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Everything posted by ChyronHR

  1. This is awful. The requirements are bad enough that I literally got angry at the devteam reading them. Did any one of you sincerely believe this was a good idea for an special event allegedly meant to reward the playerbase, or were you under orders to come up with a new game-extending grind in between seasons 1 and 2 of KOTFE and hoped that people would fall for it?
  2. Okay, devs, nobody blames you for these things happening, and most of us would be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if you just said "We have no money/staff/time, our hands are tied with regards to fixing issues promptly." But after the holidays you need to have a serious discussion with your players (and the general public, since it's obvious you desperately need to bring in new blood) about what's wrong with SWTOR and how you plan to turn it around. Give us an honest appraisal of the situation, not just a livestream advertising the new KOTFE chapter, or a bunch of hype about adding the Ebon Hawk as a player starship, or repeating the phrase "Bioware-style cinematic storytelling" until it loses all meaning. The fact is, we can all TELL that something's wrong with SWTOR, we just don't know how bad it is or whether YOU even think it's fixable in the long term. If you just keep saying, "everything's fine, guys, better than ever," we're not going to just blindly believe you, we're going to decide that for ourselves based on the information we have. If the public perception that the game is dying becomes widespread, you're finished; nobody will subscribe to, and (more importantly to you) nobody will spend real money for items in, a game that could disappear from the internet at any time, and without that revenue you won't be able to implement a plan to fix the game even if you have one. I don't expect a response to this post (it may not even be here tomorrow) but this isn't a rant or a threat to ragequit, it's honest advice from somebody who likes the game (or at least the game you had back in 2013-2014 when everything was going great), and wants it to survive and continue to grow.
  3. I'm honestly astounded. SWTOR's entire business model for the past year has been: Keep reminding people that (an entirely different dev team working under the name of) Bioware made a great Star Wars RPG over ten years ago. Maintain the pretense that SWTOR is healthy and active until Episode VII comes out and brings in a bunch of new paying customers. Part 1 has been repeated so often it's become a joke, and you just failed part 2. So what happens now?
  4. Wow, seconded, guys. This is just OBNOXIOUS. Even ignoring that it requires an extra 25 runs of a HM that was literally added years ago, there are now over a dozen HM flashpoints in the group finder, meaning we have to choose between getting the daily reward or having a reasonable hope of ever getting this achievement.
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