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  1. We've gotten through TOS multiple times. We're not bothering with SM anymore because we don't need any more 192 gear that drops from there. That doesn't negate the Underlurker bugs. We're not missing mechanics. We rarely get anything but a green cross (and when we do it's generally because someone has died [due to bugs] or the boss has jumped to the opposite end of the room when no one is there, and the Mara can't make the run in time), but someone still frequently takes ~50K damage from green-cross Devastation. Last week it was me, and if I hadn't popped Force Barrier, the first AOE from the adds would have killed me--went from almost fully healed to almost dead in a green cross. Our DPS on that fight ranges from 2700 on the low end (off-tank respecced) to 3300. We are not missing the DPS check. And we're using voice chat, which is how I know we're getting the knockback in Rage Storm 5-6 seconds before it's coming, because the main tank is counting it down.
  2. I guess I wasn't clear, Rage Storm is doing the knockback during its channel. I'm aware that it does damage during the channel, but it's not supposed to do the knockback DURING the length of the channel, just at the end. And we're getting knocked back with 5-6 seconds left before the knockback is supposed to come. No, I am not exaggerating about the glitches we consistently get during this fight. We have one-shotted every boss in the new ops except Underlurker, mostly because it's hard to get a run at him without a glitch. We've tried jumping to avoid rubber-banding, particularly in the cross, and it doesn't seem to matter. Mostly the person in the off-tank position is the one getting hit for ~50K in a green cross, but not exclusively--I'm DPS, was near full-health, almost died from Devastation in a green cross. Our Coratanni glitches were so bad we don't even try to farm SM Ravagers for Ultimates. We never had her attack the escape pod. Mostly we'd just get her to run to the escape pod, kill Pearl, run to the escape pod, get a loading screen, and be looking at Coratanni and Pearl again. Exit out, run back, and die to grenades thrown through the closed door before we even got into the room. Exit Area, reset the instance, and die to grenades thrown through the closed door before we even got to the boss encounter.
  3. Has no one talked about the constant horrific Underlurker glitches yet? We are running 5 DPS, all parsing at 2700 or better, on SM Underlurker. We have cleared SM on both new ops and are going into HM. All 8 of us are in full 192s or better, fully augmented. Guess what? None of that matters when you get hit for ~50K with Devastation when THE CROSS WAS GREEN. Somewhere between 1/2-1/3 of the time, Devastation one-shots at least one person FROM A GREEN CROSS. Or when Rage Storm kills 2-3 people, while it's still channeling. As in, 5 seconds left before Rage Storm hits, whoops, all the rocks were on the opposite side of the room and now you're 3 DPS down because they were still running for a rock, still had 5 seconds left to get behind a rock, but died to Rage Storm while Rage Storm was channeling. Or when Underlurker jumps to no one after Rage Storm, instead jumping to some random point at the opposite side of the room, and your Mara has no speed boost and can't make it there in time (or peoples' speed boost is down trying to make it behind a rock before randomly getting killed by Rage Storm as it's channeling). Or when you die because a rock you were standing nowhere near magically manages to hit you when it comes down--as in, you're well outside the red circle, and die anyway. I've submitted multiple tickets over the last couple of months, and exactly none of this has been fixed.
  4. At risk of necro-ing... I got the Imperial Scholar title on Korriban. I ran my lvl-55 Sorc through picking up datacrons and killing Klor-slugs with my companion, and picked up The Hate Machine again on a whim. Ran through it solo, did the bonus, got the codex entry for it. I have 100% on codex entries on Korriban now. For the Yozusk Platesmasher on Dromund Kaas: as far as I could tell while trying to hunt it down, it respawns once a week, on Tuesday after the patches--but ONLY ON THE MAIN INSTANCE. If there are multiple instances of Dromund Kaas, switch to the other instance: a Yozusk Platesmasher will spawn each time there's a new instance, and that might happen several times a day, depending on traffic. I switched to Instance 2, and he was right there just waiting for someone to kill him for the codex/achievement.
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