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Everything posted by memerobot

  1. You don't know how to. See the QUOTE and /QUOTE and properly put them to separate your lines from the others. Now to start: 1) From what i've been seeing priming shot misses quite a bit in pvp. it's not reliable. It misses like any other attack. 2) Depending on the circumstances. Depends on what? Your teammates are mezed and you are hardstunned. You break hardstun and use a defensive. So... what's hard about that? Are you going to say they will let you run away free after mezzing your entire team, when you have the possibility of escaping their grasp? No, you'll get hardstunned and your job is to escape that. 3) Where did I ever say that AOE damage is a reliable way to deal with the reflect. I've always said to stun. I forgot to add LOS until it's over. So, you stun and then what? If you mean mez, yes, now hardstun? No. And yes, only AOE pretty much works since some dots, for some retard reason, also procs the reflect. Not fun at all. 4) Anti-kiting abilities such as Blade Blitz and Predation can be used a lot more than what Mercs have. Also, if you want to add rooting into kiting abilities the melee have more than ranged. Rooting a merc negates their Rocket Out. Check the CDs of all abilities and you'll see that the CDs are lower on merc. 5)Electronets are used in conjuction with a knockback to keep melee off them. When knocked back and electronetted just LOS. Sure you'll take some damage but usually only up to 5-6 stacks. Depends heavily on where you are placed. Sometimes you may not need to stack that much but given the fact that a Merc is Ranged DPS, they'll use it in open area or at a place rather distant from any form of LoS, thus breaking the point of 'hiding behind'. 6) I've only seen just a handful of mercs take that ability because it's pretty much a waste of a utility point. The root ends when you take damage. As you pointed out warzones (including ranked) are not 1v1s and someone always uses some kind of AOE. Also by the time Rocket Out or knockback is used I have my leap back so no those are not good kiting abilities. As I've stated before you can burn a merc through their defensive abilities except their reflect. That's just there to keep them from getting globalled in 4s like it used to be. It's not that 'waste of utility' point honestly, given it has the power to root for 5s. DPS on opponent team is very low HP, healer/tank of the opponent team runs to keep in range. Merc roots healer/tank, thus isolating the DPS to sucessfully kill. Yes, there's only a handful of mercs using it but they know its potential and exploit it pretty hard. As I said, try it yourself. Burning through merc heals isn't exactly something one can do alone. Sometimes not even 2 DPS can do so, depending on the circumstances. And good mercs from back then didn't get globalled in 4s. They learned how to react to it and they were top players for a reason. 7) Yes like the Missile Blast root. Forgot to mention this usually happens in regs. In ranked, rarely, since even though there's damage, the root effect only disappears after 2s and upon taking damage. 8) I would agree that the healing mercs should lose that but not the dps mercs. It is not broken. Just too many stupid people attack into it with single target damage. Should enraged defense be nerfed too because that's a lot better than the reflect mercs have. Yes on merc DPS, as well. It's broken, regardless of soec. Don't call it "stupid because people attack into it" because that's the same as saying "Hurrdurr, people are stupid for attackin into Jugg's ED, Concealment Operative's Rolls, etc". And no, Enraged Defense is not better than reflect of mercs. Juggs still take full damage and then get healed. If they take 10k damage and heals is 15k, they get healed only 5k in the end. Multiply by 12 and that's 60k heal only. Merc can take 40k damage on reflect, take no damage, 20k is absorbed and another 20k is reflected and then the merc is also healed. It's stupid. That's 20k x number of attacks reflected + X% x number of attacks that they received. I believe it is 5%? Even though it feels like its more. 9) The joke is on you. Read above. Right back at ya. 10) I didn't say they didn't have mobility. I said they have the least amount of mobility out of all the classes. Even if limited, they can still be more mobile than you think. 11) Yes, you need to open your eyes to what is really going on and stop listening to the same bad players crying about mercs. I can deal with them, or most of them, but the fact that they still get ahead just because is just mind blowing. You commit one mistake, you're dead. They commit one, two, three or more mistakes, they can still get away with it. 12) I have a hard time against Snipers and that's the only class that I have a hard time dealing with. If you can selfheal, just toy with LOS. 13) Also, no operative cries like a b*itch when being kited because they have all the tools necessary to counter that. Against the rooting missile, it's actually hard. Try it yourself against a proper merc. 14) As for a bonus fact, if played properly Operative can 1v2, 1v3 people still. I do it and I'm not even that good with it. 1v3? Only if against stupid players. And in that case, I went as far as taking down 3 players and leaving 2 more in the brink of death in a 1v5. And I played as a damned Lethality. 1v2? Only if one of them is dumb. If you play Concealment, they just need wait for you to waste your rolls and catch you in a proper root/stun lock. You're dead. Simple.
  2. One can always have priming shot or use the buff for insta cast. Or even fake a channel to bait interrupt. If you are smart, you pop these defensives when you know you're getting into trouble in a stunlock, as a merc. You rarely use them while being out of them. Sorry, warzones/arenas aren't 1v1s so there will be other players ruining the moment. And honestly, if you consider AOE damage as 'reliable' to deal with this, please... There's only 1 spec that can do massive aoe damage and that's Engi Sniper, and in trade of enormous energy waste. Yes, dots also work but the dots that tick heavy cause the reflect to proc while the light ones don't but the damage is nothing. Not all classes can spam defensives every 20s - 30s. And kiting abilities can be considered as defensives, yes. Electronets are MEANT to deter movements and Mercs can spam aoe through corners in a large area (5m is bigger than it appears to be) thus makes the LOS pointless since it will keep the player in combat Root on missile utility. 8s CD and lasts 5s. That gives you 3s of free time for melee to walk freely. What does this mean? Kite ability(lets say Rocket Out), gain distance, missile to root, off heal, combat, another kite ability(Hydraulics f.e.), gain distance, missile to root, offheal, combat, and another kiting ability(Knockback f.e.), gain distance, missile, offheal, combat... Rinse and repeat. And add a defensive here that helps to heal up (shield is spammable every 30s and can be clicked off for 'faster heals' if constantly attacked and dots help a lot in this regard and others can be used in between in case shield is out) and there in between these 'rotations' of abilities There's always others ruining the fun as I said before Honestly, they should just lose the retarded heal on reflect imo. It is broken in every regard. They can take no damage whatsoever but healing like that too? Come on. Good joke but here, I'll type the same as above: Root on missile utility. 8s CD and lasts 5s. That gives you 3s of free time for melee to walk freely. What does this mean? Kite ability(lets say Rocket Out), gain distance, missile to root, heal, combat, another kite ability(Hydraulics f.e.), gain distance, missile to root, combat, and another kiting ability(Knockback f.e.), gain distance, missile, heal... Rinse and repeat. And then you have net as well. Say there's no mobility here, please. I play both melee and ranged and I have a preference in playing ranged but even I can admit that Merc defensives are just retarded. The fact they were added just makes it feel like devs added because they don't know how to PvP with this class. The good ones weren't always wiped off the map. I'll say what I got told many times before. Balance the class around the very top players and not the mediocre/bad ones because if it is the 2nd choice, honestly, the game becomes stupid. Edit: Take this with a grain of salt or not. This is not meant to hurt your butt. Just open the eyes and accept the truth, really. That small rotation of kiting abilities I typed above, in case you want to know, can make operatives cry like ****. Just practice it a bit and you'll see. As for bonus, I'll give you a fact. Operative, specially Concealment, was meant to be the very top 1v1 class. A niche role but it is clearly built for that but Merc, as it is now, can top it rather easy.
  3. Not saying anyone can just play with it but the effort you put differs rather a lot Well, how would you suggest to buff Carnage and Annihilation then? "Carnage clipping is too stronk, plis nerf" or "Annihilation heals are too stronk". I'd laugh at it but oh well. Well, sniper heals needs to change. Just tweak the 2% passive into 3%, remove heal on roll. Boom, fixed. And the heal on ballistic isn't that much of an impact. Merc needs to lose the reflect heal or add a certain debuff to heals in case they take certain utilities? Honestly, would like to see a decent buff to Leth Op (in defensives), Viru Snips(in dps), Carnage and Anni mara(both if dps), PT in complete(punch in one more DCD or tweak the current ones) and Sorc DPS(although this is the most scary one to touch) but they won't do it! So nerfs on the others(hopefully creative ones). Buffs are more fun than nerfs, everyone knows that but if they don't do the first, you gotta tweak the second.
  4. Thanks, I got my own motives. And yes, it's annoying to see specs that require 0 effort to be good at being buffed even more. I am well aware. Thank you for pointing out pointlessly. Fury, by itself, was doing fine without the stun immunity back in 3.0 (It was already considered to be on par with Carnage easily) then they added the thing around 3.1 or 3.2(Can't recall). NP but the fact that players began spamming this here, it became obnoxious. Add ridiculously unrewarding gameplay with this, just makes it that disgusting. And by unrewarding, I mean there's absolutely no effort necessary to play this spec unlike the other two. Don't say that the other two specs are easy to play with since performing at top level really isn't that easy. Then, the fact that they buffed the damage so much through out the time when compared to the other specs that it is actually noticeable? Come on. It was not just the nerfs on the other specs. They actually added more and more dps to an already broken spec. It isn't that Fury seemed like god. It was already performing very well. They actually increased DPS and nerfed the other two. Already said it before. I play Lethality Operative out of the Concealment majority. I play Carnage out of the Fury majority. I play IO merc out of the Arsenal majority. I play Pyro PT out of the AP majority. And I can say I know what it feels like. These are very 'underwhelming' if not straight out useless in the common hands and the fact that people just avoid them completely, just makes you think they are just bad. Tweaking them is hard, since they can become strong out of nothing, or at least I think so, given the exmaples in past. Madness Sorc/Hatred Sin were considered pure garbage before 3.0 hit with a buff bat and everyone cried loud about that and the nerf bat appeared a week or two later. Sadly this is true but honestly, I don't see others throwing a CC immunity to the other specs that actually need some love. Instead, they are doing what I mentioned many times above, nerf the already underused specs and «nerf», no touch or actually even buff more the already good specs. EDIT: I do not mean to offend/insult you. I am slightly overheated regarding this topic.
  5. Compared to other tanks? Juggs do have a significantly higher damage when put against Assassin and PT(Please don't say "it's just single target" Or "You should learn to stack opponents with the abilities of the other tanks." I'm a horrible tank myself, PvP wise that is, regardless of which one it is that I play.) Not saying that Jugg tank is a pure DPS but honestly, for PvP and for what it is, it has a ridiculously threatening damage. Well, I am aware that Sorc DPS sucks but honestly the last time that Sorc got a decent buff to DPS, we had the madness that Sorcerer Madness was back in 3.0. DPS Sorcs are there: Either trash(95%) or something that is actually as annoying, if not more, than operatives. It is, by far, the hardest class to balance, from what I've seen. Snipers are pretty much full DPS, ofc they are meant to be better. Mercs are "only good" atm because of the ridiculous buffs they received. Compensating the cr*p players I suppose, YEY. The part of their defensives are never ending, it is obvious I meant about Healer. They are broken in every regard. "Oh, they can't take damage well." Yeah, guess what is the other class that can't take DPS well either. Operative. Sorc has Phase walk in a relatively short CD, which, in a way, is a 'bubble', depending on where it has been planted. Then they have a 2 stunbreaks. Strongest kiting potential. Basically 'all heals' on run.
  6. You can still burst through this And about a new DCD, well, I don't know what it could be. I feel like the major problem is the "Oh sh*t buttons" are on the meta classes or they were changed so much it got to the point they are broken. Sins, PTs and Ops are pretty much the only ones left behind. 1) Mara, play Fury and you have spammable immunity. Annihilation is in a bad state, I'd say. Even worse on Carnage; 2) Juggs, nowadays, are mostly skank, and they deal ridiculous damage. The DPS specs are amusingly left behind; 3) Sorcs have defensives that never seem to end and it has the strongest kiting potential, as well, specially as a healer; 4) Snipers got unnecessary heals. Just buffing the passive heal on cover up to 3% would be enough Remove the heal on roll but allow them to keep the evasion buff increase would be enough. The utility of heal of heal in ballistic feels really weak nowadays that I wonder if people take it. Maybe tweak diversion to be stronger in Marksmanship over the other 2 specs, since it originally was MM exclusive. Buff Virulence a bit(make dots in a shorter duration?); 5) Mercs have unncessary and endless chain of defensives. Ridiculous power to kite, 3 ways of healing, with one of them sort of being a 'OH sh*t" button.
  7. Well, what do you propose? The original idea would be giving the missiles heal utility back up to 5% each or higher, and give them more missiles than they already have and -15s up to -30s on their CD. Standard atm is 4(7 if PT) and perhaps bump them up to 6 missiles(9 if AP?). I can't recall the CD but I believe its 2 minutes?
  8. The biggest issue is one perk and its this: Stun Immunity. Just remove this retarded sh*t or make its CD to be 1 minute, not 30s as it is. And I'll remind that it can be affected by alacrity(and yes, it can be lowered by alac. In tier 2 alacrity, the CD is 26s. Full time bs) A nerf to DPS, well, I don't know. Maybe? It is dumb easy to use, got to agree but eh... And make IO useless again, why not? Arsenal is easier than Veng DPS as it is and IO is one of the hardest to DPS in (in order to keep a massive uptime and a really high parse), so think. I am assuming you are talking about the 10% damage increase and the cheaper cost on Blazing bolts. Just make a proper nerf on Jugg tank so every tank is balanced again. In PvP, it is the strongest (and in a really broken way) in basically every category in equally skilled hands, when compared to the other 2 tanks. In PvE can parse as much as the other 2, even though Sin and PT were meant to outdps Jugg. AP is burst and Pyro is Dot. Dot, in their nature and in general, should be stronger than burst in parses. Melees have to be in proximity of the danger whilst ranged are in safety just by keeping themselves far. It is a dumb idea to make ranged dps same or stronger than melee. If that happens, there's absolutely no reason to take melees into PvE. And unlike melee, ranged can have pretty much 100% ToT and melee have to stop dpsing in case there's trouble in the vicinity. I'll describe a scenario: "You like to play your Jugg/Mara/Op/Assassin? Sorry, we don't want to risk the raid wiping just because you may not 'dodge' or 'stay out of range' from the danger areas or have down time in dps." And suggest a proper nerf in some other way. Not sure if you do PvP but in case you do, remember 3.0 Madness Sorcerer chaos in PvP, please? Thank you. I can tell you that Sorcerer is, probably, the hardest class to balance since the very few number of players(You can probably count them with the fingers of 2 hands only) that are top stuff at Sorc dps can cause chaos in warzones/ranked (and they are already a really big pain in the neck, an ramping up would make it chaos). Just lower the CD on defensives on PT but not too much or there will be abuse in PvP. Example: Pyro PT, if constantly attacked and kept alive, can have Kolto Overload every 39-42s. Imagine Pyro PT with a 30s or less CD on this. If it is lowered this much, I am pretty sure you would not like it. Interesting idea but it would be better if they gave that interrupt immune on whenever roll is used instead of forcing them to use 2 rolls like it is now. Will support this if the CD reduction utility on the combat stealth changes to 30s instead of 1 minute. In a way, it is a get away, after all. CD on phasewalk is ridiculously small rn. Yes please, thank you. And if they don't, at least swap the stun immunity from Fury into Carnage and its good enough. Edit: Note: When I say to be smart or anything like that, I am not calling you dumb but rather re-think the situation a bit. I'm seeing people complaining about Lightning+Madness Sorcs/Concealment Operative/Arsenal Merc being really bad DPS but they don't think of the consequences regarding of how much value the other specs/classes will have after supposed buff. Also, I'll leave a note here on how I think nerfs work: 1 ) Nerf directly into DPS numbers = PvE nerfs (most of the times) Example of this: 10% damage nerf and energy management on the Arsenal's Blazing Bolts. It was making IO pretty much useless since Ars was parsing as high or higher with ridiculously less effort. 2 ) Change to passive/active abilities on how they work = PvP nerfs(but they can also affect PvE) Example being the recent Holotraverse/Phantom Stride. It nerfed in both sides and didn't solve the "intended issue of Desync". In fact, just made it worse as it doesn't work most of the times now. Doesn't proc or you get rooted more frequently (or feels that way.)
  9. memerobot


    Well, I'm being "sucked into" ranked so, no problems. And the change was to fix the fact that you could queue into Team ranked with less than 4 players, which was being exploited really hard by certain players and yes, it was a thing. If the fixing of this was intentional or not, I have no idea, but damn glad it happened.
  10. Where are the other specs? Also, some of those specs that are bad can shine on the top depending on what composition they end up with. 2 sorcerer dps are a nightmare to deal with if they know how to kite. If you know how other classes work, you can go over the issues, including the net stuff. The balance system is crap and everyone knows it. 95% of the times it ends up being one team plays for objective and the other doesn't and the one that plays properly still is stomping the other pretty hard in kills. Then there's the issues regarding the leavers(one player or a full premade). There's nothing to fix that issue. The PvP in regs should just be balanced in this way. Nerf heals = ( A - B ) x 0.10 Increased damage taken by tanks = ( Y - Z ) x 0.10 A = Nº healers on Team A B = Nº healers on Team B Y = Nº tanks on Team Y Z = Nº tanks on Team Z Since majority of players are majority as DPS, doing a nerf on them is a bit dumb. So the 'example' would function like this: If a Team A had 3 healers and Team B had 1 healer, Team A would receive less 20% heals from their healers. Of course, vice versa also works. If Team B had 3 healers and Team A had 0 healers, Team B would have a debuff of -30% heals. The debate here is that, should the debuff affect the abilites of healers only or should it also affect all players(as in heals that they receive and/or that they can do)? I'm inclined to say to affect healers' abilitis only since its unfair towards anyone that plays Sorcerer DPS, Juggs, Powertechs since they'd be, unfortunely, affected by this debuff, which is unfair right away. Same way works with tanks (somewhat). If there's 2 tanks in Team Y and 0 tanks on Team Z, tanks in Team Y take 20% increased damage. On the guard, we could say they take increased guard damage from the guarded target? Regardless, this increase damage debuff should only affect tanks (Imagine Sorcerers taking increase damage on top of the crap armor they have We want to avoid that, of course.) This also becomes a sort of nerf towards skanks, or at least it could be in regs. Of course, this should update during the games, in case of players that play these roles leave the game because of being in a crap team or they played the same map for 100000000th time. Team A with 3 healers vs Team B with 0 healers. That would be -30%. If one of the healers leaves from Team A, that makes it -20%. And later, let's say that Team B gained 3 healers, and Team A kept their 2 healers, it would make the debuff of -10% heals for the Team B. The % I am proposing is a random value, they could be different ones or tweaked around, of course. I've made this proposition a lot around but, as usual, not that popular because its over complicated. And a major problem is regarding the teams with tanks but no heals vs the teams with heals but no tanks. I'd say it could work like the ones above but perhaps at a bigger %.
  11. Well, that means that a filler must be used more often. Say instead of 3 or 4 fillers, raise it to 6 or 7 fillers.
  12. Kamiala - Operative - Lethality - Empire Gotta show the mythical Lethality damage
  13. I'll remind you that Sorcerer is so hard to balance that a single buff can bring the hell that 3.0 Madness Sorc was.
  14. Maybe you're improvising something that you shouldn't? Using abilities like Stim Boost at wrong time?
  15. These specs pretty much work only in pressure compositions (TR) or attack from 'far' or when 'unnoticed'. Their damage can still be really high if left unchecked. Although I'd not saying Annihilation mara is that bad. Its still a tier above all of these above Well, it is one of the hardest specs to properly use, even if its burst. No communication when using it and you lose pretty much. Or you need a good awareness of what to use. The fact you can spam stuns every 15s helps a lot
  16. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Idk. I only find myself using this spec when I'm really bored out of the other two, on marauder(which is really hard to happen). I still do decent damage, PvE or PvP wise. Yeah, but what I mean is like, its rather spammable (I find 30s CD on this rather short) and, well, the fact you can do in melee range, is a bit broken, imo. Or maybe its the other specs that need a buff, or at least Carnage/Combat(I think its Combat. Honestly, I forgot and was lazy to look up while writing this ) does deserve a buff. On Vigi/Veng, you need to get distance and leap to get it, which is a bit 'against' the nature of a melee class. You mostly want to stay 100% ToT, unless the conditions for that situation happen, like the target gains distance from you, swapped target or when you mad dash, and stuff like that. I still think its skill. Vigi/Veng is really simplistic when compared to Rage/Focus. Nevertheless, the skill on Jugg, honestly, is how to survive, most of the time, and not how to do dps with it.
  17. Honestly, despite the base of the specs being the same, I feel like they play more differently since Rage actually has a significantly harder resource management. On Rage, you screw up one attack, you're forced to use a filler or a rage builder to continue the rotation. Unlike Rage howver, Fury just needs a spam of 5/6 attacks and it gains the 30 stacks ready to use. Its a bit of a joke how retarded easy it is on marauder. The effort in it is non-existant for ridiculous 'firepower' it gives, both PvP and PvE, which is a bit broken. Honestly, with this and the added Stun Immunity, that was never needed (imo), is what makes the game unfun with it. Often, marauders find themselves to play Fury because the other two specs aren't in par with the utility that this spec gives. Anyway, I'll stop here before it turns into a debate of which spec is better or not. Rage definitely requires much more skill than the Dot counterpart. On Vengeance/Vigi there's no way in hell you can 'spin' out of control, while in Rage, that can happen rather easily, and your dps is compromised. I mentioned this up above. So, yeah, you get the point
  18. The best alacrity? 1860+ How you achieve it and in the best way? 6 enhancements (must be 248) + 5 augments (can be 228, 236 or 240). Add this alacrity to +1800 critical and you are good to go. Alternative: If you can't achieve +1860, go for between 1000 and 1100. How can you achieve it? Simple. 4 enhancements (248) + 1 augment (228/236/240) / 4 enhancements (246) + 2 augments (228/236/240). Why that much? Well, its a sort of a sweet spot. Your energy is regenerating at a rather comfortable pace(even though you shouldn't have troubles with it to be begin with, when pvp'ing with Lethality.) and actually lowers your CDs on abilities decently enough to be useful. Anything higher, well, its worthless stats, as so to speak. Add a decently high critical (~1900) to this, as well, and you'll do just fine.
  19. Isn't Rage like more bursty in short moments when compared to Fury but Fury, still, overall is better? I mean, I've seen some sick 50k+ hits from Juggs (been both a victim and the perpetrator of causing such nightmarish hits. ) yet maras don't pull that off.
  20. Honestly, Leth's damage is actually good. If one plays Lethality like Concealment or just go tag opponents far away with dots and wait for someone to die, things simply won't work. And I'd say that Leth is more complicated to play than it seems. Your defenses are basically your heals. You have to basically switch on and off the aggressive button in proper moments. Also, the dotspread works just fine. So if you play leth and you see it doesn't work, you're the one doing it wrong. Toxic Haze works just fine. Well, with this statement, I could also say that Pyro PTs, IO mercs and Virulence Snipers can be ignored, as well. Majority of players that don't know the spec or haven't tried to wrap the head around on trying to use it properly will perform bad but that happens with any class, honestly.
  21. Honestly, anything that has a reflect and/or that can make them waste energy on re positioning the plasma probe a lot, is a detriment for Engineer Snipers.
  22. You could take utilities to help build Rage, like the Cloak of Pain with rage build attached to it. It is still meh, has basically no use in PvE except resist one attack. :\ You can't have the lower Annihilate or old rupture because they were built to the old rotation, not the current one. They were much better back then, shorter CD on annihilate, shorter duration(case of rupture).
  23. Rather strange that I never felt that knockback, perhaps I had the luck of generating the rage to continue to attack properly, I suppose . If that would happen, Fury should be knocked back too but doesn't happen o_o Or maybe stealth prevents it? I used to cast back then as to have immunity to stuff but had to be sort of simlutaneous.
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