpg This is the green item version, a Sith warrior class mission reward from Baras on Korriban.
  6. That's why most read the posts made before. If you did, youd have seen the link showing the item in question.
  7. Yes, but all of that has been rendered as non canon, as it was all a part of the EU. Im referring to the canonized timeline, which has yet to be explored.
  8. Um Id rather have the schematic or the moddable piece?
  9. Yeah, it was on the GTN and the Tyrant/Storm chests are BOP. As I said before, it wasn't either of those. It was a moddable version of the Warrior's Vest reward of the warrior class missions of Korriban.
  10. https://torcommunity.com/database/mission/zaB21VA/sith+arithmetic/?reset-settings This link shows the green item, I'm looking for the moddable equivalent.
  11. No, those would be the Sith Dueling leathers that you receive a little before the Warrior's Vest I'm referring to.
  12. Yeah, thats the one I keep running across but not the one I'm talking about. That just looks horrible. The Warrior's Vest is a green item, and Im not sure the name of it's orange counterpart. I know it exists, others I have asked have also recalled seeing it on the GTN. They can't remember the name either.
  13. While rewatching SWTCW and the prequel trilogy, I've been wondering if the LSG will ever delve into the Old Republic era of canonized SW. The Old Republic era must have been turbulent and a time of war on a mass scale. I take that from Master Tiin's statement during one episode of TCW " There have not been battles like this since the days of the Old Republic " Also, the Sith apparently ruled the galaxy at one point. I cite Sidious' statement made in ROTS "...and once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy..." The Mandalorians also must have assaulted Coruscant at one point, or at least the Jedi Temple. Pre Vizla said of the Dark saber "This lightsaber was stolen from your Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic." I could go on and on. I ,for one, hope this is fleshed out as the Clone Wars era was after Luke mentioned it to Kenobi during their time at his abode in ANH. Thoughts???
  14. I did. The Warrior's Vest you get on Korriban as a class mission reward.
  15. No help there either. Thanks for trying though. I know it exists, i just dont know what it's called. I saw it once while trying to find something else. Ill just have to keep checking the GTN.
  16. I know this is a bit off topic but I've asked everyone with no straight answer. A while back, I noticed an orange moddable version of the warriors vest item you receive from Baras. I cant find any info on it nor find it on the GTN. Im not speaking of the Blade Tyrant/Storm items. Anyone have a clue as to the name of the schem or item???
  17. Contest format then. Best design wins. All submissions and designs become property of BW.
  18. I know this has been posted many times by other people but I still think its a good idea. Considering the bashing most armor sets receive, why doesn't BW do this already?
  19. If you think 2.5m is expensive for a Yavin SH for personal use, be very glad youre not a guild leader. The cost for purchasing a GSH on Yavin is 15m. To unlock it fully? Approximately 40m. Species unlocks have always cost CCs unless you buy them from the GTN. 600CCs isn't that much. I had reservations about the Togruta race but now that I see it, its actually kind of awesome.
  20. Yeah I thought the RvR rumor would be a strain on the engine too.
  21. What's so bad about that? I mean Jung Ma server should be merged with a larger one seeing as how it has a dwindling population anyway.
  22. What's so bad about that? I mean Jung Ma server should be merged with a larger one seeing as how it has a dwindling population anyway.
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