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  1. All I want to know is if I can craft electrostaves and techblades without mods now with changes that are coming????????????????????????????
  2. Its bull I want to look like a trooper or bounty hunter but I can't unless I use mods and I hate that.
  3. I just want to be able to craft electrostaves and techblades without mods. Like all the other weapons in my ARMSTECH crew skill.
  4. Ever since I found out that I could use electrostaff or techblade I have done so. This is a BIOWARE GAME!!!! Which usually means we have a choice and they up and take that from me, that's not right....... I don't know ever since I saw those droids on the third STAR WARS MOVIE with electrostaves, I was like WOW and then find out there's SWTOR GAME, I thought that's cool and hoped their were electrostraves. And their so happens there are eletrostraves. Like the other guy said I could just mod an electrostaff but no offense I feel like that is cheating. I like crafting each piece of armor and weapons for my toons. it takes a while but feels worth while to me.
  5. I may be alone in this but is anyone else bugged that you can't craft electrostraves and techblades like the rest of the weapons in armstech????
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