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Posts posted by Y-Yorle

  1. Is there a reason that places I have discoverd (GTNs, trainers, vendors, etc) don't stay on my map? For example, if I'm new to a planet and discover my trainer... then go traveling across the planet on taxis or what have you, and level up some time later... when I go to look at my map, there is no way to tell where my trainer was discovered. It's really confusing on a non-linear map like Nar Shaddaa. If one was carrying a map of some sort, wouldn't the purpose of it be to mark important locations? Not just have them show up after you are already in proximity to them. It's not even possible to use a map IRL like that, but it's how it works in the game? Discovered locations should be permanently displayed on the map and not just when in proximity.


    Not meant to insult or be rude or anything, just to rule out something.


    Have you by any chance noticed you can click on what is shown on both your large map and minimap? in the large map it shows a 'Trainer' button on the left lower side which you can click to check it and on the minimap you can check several boxes in/under a button on the topside of it.

  2. fyi all slows doesnt care if ur resolve bar is full


    I also have been under the impression that "pure snares", meaning reducing runspeed anywhere between 1% and 100%, do not increase resolve. This does not limit itself to the top tier ability for Shadows and Assassins.


    To elaborate: I am talking about abilities that only reduce movement speed and not add a stun/knockback/mezz/sleep/etc component in which your character can't do or use anything at all.

  3. Umm that set is gosh darn amazing looking. Colour palette might not be my first choice but that overall look definitely is.




    It's the lv 20 set you can buy from the PvP vendor. There are more sets with the same colour and others with different colour (green may be more your thing?) on the vendor. The one I have on my BH is the lv 20 Turrethead set looking like this pic.


    I also love how I can craft the modifiable trench coat version (chest and pants) a lot seem to love, but I preferred this one over it.

  4. I have a question from a level 30 pyro spec PT.


    Lately I have tried to run with ion cell and guard swapping while still doing as much dps as possible.


    I find it really easy to grab the tank medals quick and still do ok in the dps department.


    Are there any other "tricks" to keep a high metal count? Or do you think I am gimping my dps by doing this?


    Again just started this last night but found the extra metals easy to nab and nice.


    I think it's a good thing you're protecting your team as good as you do. In the end this makes you more likely to win and thus get more commendation then you would if you lost, even if you had more medals when you did so. I am sure your dps will be a bit lower when you spend time watching who needs a guard on them and not, but if it makes you win I wouldn't call it "gimping" yourself. ^^

  5. Use the build listed or this one.


    Full defense will have better Focus management, but Vigilance will hit harder. Vig will also make tanking trash much easier since it's more mobile and you get mitigation for using Force Leap and Guardian Leap.


    I do believe for PvE the problem with Protector in Vigilance is that apart from applying the dmg reduction it also applies the threat reduce on yourself. and of course in the time it takes to hop around, mobs start moving with you as well and you still need 10m to Force Leap back to the mob.


    In PvP the Protector skill is just pure win. :D

  6. as i read the other classes get their finisher when a target is beneath 30% of health, why aren't we able to use this until the enemy drops on low 20% ? does this make any sense?


    I was thinking the same and then realized our finisher has a 10m range as opposed to the 4m range other finishers have. Not that we'll be 10m away preferably but I guess this was the trade off by design.

  7. Personally I think a Guardian (JK) tank is more single target based then a Shadow (JC) tank. As a Guardian you rely more on your DPS mates to take care of the adds while you keep the threat of one or two big and scary mobs. They basically have the same tools when it comes to threat generation (single and AoE taunt) except the shadow seems to have more abilities that can be specced for to get addional threat generation.


    Example is Slow Time: http://www.torhead.com/ability/cBH5iug/slow-time

    (Basically an AoE threat/dmg on a rather short CD but somewhat high resource cost)


    Also, coming from personal experience, it seems the Shadow have better dmg. The Mind Maze ability, a long duration CC from stealth, is also very handy to have as tank as you control the flow of combat a bit more. I don't think I need to tell it probably feels good as a tank to be able to control the fights better. xD


    Then again, keep in mind all of this is coming from a Guardian tank (yours truly) so maybe Maranea's point is coming into play here! xD Maybe I'm just jealous on the Shadow class for stealing my Force Pull from beta, lol.

  8. In beta the Force Push was a knight ability (so both Guardian and Sentinel had it). I am not entirely sure why the moved it to Guardian/Juggernaut only, because it makes the Sentinel/Marauder the only class to have no ability that actually moves people around (pull/push/knockback).


    What I also find weird, is that the Force Pull has been removed from the Knight (not sure if guardian only) in beta because it supposedly made them 'unkitable'. It would be nice if the pull was a tier 5 Defense ability for the guardian or so, even if it replace the Hilt Strike there. Certainly as a Guardian in tanking spec I don't do a godly amount of dmg that would justify removing the pull. Especially if you consider that a tanking Powertech/Vanguard have quite the higher dmg output, have range in their favor (mostly 10m) AND when specced for it have both a pull and charge. You'd think the tanking class that is more 0m-4m combat based of the two would be the preferred class to give both a charge and pull to design wise. :p I don't think the double Force Leap with Force Push makes up for this. Also, Shadow/Assasin tanks also have both a pull and (AoE) knockback and in my experience have slightely better dmg output as well. As a Defense Guardian it's quite funny that the hilt of my saber is deadlier then the actual blade. And only on non-player character to boot! xD


    I think I wouldn't mind the lower dmg on my Guardian if say Enure didn't remove dmg taken from the base HP after the duration, but rather acted as a true temporary buffer. I'll try to explain below:


    (Enure timer done + less dmg done then the HP from the Enure buff) = revert to base HP before using Enure

    (Enure timer not done + dmg exceeds HP granted by Enure buff) = Enure 'wears off' and we go on from the HP we have from there.)


    This way it wouldn't be considered an actual heal, but more like say a Sage/Sorc's shield but with shorter duration (and longer CD) that temporary prevents dmg. Right now Enure is only really effective if you have a pocket healer. Of course this makes the Guardian a walking wall, but since the dmg in tanking spec is so low and that we need to be in melee range for most abilities I think it would justify it. It would prob also help the extreme squishiness of Focus/Vigilance specced Guardians.


    p.s. Sorry for going off-track, err topic there sliding from Sentinel to Guardian. In the end I think they should at least give Sentinel/Marauder the Force Push back.

  9. Guardian tanks can't do damage in Warzones but tanking Powertech/Vanguard and Shadows/Assassins can sure out DPS a DPS class.


    Which is ridonkculous.


    This is how I feel as well having played both a Defense Guardian and Shield Tech BH. I just seem to do a lot more dmg on my BH and the fact I have plenty of ranged skills on him helps even more. You'd think for balancing purposes the melee class of the two would at least out-dps the ranged one once said melee gets in range, but this is not the case as far as I can tell. While a Guardian to a point can certainly outlast a BH in a zerg, the once in a 3m Warding Call ability just doesn't seem worth the much very much lower amount of dmg I do on Defense Guardian.


    Though I have to say I play differently on Guardian then BH. Defense Guardian is all about being the big nuisance (by spamming Freezing Force for example) for those that seek to harm your party rather then being more offensive. Then again, the best way to ultimately protect your party is by killing your opposition. This is something a Guardian lacks in even with a pocket healer, while the ST BH certainly has little trouble with it in my experience. :p

  10. Wait, there are seriously people on these boards that are defending someone queueing up for a PvP warzone, and then not participating?




    No no no, while it may seem like that (I initially got that feeling as well), it's more about 'explaining' why or how it's possible people do this in WZs.


    In this case it is explained by (and most likely wrongly interpreted as being) the "defender" there is not a specific mentionings of these specific cases of gameplay in the EULA for SW:TOR on how this is considered bannable or not. Basically they're trying to dig into the mindset of why people with ill intend may be less inhibited in expressing this kind of behaviour in WZs.


    Not sure if there's an english version of it, but in the Netherlands we have a saying that translates to "the oppertunity creates the thief". By not having rules specific to the WZ afk case the 'thief' (being the afk'er) may be created by thinking "It's not in the EULA so they can't ban me". Of course when it comes down to this BioWare can literally ban anyone they want with given no reason at all. It's their game, and thus their rules.


    What I think it comes down to is that they're basically trying to bring a problem to light to which these 'defenders' would like to see a solution. They're being a profiler of sorts, but in the process get confused with the ones actually showing this behaviour (which isn't odd as you sort of have to become the person you're trying to describe).


    I hope that made sense, because it was complicated enough for me to formulate for myself already. If I am wrong there please correct me and also excuse any typo's I may have made. xD

  11. I use this ability quite often. throw saber>force leap> opportune strike>force sweep>pommel strike a stunned standart npc and i pretty much kill 2 enemies really fast. Or Doc can stun the enemy, so why not use the ability on that enemy? But yeah, without good MMO mouse it can be a pain trying to squeeze in all the abilities.


    This is exactly how I use it as well now being hybrid vig/def specced.


    Before I was pure defense spec and could use it for example with my unchanneled Force Stasis. The situations are a bit tricky to discern sometimes and occasionally you have to plan ahead a bit as well. This is especially true if you don't have the ability slotted on buttons you can reach quickly in reaction. MMO mouse indeed helps a lot here for Guardians/Juggernauts (I myself have a Logitech G700 which works fine for me).

  12. Yeah, it's a really handy ability, I just dislike the CD on it a bit (wouldn't mind having it reduced to say 30s). Also, I find it a bit weird Sentinels/Marauders don't have it anymore since beta. As far as I know it's the only class without a 'push' mechanism, right?


    I can remember Knights also having Force Pull in beta. Now that was awesome (while I can understand a Knight becomes totally unkitable though) Maybe if we had bot a Pull and Push and set them on a shared cd. I wouldn't mind if we had to have say 2 focus for it either if that would correct some balancing issues with reduced cd. ^^

  13. I had exactly the same happen when I Force Leaped to someone who was being Force Pulled at almost the same time.


    It was even more funny as it was on Ilum where two others in my group had exactly the same problem at the same time. (All three of us force leaped/stormed to their healer who was being pulled away). Needless to say, we lost the skirmish with the Imps because suddenly three tanks had DC'd. xD

  14. Thanks for the clarification on Champion Bags. I was initially worried I would be able to get less Champion Gear now, but knowing the Champion Bags also drop (a lot of) Champion Tokens after the patch took away all my worries.


    I can now actually plan on when I get my Champion Gear rather then 'hope' for it and any extra Item Token I get is a bonus. This is very good as I was still missing my pants here




    Don't take that the wrong way... :p


    You have my thanks BioWare. ^^

  15. You should really show more respect to the communities more senior members, kiddo.


    I won;t report you this time, but pelase think before you type though and concider this a friendly warning. I expect more.


    To stay on-topic: They idea is a good one, no mistake about that. But indeed it seems to be in the wrong section of the forum.


    Off-topic: I am just saying how appalled (can't think of another word atm) I personally am by how badly you're trying to push yourself forward. If anything, it's probably back-firing at you because people may interpreted it as your ego being the size of a mountain. I think if you're a bit more humble people will probably vote for you more.


    edit: Didn't see your post mentioning the other section you posted it in at the time I wrote this

  16. Please do not instruct other legitemate players on methods of cheating. This is against the terms and service of the game. This is only a warning and will not be reported AT THIS TIME but further infractions will lead to enscalation of the issue.


    Most players like the challenge! The community and one have noticed It is often new, younger players who are inpatient. Just learn to enjoy the game, sunshine! :cool:


    Unless BioWare has released an official statement about how Force Pushing someone on top of the Sandcrawler is considered cheating I don't see what you're talking about. Actually, one of the datacrons on taris requires you to get there with the Force Push, as they've closed the door in the live version of the game that originally leads to the datacron.


    I don't mean to be rude, but I find your attempt at intimidation via reporting more of an infringement here. But if you really feel it's cheating then by all means I encourage you to report me. We'll get an official statement from BioWare and that way and that we'll both have done our part in helping the community out there as well, right?

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