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Everything posted by NecrosisXT

  1. Yeah, I figure once I'm out of the leveling phase I'll start selling my leftover Primordial Fragments since they sell for about a grand each right now. Crafting anything decent will be a long ways off as I don't even have basic gear yet. As for augments, I have a low level agent I'm using as a bit of a crafter monkey right now. He's rocking Armstech, UWT and Slicing, none of which are very high right now but I'll be able to level AT up quickly once my Cybertech hits 450. Early Tier UWT mats have proven quite profitable in the last few months. With Terenthium going for 1.7k a pop and Krayt scales going for 10k a pop I figure I'll make enough to cover any holes in the crafting supply my leftovers from Cybertech can't fill. The lack of color crystal profitability is disappointing, but it doesn't surprise me. I often find the best crafted crystals going for an AMAZING, MIND SHATTERING, MAKE ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE..........35k....Honestly, I thought crafting would spare me the daily grind to get credits, but it seems like there is no good credits in anything except Cartel Packs these days.
  2. Greetings, fellow forum-goers! I recently hit 55 on my Assassin, so I decided after a few days of dailies to start playing catch-up with my Artifice, and Cybertech on my Bounty Hunter. They will soon be 450. In light of this, I was wondering how to get the most out of them. Are there certain schems I should be grinding for? Do they even require grinding? What are popular sells for you? Is it true Artifice can craft magic-jedi-peanut bu-eh, enough of my ramblings.... you get the picture. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Greetings, not sure if this is the right place, but I'm assuming I'm failing because I'm new... Anywho, I cannot seem to reach "The Tomb" portion of Belsavis, everywhere I go I'm met with level 50 Republic Troops and a 10 second countdown to PvP tagging, both of which would mean death for me... I've tried several paths, and can't seem to find the right one, what am I missing?
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