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Everything posted by SpearlikeAtom

  1. I think you need to educate yourself on the roles of people in the game industry, a designer is not the same as a developer.
  2. A lot like activision did a few years ago.
  3. But extremely successful on the console
  4. And most people are very happy with BF3, you can argue the vocal minority all you want but the fact is if people hated the games they would't buy them, but since millions of people do, they are a successful game company.
  5. Again, talking about EA as a whole. Not just SWTOR.
  6. And you still ignore the fact that they still produce games people love. Obviously they are doing something well enough that they are worth more money than the company that makes WoW.
  7. And yet the company is worth millions of dollars and sell millions of copies of their games. Still sounds pretty successful to me.
  8. I think you are taking things out of context. It was a comment speaking about EA as a whole and how despite what a minority might feel, millions of people do buy their games.
  9. If you look real close you can see the question mark at the end of my statement. That means I was asking a question, in response to a comment made by someone else.
  10. And? I am missing the point you are trying to reach with that quote.
  11. So the genre is essentially funded by people who hate the games they play?
  12. Still a minority when compared to the millions upon millions of people who buy the games. Do things like math confuse you? I mean I get it, sometimes it can be hard.
  13. I think you must be confused, which I can imagine would happen from the lack of oxygen way up on your pillar all alone, developers build the game, not design it. I think you are upset at the game designers not the developers. Regardless I seriously doubt they should be fired simply because you can't distinguish the PvP from PvE missions.
  14. So you have no support but a few forum posts of a small vocal minority and go the route of sarcasm... Well trolled.
  15. Your posting of links of a minority means nothing. Look at the financials. Pretty successful to have made that much money and still continue too despite what some people seem to think. How does that not make sense? Are you just blinded by rage because you pay for a game that you seem to hate? Are you just mad that so little in your existence matters that you have to do that?
  16. You say that EA is such an awful company and post a few links to a minority of people who complain about the games but they are still one of the most successful games companies around, obviously the games can't be that bad. One would thin that the company that owns WoW could actually learn a thing or 2 from EA since they are worth more.
  17. Their FPS franchise also manages to rival those of activision.
  18. That still sell millions of copies. Can't be all that bad, If they were really that bad of a company would they really be more successful than the company that owns WoW?
  19. All those really seem to say is that they ruined sim city, the rest is people just complaining about them throwing money around and not having very good support(the last I actually agree with) but one crap game doesn't mean they are notorious for ruining games.
  20. What games has EA ruined? I actually like a great deal of their games.
  21. Like every other company on the planet???
  22. So, because you don't like it, it means that BW is pissing on subs and doesn't know how to run an MMO? You understand that BW writes the code and builds the game. The decisions for this are not made by BW but by EA, so in your pissed off state at least get the target of your whining correct.
  23. Don't play, it's the future of games. You can either deal with it, or you can't. It won't change the fact that it's happening. If you don't like it then simply don't participate.
  24. You said they posted it on the French forums but didn't pay attention to it. How is that their fault?
  25. Make it so, because I DEMAND IT!!!!!! RRAAWWWRRRR!!!!!
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