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Posts posted by RoboArthurDayne

  1. Ah that's too bad that I can repeat chapters on the same toon.


    From time to time I would like to replay moments/scenes from the game but that's alright, I'm having a great time with the game- weekly heroics with different companions/influence pumping/etc :p


    Thanks for the responses.

  2. Usually I sub for a month then quit, and resub again some time later when the situation improves and the game is more fun for me- but this time the companion nerf killed it for me. For a short time I was really enjoying the game enough to leave my subscription on for over a month at a time, it was fun being able to solo comfortably through most things without it feeling tedious.


    Then bioware devs went against the majority and nerfed companions to hell. Whatever "fix" they do to bring the companions back to pre-nerf levels I no longer care about. They will just nerf them again when they want the game to be more tedious and grindy, they will buff them temporarily when new content is out, and nerf again when they feel like on the whim.


    No more need be said from me, Bioware devs want to run the game this way, I have things I prefer to do my way and they are only compatible when the planets align only briefly- no more resubbing, it's pointless.

  3. I can say levelling has been supremely fun and its actually nice how free and easy it is, as I don't feel like I NEED to do something to level - I just play the game, and the levelling almost happens naturally. There is no barriers now from me enjoying the story, which I feel is what makes this game set apart from other MMOs.


    I find that is also what I am experiencing since official access (I didn't have early access), the level sync & companion power scaling makes for a pretty smooth and fun dynamic and normally I play tank but switched out my toons to dps and healing while having my companion do the tanking.


    The newfound freedom of instantly porting to heroic missions and just doing them is great, the flexibility from this freedom is something that is made possible because companions are now tough enough to tank, mighty healers and strong dps.


    The level syncing keeps the fights from being 1 shot kill affairs so there's still a need for me to go through damage rotations or risk wasting precious time because the companions are not so powerful that they will kill in seconds. I was disappointed though with the terrible armor/defense/mitigation stats for companions when trying to get them to tank Star Fortress Heroics- I finally got Lana to level 50 influence by burning through two alts worth of stored crystals buying companion gifts, farming heroic missions etc and was rather disappointed at how unspectacular she still was...


    From now on I'll just leave most of my companions around 20-30 influence max since I have to leave them as healers anyway when doing Star Fortress Heroics, their dps/hp isn't so powerful at 50 influence to risk putting them in a stance other than heals. Other than that, level 15 influence companions are good enough for weekly heroic missions and general questing so I am pretty happy for the most part.


    Saves a lot of time too- wish there was an instant port clicky for all quests :D

  4. Most definitely IMO, but that has more to do with the desire to keep the trinity system intact I would assume. I think mitigation is far too low, as is health pools, while damage is far too high. IMO....


    Healer - Made of paper, strong heals and HoT, as well as strong crowd control. Weak damage and weak mitigation. Low health pool. Threat avoidance.

    DPS - Glass cannon in most cases. VERY strong damage but weak mitigation. Medium health pool.

    Tank - Strong mitigation and high health pool, weak damage. Threat generation.


    Tanks in this game also have a problem with proper threat generation. It relies too much on damage and not enough on special abilities, and those abilities are too weak in the generation of threat.


    IMO light armor should max at 20 percent, medium at 40 percent and heavy at 60 percent. Tanks should be able to tune up to 80 percent, but that would of course reduce the need for healers, thereby harming the trinity system.


    Agreed on the Companion Tank's weak mitigation. When doing the Star Fortress Heroics to recruit funny looking aliens to my alliance- a level 24 influence Lana for example gets overwhelmed and splattered when she is in tank mode, with my quick death coming soon afterwards. I have to switch her to heals while I dps/tank in 208, 216+ gear and stim packs.


    I am working on getting more crystals to pump her influence to 50 eventually, perhaps she can survive a bit longer so I can stop leaving her in healing stance. I tried leaving her in DPS stance while I take on the end boss and mobs as Tank for Star Fortress heroics but without a source of heals or massive mitigation for myself, it usually ends in a bloody death.


    I have a healing Sith Sorcerer alt that has an easier time leaving companions on dps/tank stance doing these heroics- the heals from me generally compensates for the crappy mitigation these companions have.

  5. I enjoyed KOTOR 1 & 2, good fun and very immersive.


    When I got bored with the base game and installed a Mod that altered the game rules a bit I didn't have to deal with this noise:




    When I decided do some cheats to give myself or a party member like 28 in all stats or make Alton Rand into a 8 pack abs superhuman with 30 strength and all sorts of melee feats I didn't have to deal with this noise:


    Whiner Crybaby who butts in my fun: OMG YOU ARE CHEATING, YOU DOING IT WRONG WAAAAAH WAAAAH BOOOO HOOOO HOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAH NERF THIS OPNESS, OP OP OP OP YOU ARE WRONG WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH -posts a multiple page non stop post rants full of rationalizations for things that don't hurt him but I'm enjoying-


    There was a lot to enjoy with both KOTORs and there's a lot to enjoy with KOTFE right now, I do like the freedom and convenience of instantly porting to the heroics with a now useful companion that can actually tank/heal/dps for me depending on my needs. There's no wasted time where I feel dragged down by other people except when they swoop in and click the clicky before I can reach it.


    But with SWTOR KOTFE, there's this constant noise on the forums that I never see in game because everyone else is too busy having fun to do this:


    Crybaby Whiner who can't mind his/her own business and wants to ruin my experience: WAAAAH WAAAAAH BOOOO HOOO HOOOO NERF NERF RAW(O$B#KB#$ W NERFFFFF

  6. In my opinion, if my companion is set to tank mode, it should be able to tank something, previously, the companion could be dps, tank or healer, they would die just as fast, unless they were healed....now i don't have to worry about that, now i can use any companion and no worry about downtime.


    In the end, i see no reason to feel sense of achievement in a video game, i save sense of achievement for real life, where it actually matters.


    A game is meant to be fun, but if i have to use a specific companion because anything other then a healer companion is useless....its not fun....if they nerfed the companions, i will just go back to using Treek, then they would just have to release a 'buy instant max influence' on the cartel market, cause all the companions will need it, since i will not be using anything them outside crew skills.


    Agreed. Just when I finally find something in this game I enjoy enough to resub, lo and behold you got all these crybabies on the forums boo hoo hooing for many pages about how they can't stand other players enjoying the new changes and useful fun companions now.


    One of the things I love about single player games like Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete is I get to run with all these mods making my Ranger's animal companion actually useful and powerful and don't have to worry about crybabies calling for nerfs because of what I am enjoying and how I'm playing. What a joke, some loser crybabies moan about lack of challenge or some feature they don't like and want everyone else to lose the options and suffer the nerfs- pathetic.

  7. ... Why couldn't they just scale the companions better? Or balance the content better? Is it really a good thing that companions NEED to become more powerful than the hero? And why does that mean they have to be overpowered for 90% of the game just so they're balanced for the final 10?


    You sure cry a lot -looks through whole thread and keeps seeing your crying comments-.


    Seems more like you just don't want other players running around enjoying the now useful and powerful companions so instead of making the game challenging for yourself, you want everyone else to suffer and throw hissyfits, rationalizing this and that, on and on for pages.

  8. I actually resub last night because I read that companions were actually useful now and were powerful- things I wanted and noted when I unsubbed a few months back.


    Had great fun using various companions and putting them in TANK mode while I respec DPS which I normally don't play because healer companions healed pitifully and couldn't tank. I love how these powerful companions give me flexibility to goof around as dps or healer and not waste time with gears AND especially, not waste too much time.


    If you want challenge so badly- go get some job skill certifications and degrees. Go invest and build a trust fund for yourself so you can retire by 40 or at least 45. Otherwise, don't go around ruining other people's fun because you have some stick up your butt and want everyone else to suffer & lose flexibility for the sake of your selfish demands.


    Also, there's an annoying bug where some of my companions without Mainhand & offhand weapons do very little damage and get clobbered to death by small mobs of enemies. But when I stick different Hilt/Barrel level weapons, their damage goes up based off weapon stats rather than level scaling.

  9. So why would you want to take or limit a playstyle for people? And no, adding soloable content does not make this a solo game. It simply adds options. As odd to some as it may seem, people do enjoy both group and solo play within the same game world. It's one of the great things about most MMO's. Options within a shared game world.


    Well said. Choice is always better for the player (human beings) and the only time it seems to be a bad thing is when someone has to make up a what if situation where somehow it is a bad thing for the entity called "the game" and then presume that the Entity Game somehow "needs" players funneled to this event through limitations of human choice.... it's just a damn game, holy ---- (shakes head).


    More choice is in this game is always a good thing, End of Story.

  10. 1) Only have solo mode available for one time access for flashpoints. It doesn't need to be the first time if you want to run through it with your friends or guildmates, but if you want to record your story or just watch it yourself, you have the opportunity.


    So you want to encourage grouping by taking away other players' options and choice to solo flashpoints and make them worse off? That is screwed up and you are pretty selfish.

  11. I'm running alts in every class since we are getting 12x exp and 12 comms for each mission quest. (So you basically level up on only the class story.) Plus, all blue mods are only 2 comm, even armoring and barrels.


    So for instance, a full blue mod upgrade for both you and your comp, if done ever 7 levels or so leaves you with about 300 comms each refit.


    So those of you that have Sorc's and like Khem, if you keep him within 3-5 levels in blues on adaptive armor, and refit before the boss of each chapter, is he as good as Treek? (please say you play him and he is, lol).


    I did this before with many tank companions, Khem included, over a dozen leveling alts to 55 (some to 60 but got bored). Even in 192 Yavin IV companion tank gear none of them can compete with Treek in durability and tankiness with same gear level equipped period. Treek is the best Tank/Healer/range dps combo package you can get which is why that Ewok requires level 40 legacy and a million credits OR a hefty Cartel Coin purchase (worth it IMO).


    Treek can Tank in Heavy Armor & Shield, does good AOE damage that ignores CCed targets, taunting, Self heals AND Off heals too. You can even switch her to heal mode and she heals great for a tank LMAO since the stats should more than cover healing needs.


    No matter which tank companion you gear out, Treek will always be superior so the only real use for say Khem would be for story, RP and "for the heck of it" purposes. Also, I sometimes use Xalek to tank dallies... he is weaker than Khem but does more damage. Treek laughs at his pathetic tanking.

  12. More companions at the same time are reducing the impact your character has. The player will be more and more passiv. Why is this any good ?


    And ofc it will make the game easier. BW is balancing the game around "normal" equipped companions not raid gear companions. two overpowered companions = more easy game


    Not much imagination there huh?


    With more than 1 companion, as in 2 companion you have a Trinity Group and can freely consider playing as a Tank/Healer/DPS without too much compromise.




    You play a healer, now you have a Tank Companion AND a DPS Companion destroying the enemy while you support them.


    You play a DPS, now you have a Tank Companion, Healer and/or Another DPS to speed up the killing or another backup healer for some hilarious immortal party action. etc


    You play a Tank, now you have a Healer Companion named TREEK (my buddy) and a DPS to battle against mobs.


    The more the merrier :p

  13. 1-55 is a blast with the improvements to 12x xp since last time, but after Makeb I just lose the will to continue leveling my alts 56-60. Despite what the blog says, Shadow of Revan is not "a more streamlined leveling experience" - my level 56-59 alts says it's the worst part of the leveling experience.


    Some reasons:


    * there's not enough XP in the main storyline to get from 55-60. I tried, used major XP item, guild XP bonus, did Forged Alliances, the Rishi and Yavin story quests,, and I'm still sitting at 59. Skip Forged Alliances, and you're even more screwed on XP.


    * repetitive endgame activities are repackaged as mandatory story progression. Solo end game right now is tactical/HM Forged Alliances/Blood Hunt/Battle of Rishi FPs and Yavin dailies. And guess what you have to do to advance the story? Yup, Forged Alliances, Blood Hunt, and Battle of Rishi FPs and a round of Yavin dailies. Even worse I can't even queue for the tactical to complete it - I have to do the solo version, and there's zero extra incentive to do the solo version because the pet/mount/vanity items from doing the tactical don't drop in solo so it's just boring and unrewarding. If I have to solo Blood Hunt one more time...


    * the story is exactly the same every damn time. At least with Hutt Cartel I remember making a few "meaningful" choices like killing off certain nps - as far as I can tell SoR's storyline is exactly the same on both sides no matter which "witty" dialogue options I pick with 2 exceptions (confronting the Republic/Imperial defectors on Rishi and deciding what happens to Iven). Which quickly gets boring by the third play through. At least let me shoot Kai Zykken jeez.


    * there's no side missions with story for when i want a break from the main storyline. Up until level 55 there are all sorts of side missions for when I want a break from the main storyline - planetary quests, seeker droid, section X, etc etc. But the only side quest on Rishi as far as I can tell is Great Beast Hunt and there's no cut scenes so I can't even figure out what's going on.


    Tldr: When's double XP so I can finally get my 55 alts to 60?


    I disagree that SOR was the worst part because I thoroughly enjoyed it, however I do agree with you on some points.


    1. I recently started a new Bounty Hunter Shield Tech tank and leveled from level 1 to... 59 by the time I was done with all the quests on Yavin. I had to wait until the next day for the dailies to reset so that I can continue getting the last few bars or so of XP which finally got me to level 60.


    2. The Solo Mode for flashpoints is fun but the rewards need to be better, more satisfying and/or rewarding. I know forced groupers will cry and moan that we should group together to "earn" virtual panties and loot but ----- them. Better rewards for Solo Mode would be great.


    3. I don't mind too much that the story was the same each time, maybe some variation and randomness would be nice or a random weekly surprise in the story quests.


    4. About side quests... I only do side quests if the rewards justify it such as the Rishi 192 companion offhand- that is useful stuff that I can use right away on my companions :D

  14. I'm so damn tired of not having the option to bypass storyline in Flash Points!!!!! Once you have run a FP for the 900th time you get so frustrated with those who seem to want to watch the same story over and over and over ....... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! Bio-Ware needs to give the option to queue up for HM FPs without storyline. I'm sick and tired of queuing up for FPs and getting the group that refuses to space bar through the story line, even though you know they have seen it by their achievement list. FFS people give us an option to by pass the story line crap in FPs or stop making us go through it. I don't need to have a light side or dark side choice after every damn kill.:mad: I've left countless FPs because of this. You know damn good and well that I'm not the only one out there, many people have said the same thing, so stop making the story line interrupt the FP's momentum by making us sit through it over and over again!


    I agree and understand your frustration. Bioware should really go forward and just have solo options for all flashpoints and operations so that those who don't want to watch the story stuff and get straight to the loot runs can get what they want and those who want to roleplay and enjoy the story can do that too.


    Having both time constrained loot runners (and I can appreciate the sentiment, I sometimes just want to get that boss downed or that weekly quest finished fast and get my damn reward) and people who want to enjoy the story all funneled into the current Player Party required groups will create problems as the OP's concern shows.

  15. Said before many times but I want a whole party of companions out at a time, not one but TWO or MORE of my loyal crew out and about causing mayhem.


    Negative Nancy Trying to Speak on Behalf of Devs but is not paid to do so or anything like that and makes stuff up: But you CAN'T because... it's not in the code! It's not possible, because code says it's not possible.. because because!


    Me: Silence dork!


    Also, would like for Tank companions to be sturdier like extra +defense/shield/absorb/armor rating (looking at you Xalek)

  16. Too many planets = makes leveling experience too long, what can be ok for the first char, but turns into a bit of a pain once you get more chars.

    Also, increases the costs of the game, increasing the devs work, time spent, etc.

    They could have easly get the exact same amount of missions and stories in less 3/4 planets.


    I'm with you on this especially. About the only thing I remember from all the throwaway planets (yes throwaway like disposable diapers and moldy paper plates) was all the travel time riding from point A to Z.


    Quick Travel helped a bit but most of the travel was done via speeder or rocket boots perk and watching a show in a background (flatscreen tv on my right side) to help ease the boring roadtrip to the next spot while avoiding random mobs when I can to get to the next class mission area or quest clicky/area.


    A lot of dead space is what it functionally is, so uninteresting that I would rather watch a show on International Financial Reporting standards.


    P.S. If they asked me I would still say Let me summon at least 2 companions instead of one! That way I can always have a holy trinity of Tank/Heal/DPS and be any of the 3 while my 2 buddies play the other 2 roles. Great epic fun :p

  17. I wish.


    Would love to see some hilarious scenes were your player character challenges his enemy to a 1v1 duel, then promptly brings in GSIdroid and 2 or more companions to beat the guy's ***. Then proclaims to everyone after that he won the fight in glorious single combat /flex muscles

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