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Everything posted by Lachryphage

  1. And later on after Luke reboots the order it goes back to allowing love again too.
  2. Mirialan? Mandalorians aren't a species.
  3. Clicking the raid frame only takes an infinitesimal fraction of a second. It's negligible. And with the global cooldown you have way longer than you actually need to switch targets anyway. What's the point of such an addon?
  4. Because if other people could use the reusables nobody would need biochems for anything.
  5. Technically, you haven't experienced ranked PvP either. Season one will probably never start.
  6. I thought he/she/it was pretending to be an ork from Warhammer.
  7. It's the only part of WoW Bioware didn't copy and paste.
  8. You're right, that is way out of line. It should be a 1 week debuff and removal of all tokens.
  9. If you don't like it make some friends and queue with them. It's an MMO. The whole point is to play with friends.
  10. Screw the prequels. The whole pod racing thing is just a shoddy Ben-Hur knockoff. Anakin is Ben-Hur, Sebulba is Messala and Watto is Sheik Ilderim, etc. Watto even looks like Hugh Griffith. Both races are preceded by fanfare. Both are presided over by an evil ruler. Both races are mainly shown going left to right. It even has the part where the chariots/pods get stuck together. It also has the over the shoulder third person shooter angle shot as the chariot/pod weaves between the other racers. It's nearly identical and I could go on all day about the similarities. Even the celebration at the end of Phantom Menace is lifted directly from The Fall of the Roman Empire. Edit: Not that the original movies are much better. Those are basically Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe.
  11. Bizarre choice of battle music. I'd have gone with this.
  12. Or mind trick him into surrendering. Or use the force to turn the safety on. Or use the force to bump his hand and make him miss. There are almost infinite ways.
  13. The issue is that every other class besides sage/sorc gets an attack they can use for free. The only one sage gets is based on strength. I think they need to just make willpower give sages melee damage like shadows. There's no reason not to. It's not like it'll make sages a viable melee class. It'll just give them something to do when they run out of force. The key word is "mainly". All jedi are trained to use lightsabers. Which jedi in the movies wore armor again? No, he was right. You clearly don't PvP if you think it's even remotely possible to stay out of melee 100% of the time.
  14. I don't want anything special for my subscription. That defeats the point of being a traditionalist, does it not? It would be hypocritical. I just want them to spend less time making knickknacks for the cash shop instead of making real content. I agree that it's impossible, but that's all I agree on. It's always a waste of time trying to do the impossible. A game that tries to please everyone will be a below average game to everyone. The best games pick one thing and do that the best they possibly can, whether that's raiding, PvP, story or whatever. That goes for payment models too. This fremium crap is the worst of both worlds.
  15. This. I've been playing MMOs since they were text based and i've seen it over and over. Open world and instanced PvP can't coexist. It's impossible.
  16. The team was ridiculously terrible and the trooper was slightly less terrible. Doesn't mean he wouldn't be dragging down a decent team.
  17. There are people who haven't played Skyrim? I didn't think they existed.
  18. I want it to be wookies, bothans, mon cals, nautolans or rodians, but it'll never happen because the devs are too lazy to do anything but humans with weird skin colors.
  19. So what you're saying is you're mad that people are using teamwork in an MMORPG. Sounds legit.
  20. I don't hate them because they're cute, although that helps. I hate them because they have annoying, squeaky voices, but aren't funny enough to make up for it like Jawas. I hate them because it's ridiculous that they managed to beat an army with blasters and mechs by using little spears and some rocks. I also hate them for looking like sentient teddy bears, which is creepy. I even hate them for being a deus ex machina. I have a million reasons to hate them and cuteness isn't one of them.
  21. I thought about staying at one, but they wanted $120. I'm not paying that for one night, most of which I'll be sleeping through anyway. Instead I spent half that much at a place a block away and got an awesome mural on my wall with a beach and mountains and stuff. I even had clouds on my ceiling. Personally, I think Holiday Inn Express is for doctors.
  22. I haven't gotten to that point yet, but is there any way to avoid getting it? If not, can I at least force lightning it to death?
  23. Not me, but I did meet an ex in Phantasy Star Online. Pretty much. Most of the women who play online games are already tired of nerds constantly hitting on them. If you're a woman it's unlikely any of the nerds constantly hitting on you are over 15 and below 40.
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