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Everything posted by Crittitt

  1. Sorry, I dont know what exactly it was that I said that makes you believe Im always unsatisfied. Having a bigger player base (for example through running an ad campaign, or adjusting the F2P model, etc.) to actually play the MMO content like PvP on a regular bases is not asked to much in my eyes. Also tweaks for the combat system to make it more rewarding, allow different playstyles or individualize your class more is nothing to weird. Its not like it hasnt been like this in the past. Oh, and Im not saying "everything was better in my time!". But if they, for example, remove the skill tree for each subclass (you remember when you could freely spend your skillpoints?) they should've replaced it with something better instead the took the option out completely. They could totally still do this.
  2. You know, I'd really hoped for positive responses like: "Oh its sad that PvP is dead on the german server, but the american is fine! Instant matches all day!" So I'd just switched the server. After reading some other posts, it sadly seems like this is a general problem Also I hoped to hear about changes I havent noticed, maybe improvements in the housing system or anything. Btw. here is something positive: Im happy they brought two new strongholds last year, which are both really nice! (except for the underwater level on manaan, the view is super lame)
  3. Wow. Thanks to all of you for the responses. Sadly I havent got any Email notification, I double checked and it was definitely supposed to :/ HOWEVER it fells somewhat good to have know Im not all alone with my feelings about the game. Personally, I dont mind that the game changes and adjust to the new market situations, but I dislike they way it does. The whole gameplay and combat feels so hollow and.. I cant think of a better word: stupid. Its like they dumbed things down so far, that everyone can do almost anything solo without even knowing his abilities. As a consequence nothing feels rewarding or archieve worthy anymore. I know, the community is growing older, they want to attract people with less knowledge about gaming who maybe dont have much time to play anyway and want to give those people rewarding experiences, but on a long term, I dont think that building on such a "core community" is healthy for the game. Right now, I actually would really like to play through some of the campaigns again but then again I remember that there is no challenge of any kind in it. EDIT: I dont wanted a place to moan, I really just wanted to know what the active community thinks of the latest changes and if they feel welcome. That the game has been going a road I personally dispise, doesnt mean that other people dont like it. Also I dont think that it'll change anything, but I'd still like to talk about it since all the people I used to play with quit a long time ago.
  4. Ahh... sorry, as Ive mentioned I was away for sometime. Whats a Keith? Why should I thank him?
  5. I should probably start this threat by saying that none of the following things is hate or flame of any kind. Its just... Im playing SWTOR for five? years now and a lot has changed, I'd just like to hear other people honest opinions about those changes. When I started to play the game I really liked it and it seems that I somewhat didnt even notice why I did. I paused for like half a year, now I wanted to start playing again and maybe just start over with one or two new characters. Thats actually where it begins: Leveling feels so unsatisfying now. It is way too fast, I get the intension to speed things up and get more players in the endgame, but as of now leveling feels so empty. There are no NPCs who are actually a threat, which would force you to learn your abilities. Also Level-ups are super boring now, it doesnt even matter. You wont notice a difference between being level 15, 19, or 25 anyway - youre always completely over your actual questing area. Also the class changes over the past few years really disappoint me. Instead of making combat more rewarding by allowing different combinations of abilities, pretty much all classes have a simple rotation which you just follow by "press the button that blinks". The shriking player base - no Im not saying the game is dead. But there are for sure not as many people than before and boosting everybody as fast as possible in the endgame and splitting up the social zones by adding Odessen surely wasnt helping. I can only speak for the german server, but it seems to be impossible to find people over the groupfinder. I listed over one hour yersterday (8pm) without any FP starting (Level 20) and I waited like five hours total and not a single low-level PvP match has opened. As we speak of PvP: this is my biggest point. Actually two. 1. The introduction of space PvP which never got built out. No new starfighters, classes or maps, but the mode was so promising. All my friends loved but then left cause it just got to monotonous. 2. The gorund PvP. The simplification of all classes plus the lack of players make it a nightmare. I used to love the PvP in SWTOR, but now I can barely find a match and if I do, especially in toplevel warzones the atmosphere is terrible. I dont know about other servers, but the german community is just toxic. I remember so many cases of players denying to keep on playing cause "there team is so noob", or just insults and fights in the chat about whose the worse player. And its not like that would happen from time to time, the last time I played it was literally every second match. I just dont know what to think about the game itself anymore, its weird mix of remember how much I loved it and being bored and annoyed of its current state. Please tell, what do you guys think, how do you feel about it? Also feel free to bring up new topics I havent mentioned like the new story arcs, map design, etc.
  6. First off all, Im overall happy with the direction SWTOR was heading the past two years, though I'd wish to see more long term content, like an overhauled GSF or more interactive housing system. However, thats not what I want to talk about. I just had some trouble logging in, cause I just sold my old phone (security key app) and dont have one right now, well, I do but.. its my old windows phone, so... So I needed to remove the security key, but I didnt receive any email for some time. I wanted to contact the customer service, but unfortunately I wasn't a subscriber for the past ~3 weeks (?). I had trouble like this in the past, just as some friends of mine. You want to log in, renew your subscription, play with your friends. But no login - no customer service for you! Even if you actually want to buy something - no customer service for you! As a paying customer, who has already spend at least ~400€ on this game for subscription fees and CC, it really feels like a kick in the nuts if you're turned down like this. And yes, I know, there is still another way the support hotline. But - and this is why Im writing this in the english forum - I live in germany and I dont believe that theres any effort put in the german customer service. I dont know how much EA/Bioware is paying for their call center in Cologne, but unless they are doing it for free simply because they love to f*** up people, EA is definitly paying them too much. I never got anyone on the phone (neither did anyone I know), except the answering machine, which is telling you that there is no employee avaible at the moment with the voice of the most bored person on earth. I dont think it'll change much, but I would really like a more open Customer Support via Mail. Even "preferred" players must have given you money at some point, please treat those who pay you with a little bit more respect.
  7. First of all - I don't want to complain over the gambling part, which Im fine with. It's more the actual content and drop rates. Since I starting playing again, barely two months ago, I opened three Hypercrates. All of them filled with a big pile of ********. The only worthy drops I got out were the Oberle Siren and the new Stardrive. Two not even very expansive mounts in three crates. Thats just not worth it at all. No fancy decoration, no nice or expansive armor... just crap like cybernetic armor sets. The really cheap ones. So, I just won't buy any Hypercrates anymore, until BioWare is changing something. That works for me. But whats even worse is the credit inflation resulting in this. I can totally understand everyone who says "**** this, Im going to one of this goldsellers" For Example, when I started playing again the price on the website "MMOGA" was at ~20€ for 20 Mio. Credits. Now you get 40 Mio Credits, for not even 30€. On T3-M4, there are armor Sets like Tulak Hords, Satele Shans or Reborn Revan selling for over 80 Mio. Credits - sometimes the prices drop of course, but mostly they are increasing. How are casual players supposed to get twice as much money a guild ship would cost, all on their own? After all, its still some kind of "pay to play" and if I decide (which I have no problem with, if I like the game) to invest even more money on the CC and dont get anything out of it - why shouldnt I consider to invest my money directly into the goldsellers, get the credits and buy what I actually want? Just to clear things up, I dont have and never will buy from a Goldseller, I know that this is the wrong way to go and would just support the problem, not the solution. But I fully understand everyone who is thinking of doing it.
  8. I was just flying over this thread, but what concern me most is - why wont they be part of the collection? Not just that it sucks for dual wielders, I like to have the possibility to unlock stuff like this for my whole account. And in the End BioWare earns some extra coins from me... I think the idea is great, I dont even mind them to be in the cartel market for the beginning, but without the collection I'm not really interested in it. :/
  9. After I've never played SWG, I wouldn't say so. I just know SWG from Youtube Videos and really wouldn't like to see SWTOR going in this direction. All I did, was making simple ideas to change and improve the game a bit, not completely revamp it.
  10. Vote for me, as the new head of BioWare! Jokes apart... seriously. Give me the Job. Ok, seriously now xD There is something wrong with this game at the moment, but I dont even want to talk about it. I won't complain how pretty much everything about KotFE was a lie (yeah, "important descisions"[OMG, what wil be the next 30secs cut scene be like, though it won't change the story a tiny bit? :-O ]), the totally replacable fifty-shades-of-exactly-the-same Companions with the charming character of cold, wet noodles or the awful changes to PvP which came with the Addon and made my whole guild stop playing. Ok, we were just six people. However, I dont want to complain - I want to make real, practical ideas which could find their way into the game. First of all - KotFE: Yes, not everything is bad about it. But at least with the next add-on I would really like to see a real enemy. I just dont enjoy the new storytelling at all. At the point the Addon starts, the player has become like one of the very best elite soldiers, snipers, bounty hunters or was entitled the Battlemaster of the Jedi. So, Im supposed to be like the best the Jedi Order has. So far, I kicked Arcans *** twice. And besides that, Im fighting Toasters and not even good ones. So the real threat is supposed to be the "eternal fleet" - an army of full automaticly working ships ( and how I understood it, the empire it self doesnt fully understand how they work) and all Im doint is basicly searching for some kind of "Off-Switch". Lets sum up: One of the best Jedi alive, already kicked the evil guys *** twice, is fighting trashcans and spends most of his time looking for an On-/Off Switch. For me, the new story is not nearly (even if its longer) as good than Shadow of Revan. We had a real, conceivable Villain that had an already told epic backgroundstory. We got two new very tenderly designed planets and there was at least a small difference when playing as republic or empire. I think it is really disappointing that it doesnt matter at all, if what class or faction you play in KotFE, beside really small changes in the dialogues, it all the same. So much for KotFE. Just some critics and things I like to see changing in the future. 2. Classes and Races. Just look at WoW. I actually dont like the game myself, but theres a reason its out and successful for all these years. After all the years SWTOR exists, we finally deserve new options here. Give us classes bound to certain races and races with special traits. 2.a Wookies Everbody wants them. Just make a little Addon. Call of the Wookie or something. Lets start at Level 55, first five levels will be a unique Kashyyyk Storyline at the end of it the war with the new Empire will start - you get directly into KotFE. For dialogue options jsut make 1000 different versions of "Raaawr" and add subtitles. This wouldnt even be much work. Also they should be a unique class. Maybe "Wookie Woodland Scout" or something like that. Proably a range DD with Bowcaster, that becomes a Melee DD when he gets to much Dmg and goes Berserker (if the player wants or not), but gets self heal from his melee attack. 2.b Other alien races Just make them like Wookies. But maybe start them at level one. Like Rodians? Just add those random sounds they are doing (+ a few more of course), give em their own little 5 - 10 level storyline and let them get to the common class storyline after that. They will adjust the level anyway now, so who cares if I come to the starting world with level 10? 2.c New Classes. Why isnt there one already? Maybe make them start at higher Levels (like the Wookies) or even make a whole new storyline for them! (which would be much more expensive of course...) Suggestions: Trooper as Summoner advanced Classes: Imperial/Republican Commander (as Summoner) Can spawn and buff NPCs, hardly fights on his own. Specs: DD, DD/CC, Healer (spawns medics instead of soldiers) Or Field Engineer (also as Summoner) Spawns Droids/Turrets instead of Soldiers, maybe can lay mines or detection grids against stealthers. Specs: Tank, DD/CC, DD Class: Outer Rim Explorer / Imperial Combat Veteran as Trapper Maybe a mix between a Sniper and a Scoundrel. Can cloak, but not move. Can switch between Melee and Range. Can cloak in Range and just wait to burst out high instant damage and place traps in melee (but traps would have to be destroyed when you switch to range again, cause of obvious reasons...) Specs: DD, DD/CC, DoTD 3. Work on whats already there! 3a. Galactic Strongholds. Before you guys bring out any more, make them more enjoyable. Its a great feature that could be so much more. Specially the ambient effects are... not there. 50 NPCs in one room and silence all over the place, as if someone just called Jabba the N Word. Build in sound effects, just "background noises" (like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZCMjK4oWlw) that cant be too hard. Let pets make sounds either, like the lizard monkey, give him the laughter from the movies. And how about a "Cantina Band Decoration"? People would kill for it. And more Animations for NPCs, make them wander around and act like they "look out of the window" or stuff like that. Also, I'd like to see some more features, maybe missions/small quests to unlock more rooms instead of credits. Oh, and special quests for special Decorations! After it is a "Stronghold" maybe we could have fortification mini games, where we will be attacked? 3.b Galactic Starfighter I know a lot of people who have loved the mode when it came out first. But after all the time, they are done of course. These people would immediately return to the game, with new maps, fighters and game modes for Starfighter. Well, thats it. Give us just more from this. 4. PvE Space Combat / Player Ships. If you dont want to work on PvE Content, at least let us decorate and maybe even buy new ships. At the moment, it is more or less a total mess. All I have on the ship, I have on my stronghold. Hell, I can even travel faster without my ship, than with it, due to cooldown reductions on fast travel and the terminals to fast travel to the end game worlds. 5. Graphics I know, if it would be easy to upgrade them, you wold have done that along time ago. Actually, I only have one really specific point - the light/shadow effects. There is merely any glow on anything. Nar Shaddaa's neon and advertistments just look like someone painted them on the walls. And specially places like the sith ruins on corriban are way too bright for me(and of course a lot of other places that are supposed to be really dark). So.. some more work on light and shadow effects would be great. So, thats it from me. I like my Ideas and think they would mostly improve the game, but Im open for critics and your opinions. Maybe a Dev will read this, plagiarize it and we will see it in the game!
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