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Posts posted by strallart

  1. Literally none of these changes will affect the economy, not even a little. They only punish player's who don't have billions of credits, especially F2P'ers.

    Devs seriously think this will do anything? Or is this just a sinister way to make F2Pers sub. 


    Actual credit sink's would be stuff like unique mounts/pets/cosmetics that cost billion's of credits. But you'll never do that because you could sell those on the Cartel Market.

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  2. I think EA cut SWTOR's funding after KOTFE/KOTET failed to generate the number's they were expecting. Bioware did a good job with what they had until 7.0.

    7.0 is the most evidence we've ever had of Bioware having their budget cut, severely. SWTOR clearly makes money, and I think a decent amount. But EA feels differently, we don't know any number's here. 

  3. I appreciated the AMOUNT of content KOTFE/KOTET gave us, but yeah it also ruined the game with it's "commander" and "alliance" nonsense. 

    It would be nice to have that amount of content back, after seeing the so called "expansion" we got.


    Bioware has spent a lot of effort afterwards trying to fix the game after that. They were doing a good job until 7.0, when they decided to mess with an already messed up combat system and all of the horrendous UI changes.

  4. I also noticed this, at first I thought they had fixed it. But not the case, pretty lame. This "bug" has annoyed me for years.


    Must be a problem with the game itself and not UI related, like other's have said it mostly happens to me on the fleet. So could just be when there's too many player's around, the filter's just stop working.

  5. A recent Intel CPU that's overclocked to hell. You want as much frequency as possible, most MMOs are single threaded. Your cores/threads will do literally nothing, just frequency will affect FPS.


    Most Ryzen CPUs are pretty meh for this game, they don't have high clocks. I'm using a Ryzen 3600 and it's OK, but an overclocked Intel 7th-10th gen would destroy it in SWTOR.

  6. SWG Reborn. Completely overhauled graphics/user interface and pre NGE.


    Is a pipe dream, but what a glorious pipe dream that would be. The only thing better would be a vanilla SWTOR project with active class story development(at least to me it would be).



    The ending....I mean how the **** is the story going to work now? I didn't even want to become the Emperor(or Peacemaker), but we have no choice.


    I hate the way this game has been going, I hate it even more now. The SWTOR I knew and love is now dead, and will never come back.......so neither will I.


  8. As I posted many many moons ago (ahem) Biofail is getting rid of classes. Slowly but surely. Players will be like companions eventually, just with gear that actually does stuff. So you can be a "commando" with the skills of a "jedi".. That sort of thing. It sounds incredibly boring to me, but I'm sure that's what they are aiming for.


    Game will die before that happens though. Like early next year.


    Stop being so cynical you dummy......the game will actually die mid next year.

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