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Posts posted by Uncle_Robo

  1. Yeah, some people have no idea the hard work it takes to win conquests. It isn't just sit there and enjoy your lead, sometimes the fight for planets go down to the last hour. It isn't cheap to win conquests either, often the guild has to have deeper pockets than their competitors or risk being outspent, outcrafted, outconquested.


    A 200,000 point lead is nothing in conquests. You should have watched your lead up to the end in order to maintain it.

  2. I think many angry players are just using this event to vent their frustrations of Bioware. They are actually angry about many other things, but this event has become an outlet for them to lash out on these and other forums. To me, it's like any other rewards...I don't pvp, but I'm not angry that people who do, get pvp rewards.


    Whoever thought up this event probably thought this would help bring more activity to dying servers. Since the legendary requirement requires making 8 new characters, most people with maxed slots will need to complete this requirement on another server unless they buy 8 additional character slots. I think having 8 characters with max crafting skills on another server is more useful than using 1 slot on the home server and deleting 7 toons as you complete each requirement.

  3. Do all of you want that tank mount?

    You only need to level 8 classes to 50 to get that tank mount, armor set, and title. All the other reward requirements seem quite reasonable to do. The best reward to me is the companion, which would not be hard to complete.


    They obviously want the tank mount to be pretty rare since not everyone is going to grind for it.

  4. Even if it is 200 accounts, so what?

    If it's easy enough for anyone to max their companion to run Treasure hunting missions, by all means, do so.

    Credits are now easy to make in this game. No one needs to turn to credit sellers.

    Just play the game to buy what you want off the gtn.


    If it's not limited to a specific group of people, and anyone can do it, what is the problem?

    Yeah, things cost more, but it's also a lot easier to earn credits.


    No changes are needed. Just like in Yavin where people claimed lockboxes dropped too much credits.

    They nerfed that, and it now drops less credits than a lower level planet, where you collect 3 lockboxes that total more than the one lockbox that drops from Yavin.

  5. Just curious, how many of you have a level 50 influence companion?


    I don't think that many people do have maxed companions. Unless you are a heavy crafter, there really isn't a reason to max your companion. And after taking into account how much in gifts you spent to max your companion, most people are not maxing a companion to run Treasure Hunting missions. Because mostly it's the wealthy players maxing their companions, and wealthy players have better ways of making credits than running Treasure Hunting crew missions.


    This is not an exploit. It's a perk of maxing out influence on companions.

  6. Now you're just talking nonsense. JC is in no way a "very distant back of the pack when it comes to population". Only Harbinger consistently ranks higher, with Ebon Hawk and Shadowlands in line at or near JC's numbers.


    I'm not saying ninja looting doesn't exits on JC, but it is frowned upon and not an accepted behavior on this server. It is an easy way to end up on everyone's ignore list and people will remember your name and deed.


    I have characters on every server and am not seeing what you are seeing on JC. Perhaps it would be best for you to move, since JC no longer fills your needs.



    lets be very clear here i am not comparing JC to any other server. i know how active other servers are and if we want to compare them JC is a very distant back of the pack when it comes to population.


    to suggest we JC does not have its ninja looters or node stealing fools is just plain absurd. There will always be the subset of players in any mmo on any server that can fill that role just fine and JC has them for sure so lets move past the poor quality mmo player such as that.


    to rattle off conquest guilds is sorta honestly a mute point. I say this because i know full well that on any given week guilds in the top 3 can easily be there with a very limited subset of members who are willing and able to push conquest hard in a system that for the most part is broken and really at this point shown to be more or less useless. i say that knowing full well the backing to that statement because guess what been there done that in a guild that only had a dozen players who were easily and willing enough to push for 1 number 2 or 3 in any given week.


    the moral here is the server really is in need. please just spend time on other more populous servers east or if you wish west coast. sure any player can join a guild that just takes as many and as often as they can where even on JC you log in and you see 30 people online in that guild but that is not a representation of the guilds on teh server or for that matter the population that of course comes and goes with holidays, game releases, time of day and such.


    so you can point that finger and say you sir dont want to accept this or that or you have an oppinion and its wrong but reality is reality and the server over the last 6 to 8 months has slowly evolved to the point it is. its not one single thing but for the most part BW and they direction they have taken for sure has gotten the game to its current state. but of course you can just put your head in the sand and loudly say yep everything is ok. i mean after all ignorance is bliss as they say.

  7. I have to disagree. JC is fine.

    Define horribly light. I'm still seeing 2 instances of fleet during primetime and still have to fight over mobs in non instanced heroics even at 2am EDT.


    The worst thing that can happen to JC is a server merge. Have you ever played on Shadowlands? The ninja looting, players stealing quest objectives, players that do not follow instructions when explained mechanics, players going afk in pvp, guild bank robberies, and juvenile general chat would be horrible.


    first and foremost anyone that says JC is fine really has their heads in the sand. its been horribly light over 3 months now. maybe slightly longer. I can say over the last month is has progressively gotten worse unfortunately. that is completely due to this mad rush that BW has created themselves with its cheap to transfer so do it.


    we must also take into account that as summer quickly approaches meaning the schools are out fewer people are generally online which to me makes things alarmingly bad because more people perceive the server is dead and they take the omg its cheap only now BW statement to transfer and leave. couple that with people thinking harb is the salvation they will receive in swtor.


    please stop saying its a timing thing or a we are off doing chapter thing or we are off on another planet thing, its not the server has slowed considerably over the months and lately very much so. really BW needs to get their heads from the bottom and merge the east coast servers which seem to be much lighter on average. and this is purely due to the pacific players filling for example harb. they need to just do it and stop dragging their feet already. its very unhealthy for the game to persist with servers that are weaker in population east coast. just doesnt help the long term life of the game for all of us subs right now. hate me all you want. talk down to me all you want. the truth is the truth.


    MERGE your east coast servers bw.

  8. All this started because they did not want Level 60 tokens granting Chapter 3 completion. But their "fix" has affected legitimate players that have actually completed Chapter 3. Sometimes the fix is worse than some unintended perk given by a cartel item.


    Bioware, please don't fix things that aren't really broken.

  9. Don't discount the Double XP weekend burnout. Lots of people played several hour marathons of double xp and have taken a break, myself included. The weather is getting nicer, and people are spending more time outside instead of in front of their computers.


    I wouldn't worry about JC just yet. My conquest guilds are busy as ever running ops, flashpoints, and pvp daily. My gtn sales are healthy, so I'm not seeing any mass migration away from JC.

  10. Not all f2p players are freeloaders. Some preferred players I know spend more on cartel items than most subs I know.



    It's fine, the freeloaders aren't contributing to the server rent so their wants & qualms don't really matter. It's why bioware blocked them from in-game customer support.
  11. The next time bounty week comes along, you bring an under level 50 dps toon with plain vanilla dps companion to solo Kingpins. I will give you 1 million credits if you successfully solo it without dying. If you die, you pay me 1 million credits. No heroic moment allowed.



    Then you need to learn to play. I've solo'd all of the kingpins with vanilla companions for pretty much as long as that event has existed, and i pretty much always use DPS companions, regardless of whatever roll I'm playing, and I consider myself a player of average skill. With decent(not great) gear on myself and my companions.


    If you can't solo those without Treek, then that's on you.

  12. Well, you will have to fight no matter what choice you make or else the story would end right there. I think if you kneel, they capture you where you would have to escape by fighting later. If you don't kneel, you fight right then and there to escape. So either choice, you will still fight.
  13. I believe the information thus far has been KOTFE gives you 2 free slots, with 40 max slots possible per server. You get 1 free instant level 60 token to start KOTFE, with additional available for purchase from the Cartel store.
  14. Kinda surprised at some comments that Treek is no better than any normal companion. I have been able to solo Kingpin bounties, and finish flashpoints when a tank/healer drops/gets kicked only with Treek. On my toons that don't have Treek, these were not possible.
  15. I think the current f2p system works, but can be improved.

    I probably would not have tried the game if it were not f2p. EA is smart in not making everything unlockable (such as sending multiple mail attachments, sending companions on multiple crafting missions, guild repair funds, no credit cap, etc.). If everything were unlockable, then there would be much less incentive to sub since you can buy the unlock once and enjoy the perk without needing to sub.


    EA should look at improving the current f2p system where it affects subscriber game play.

    For example, by restricting flashpoint boss loot rolls on f2p players, f2p players stop doing flashpoints after the third boss loot roll. Same for the restrictions on warzones. If these restrictions generate lots of sales of warzone and flashpoint passes, then the f2p system works as EA intended. But if sales of these passes are low, there appears little reason to continue these restrictions.

  16. Yes, well this is to limit credit sellers from spamming every second instead of just every minute.

    The delay can be annoying for f2p players, but it is still manageable to hold conversations in chat.


    I believe they have some message restrictions, as far as having to wait to post the next message, correct? If that is so, that must be what folks are complaining about. I think open unrestricted communication between free and preferred players (NOT SUBS) is the way to go.

  17. Legacy mail...might be solved with the upcoming legacy storage.

    Currently solved when you go preferred status.


    Credit escrow spam with sound is useful to warn that the cap is being reached. Some players wish to spend those credits before it goes into escrow, so a warning is useful.


    Free and preferred players are able to chat among themselves in general chat.


    So, again, as the topic seemed to get of the rails with the amount of hyperbole running around....


    I propose that there are a few elements of the F2P that actually discourage folks from becoming paying players.


    Those restrictions and nags....namely the following....

    Lack of ability to unlock legacy mail

    Credit escrow message spam with sound for every single credit above the cap

    Lack of ability for free and preferred players to chat among themselves


    ....seem to be the largest complaints web wide right now, and I see them as nothing more than punishment.


    I believe all three need to be addressed.

  18. One of the few things to change I would look at, is the current f2p limits on flashpoint rolls and warzone particpation. If EA is making a killing on selling flashpoint and warzone passes, then their business model is working as intended. However, if sales of these passes are low, EA should look at lifting these limits, since these limits contribute to longer waits on flashpoint and warzone queues.
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