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Posts posted by nervousheroA

  1. Welcome nervousheroA :D I want to way I really enjoyed your story. I liked seeing the companions interacting, and it was quite believable the way you positioned them. I enjoyed the bout and was quite happy to see SW triumph. You do a great Pierce. I also enjoyed Quinn. Need more of him in the future! :D Great stuff, hope to see more.


    Also, I've been reading and enjoying the stories, been sort o lurker mode, but I'm still here and still enjoying things very much. I have some more to catch up on still too. :)


    I'm flattered! :D

    I was a bit worried about Pierce, tbh, because I normally run with Quinn (he is the husband and all), so I not overly familiar with his character, but I felt like combat suits him best.

  2. I've been reading this thread for the past few days (only about a fifth of the way through it all, though. geez...), and I saw I could use an older prompt. Awesome. Therefore, I'm using Allies. This is my Sith Warrior, Giselle, and crew. Obvious spoilers are obvious, and let me know what you guys think!

    Feels so weird finally putting this stuff out there for the first time... Let me know if I need to improve the formatting. I copied the text from a Word document and had to add in extra line spaces between each line. Is there an easy way?


    Doubts (2642 words. quite a read)



    It was a little after 10 pm on Dromund Kaas, the clouds turning a pure black above the tall, dark buildings. The rain pounded on the glass windows of the skyrise apartment, plastering the thud of the rain throughout the halls. In the main room, Lieutenant Pierce was duking it out against Vette and Jaesa in a tough round of Pazaak.


    “I don’t understand why I keep losing,” he said.


    “Because you don’t think,” explained Vette, laying down three cards. “You can’t play hand-by-hand. You have to plan many turns into the future. Or you just cheat and use the Force like Jaesa.”


    “I don’t cheat!” the Sith apprentice exclaimed. “If I did, I would’ve ended the game half an hour ago…”


    “Uh-huh, sure.”


    Reaching into his own hand, the soldier played a somewhat-passable counter to Vette’s play.


    “Speaking of the Force, has anyone noticed Giselle acting…odd…lately?”


    “What makes you say that?” asked Jaesa, playing down another pair of cards. Vette silently scowled at the card pile.


    “Hard to say.” He shrugged. “It just feels like she’s been…off-center since the Revanites.”


    “Can you blame her?” was Vette’s reply, eventually deciding on a move. “She’s had a lot happening to her all at once.”


    “I’m not saying it’s unexpected, but I can’t shake the feeling she’s become…unstable.”


    “In what way?”


    He sighed, laying down another card.


    “I don’t know. She’s always been a bit of a rough wild card, nearly impossible to read…”


    “Perhaps if you spent less time resisting simple instructions and more time understanding the meaning behind them, you might get a gist of what it is she seeks.”


    The Lieutenant buried his face in his free hand upon hearing Quinn’s voice behind him.


    “Damn you, Captain Protocol.”


    He didn’t seem fazed by the insult.


    “It would probably be wise,” he explained, “to NOT gossip about a Sith lord while inside her own home.”


    “Maybe you could help us, then,” Vette suggested. “Because he DOES have a point, sort of.”


    “I will not participate in gossiping about my own wife,” he insisted. “Besides, if it were any of your business, she would’ve said something to you by now.”


    “Right, I’m sure she tells you everything, doesn’t she?” jabbed Pierce. “Right under the covers, I’m sure she’s an open book, isn’t she? You know, the rest of us don’t have that kind of privilege.”


    That last comment found its mark.


    “Privilege?” Quinn scoffed. “My ‘privilege’ is to work alongside her. Anything else she has given me is by her accord, not mine. None of you are in any place to judge that.”


    “********,” he replied, rising to his feet. “You love the position you have now, don’t you? You revel in the knowledge you have direct and exclusive access to the most prominent Sith in the damn galaxy, and you’d love nothing more than to rub it in our faces, don’t you?”




    Everyone in the room suddenly froze. Exiting the sparring hall, Giselle and Broonmark stood at the doorway, watching the situation escalate. Pointing at the two women and Pierce, her eyes were a kind of liquid fire.


    “You three. In my chambers. Now.”


    “My lord…” Pierce started.




    Jarred into silence, the three set their cards down and walked past her towards the bedrooms. Jaesa silently jabbed Pierce in the shoulder angrily.


    “Quinn, I want you to take Broonmark out into the jungle for an hour. He says he needs the exercise.”


    “Of course, my lord.”


    “We’ll talk later, in private.”


    “Yes, my lord.”


    Running a hand through her auburn hair, she sighed angrily, making her way to her room. Jaesa was sitting on the bed, Vette was in a chair, and Pierce was left standing. Closing the door behind her, the Sith faced her crew, her eyes settling into a kind of cold flame, dripping into her words.


    “I will not tolerate gossip,” she began. “Especially about me, in my own home.”


    “My lord,” Pierce replied. “It’s on me. I brought it up.”


    She narrowed her gaze.


    “Good. You decided to be honest with me. I appreciate that. Now, what exactly were you saying about me?”


    He swallowed hard, suddenly realizing his predicament. Normally, he wouldn’t be so afraid to speak his mind about his authority, but something about Giselle always set him on edge.


    “I just can’t help but feel you’re getting soft,” he replied. “Ever since the Revanites, I haven’t seen that fire we’ve come to respect. I have a right to be concerned.”


    “You doubt my determination?” She mused over his statement for a while. She got an idea. “Ok, then. Tell you what. You want to test me? Let’s do it in the way we both feel at home. Combat.”


    “What?” Vette looked at her incredulously.


    “Unarmed, of course,” she explained. “Best way to test a spirit is send it to war. If you refuse, then you humiliate yourself, and your concerns, for the next several weeks. Your decision.”


    “I’ve been itching for some action,” he replied. “I’m in.”


    “Meet me in the sparring hall. No armor, no shoes, no weapons.”




    After about ten minutes, Pierce had put on a simple white sparring shirt and some pants, nothing too fancy. Giselle had opted for her natural war-attire, sporting her extremely low-cut, deep red top that hugged her curves in a way he had refused to forget since he met her. It was a little odd for him to not be wearing any kind of shoes, but he shrugged off the sensation. He needed to focus.


    They circled each other around their starting positions in the sparring hall, fists raised defensively, silently reading one another. The Wrath was notorious for her dexterity, bending her body in ways only the Force could allow, turning her opponent into a springboard. Though, this could be offset by Pierce’s own bulk. His natural ability to take hits and dish them back brutally was not one to be ignored, either. She also had prominent acrobatics, but she had assured him she would be avoiding the Force save for reflexes and other passive things. He accepted that. He’d fought his share of Jedi.


    “First one grounded for ten seconds,” he explained.




    Jaesa started the countdown.


    “3… 2… 1… Fight.”


    For the first few moments, neither combatant blinked an eye, both deciding to start out defensive. Pierce was still trying to figure out a plan. Normally, she would make the first blow, it was her nature. But this was no ordinary match, either. She was proving her alpha status to the crew. Caution was probably her main plan. He was surprised, then, when she suddenly appeared in his face.


    Lunging forward, she rushed him with a right hook, which was simple enough to dodge to the side. Digging in his heel, he swung a leg in her general direction, hoping to break her flow before it pulled him under. That’s the thing about her. If she keeps going long enough, you’re doomed.


    His leg met only air, though, his target instinctively jumping back. Not willing to risk her starting another chain, he rushed her, hoping to drive a wedge early. She expertly deflected the central punch, knocking it to the far left. Not letting up, he kept going, dishing out somewhat slow, but powerful kicks and jabs, not giving her an inch to work with.


    She didn’t stay on the ground for longer than a second, making small flips and spinning to bring her limbs to meet his blows. Each shot, despite being properly deflected, took a lot of energy from her. It took too much to block him continuously, and once she made a mistake while sending a punch the wrong way, exposing her middle, he punished her for it by sending a strong kick deep into her gut.


    He felt his foot meet her flesh, and saw her fly a feet backwards, slamming onto the ground. Using the momentum of the fall, however, she turned it into a roll, ending her slide on her feet rather than her stomach. Unlike most people, she didn’t clutch her stomach from the blow, or even show any sign of pain besides a small grimace. There was a pause for a moment, letting her get to her feet, still reveling in the hit. Unfortunately, this meant he wasn’t paying attention, and she retaliated by leaping forward, twisting her body into a vicious kick. Unable to block in time, her foot connected with his chest, and he crumpled from the force of it.


    It felt like his ribs were on fire. He couldn’t tell if they were broken, it was hard to say if she was holding herself back from doing any serious damage or not, but he got back on his feet quickly.


    “You hesitated,” she noted, pressing her offensive with a leg sweep.


    “Wanted to make sure I didn’t hurt you too badly,” he replied, jumping back from the sweep.


    “Hesitation does not win wars, Lieutenant. I though you knew this by now?”


    This time, the tables were turned. She kept up her offensive with kicks that rivaled his previous one. It took all he had to block them, absorbing the blows’ force into his large frame as she kept up the pace. After a rather nasty kick to the face, which he barely avoided, he realized what was going on.


    Why isn’t she using her arms? She’s not even attempting to… Of course. She doesn’t have the reach. Pierce’s frame was just too large to attempt any kind of punching as an offensive technique. He’d just absorb it too easily. He, however, had much bigger arms. Digging his feet in, he deflected a spinning kick to the ground, and sent a fist into a mean uppercut.


    He was intending to hit her stomach again. It would’ve made the most sense. Instead, it seemed she had bent low for another flip, so the blow went straight to her chin, launching her into an arch into the ground a few feet back. Not wasting a moment this time, he leapt towards her, rearing his elbow for a wrestler’s finishing move.


    Despite her vision spinning a bit, she rolled to the side, barely missing the blow in time. Luckily for Pierce, he managed to retract his elbow before it collided with the floor, rolling back to his knees. However, he had landed too close to her, and the Sith wasted no time in lunging at him. However, he had expected the lunge, and merely back-handed her as she got near him.


    That sent her back to the ground, now with her face stinging like mad. This time, though, she didn’t get up immediately. When he walked over to her, he started taunting.


    “Done already?” He suddenly felt her grabbing at his ankles. Before he had time to react, she had pulled herself up to her feet, using his legs and now grabbing his torso. The sudden closeness stunned him for far too long. It had been the closest they had ever been to one another. It resembled the dreams he had when they first met, before he had realized who she had her eyes on.


    “There’s always time for more~” He could swear she was nearly purring when she said that. He also realized rather slowly that she was playing him again, making him blink. Grabbing his chest, she flipped over his shoulders and to his back. Reaching behind her, she bent low and pulled his legs upwards and away from her. From there, physics took over, flinging him over her shoulders and slamming him into the ground in front of her. His weight only added to the impact, dazing him even more. Luckily, he gathered his senses quickly, and grabbed the cuffs of her legs in between his own, and twisted his legs into a roll. This tore her legs from under her, smashing her into the ground as well. He recovered first, sending his right foot into a violent kick towards the face. Instinctively, she flipped off of the ground, her face barely missing his toes as she righted herself on her feet. Running out of options, he charged forward, but she didn’t move. Instead, she waited, and then leapt into the air, into another spinning kick. This time, however, he saw it coming, but didn’t have the energy to change tactics.


    It was almost like feeling it in slow-mo. Trying to stop his momentum, he was completely vulnerable to her counter-attack. Her right foot connected with his head, smashing it violently down and to the right. This was one of her recent trademarks, her foot guiding his face into the ground at just the right angle to smash the rest of his body as well. Sprawled on his back, she pressed her foot on his chest. He tried to roll out, but found his body refusing. He was out of energy.


    “Ten!” Jaesa exclaimed after a bit of silence. “The match is over.”


    He had been played from the start, he realized. Even those blows he connected were planned. She knew his initial strength could block out whatever offense she used, so she needed that expended so she could press. By letting him use his biggest blows early, he had over-extended himself, and he couldn’t counter her most obvious move. She had practically choreographed the fight from the beginning.


    “Well played,” he said bitterly. “Well played indeed.”


    “You fought well,” she noted, breathing just as hard as he was, but with much less sweat. “You truly are Black Ops material.”


    “It’s not salt on the wounds…” he replied. “But it’s not a bottle of whiskey either.”


    She shook her head, dropping her foot from his chest.


    “What you still fail to realize, Pierce, is the woman you met on Taris is not the same Sith who just kicked your ***. She was reckless, naïve, and driven by a powerful drive of revenge. True, I had fire, but it was not the controlled kind. It was the kind of fire that eventually burns itself into oblivion after a while because it burns out of control. After Darth Baras, among other things…I realized my error. Now, I have a husband, a kid. I can no longer afford to be the same rash, and self-motivated Sith I was when I rescued you on Taris. I can NO longer afford to be manipulated.” She sighed tiredly, her whole posture sagging noticeably. “It’s true I’ve been conflicted over the past few weeks. I’ll admit, the Emperor and his Hand rattled me far more than they should have.”


    She suddenly glared at him, the fire in her eyes reigniting.


    “But that is exactly why I have been preparing. Did you fail to notice where I was going for long periods of time? I was training. With Imperius, with Jaesa, with Broonmark. I must prove my strength, my worth, or I can NOT be called Sith. I am not sitting idle, Pierce. I am climbing. I am rising. And when the time comes, I will prove my worth. So I will not have you doubting me. You will respect what I have become, or you will leave. Is that understood?”


    He lay there for several seconds, absorbing her mini speech. After a while, his face split into a grin.


    “There she is,” he exclaimed. “There’s the Sith I know.” He sighed. “And I’m sorry, all right? I don’t like incompetent or skittish leadership.”


    “There should have been no reason to lose your faith, though I hope you have regained it.”


    “Believe me, my lord, even if I don’t remember, every cell in my body will for the next week or so.” He rose slowly to a sitting position, wincing in heavy pain. “Now, why don’t we patch ourselves up? I’d rather not have to explain to Quinn why I nearly drop-kicked his wife.”




    Author's Notes:



    Giselle is my Sith Marauder, my first character to hit the lvl cap of 55 at the time and my main toon. She's got more going for her, story-wise, but this is a good start, I think. Rishi and Yavin IV were very important moments in her character development, for obvious reasons.


  3. same place i store a jawa, giant mount/speeder, a few dozen pieces of armor, tons of mats, some explosives (fireworks) few holographic projectors size of a kiddie pool, and a giant pumpkin skinned chamber.


    Lucky I play a female toon and have additional storage than most male toons.


    And that's what confuses me. What extra storage? My current understanding is said extra storage space is already in use (my ignorance is showing. I'm so sorry. :o)

  4. How about a class appropriate optional / additional weapon skill unlock, perhaps a cartel market item. Why not have a Jedi Knight of Sith Warrior with a Saber Staff? Perhaps a Smuggler or Bounty Hunter with a Rifle? What about a Trooper or Agent with a Pistol. Counselors and Inquisitors with Dual Sabers could be an option. I don’t think it is too much a game changer.


    What do you think?


    Unfortunately, I don't see this happening because it removes the unique-ness of each class. Assassin/Shadow is unique because only THEY can wield double-blade, Operatives and Vanguards are unique because only THEY can use rifles. And this is ignoring the potential meta-gaming that might ensue, because I think each weapon type calculates weapon damage slightly differently.

  5. This conversation again? No.

    Look, it's an easy mistake to make. I get it. It certainly looks odd. But I'll tell you, it's also an easy mistake to fix. Anything that ends in a bunch of 6's makes me nervous, and I don't buy it. End of story. The GTN is SUPPOSED TO be different from regular vendors.

  6. who would really want another stupid useless companion?? really?? you would much rather have another dumb companion sitting in your ship collecting dust than have a brand new playable species?? you people are very odd!!!!


    Rodian would never be a brand new playable species. Ever. For the reasons listed above. It sucks, but this is the truth. Being a companion would be the only logical way. I have no desire for it, myself, but the point still stands.

    And I shuffle through my companions all the time while playing. I give them all love.

  7. A new week, a new chance.


    Let's see if any one in the office there feels like making a response.


    I'm sorry, but it's not happening. Period. Regardless of intentions, regardless of purpose, BW would never accept $1,500 from a consumer for anything. Ignoring the fact that the amount specified is pennies to them, I can't even imagine the legal ramifications that could turn up from accepting money from non-affiliated sources. You want an answer from Bioware? They already have. The same statement that locked away Hutts and Wookies banned Rodians. No Wookie IN-GAME speaks Basic, no Rodians IN-GAME speak Basic. Therefore, the Basic requirement is not met. Now, a Rodian COMPANION, on the other hand...

  8. I had been thinking about GSF for a while, something to do while in between story content stuff. Despite not having my computer atm, I watched a few videos on YouTube, and it looked really cool. Out of curiosity, I came to the GSF forums, and I was convinced. I've never seen a friendlier section of the forums than this. You've convinced me to give this a shot when it comes back from the repair center. I look forward to crashing into many an asteroid and becoming a flaming comet of glory every match.
  9. This may not be a relevant reason for this opinion, but, despite doing the planetary missions several times over, I enjoy doing them time and time again anyway? Why? Because I use those repeated convos to flesh out who my character is while playing. I use that extra playtime to figure out who this character is, so when endgame finally hits, I know exactly how to plug this toon into my legacy.

    Are the missions tedious? Perhaps, but there's always new ways to go about them. For instance, I recently got HK and Treek for the first time. My vanguard is kicking butt with HK, and my Shadow is rocking it with Treek. New ways to play are actually making the missions feel unique again.

    That said, the addition as an optional perk sounds like a great idea.

  10. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the Emperor through the PTS. I absolutely love just the concept of a Sith who has basically achieved eternal life (until my Warrior gets her hands on him).

    Speaking of that, I am also extremely satisfied that my Warrior got so many class-specific points of dialogue within Ziost, to the Emperor or otherwise. It made the story incredibly personal for my warrior. She may even beat my knight to the final kill.

  11. Like the title suggests, I was wondering if there were any titles with SIS in them still obtainable. I know there was an event back in 2012 that offered the title (since I only started playing in 2013, I obviously missed it). I also heard you were supposed to get SIS Operative title from completing the Tatooine planetary arc on Pub side, but it was broken. Is it still broken? I'd love to get that title...
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