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Everything posted by WearwolfMachine

  1. For the Dark side corruption to work you have to not toggle " Show corruption " off.... if you do it will keep toggling itself off everytime you click the outfit
  2. And no not all droid parts that you get are bound to T7.. I have Hk-51 in full armor that I got from quests
  3. Simply just make a Jedi Knight... You get Droid parts as rewards for quests because you have T7. Problem Solved
  4. SWTOR may not be a direct sequel too KOTOR 2 but its following the events after his failure and The rising War between The republic and The Empire. I just think its really stupid of some people to say that the character they made the game off of isn't based off the main character... Thats ridiculus.
  5. You guys must be retarded or something saying Revan is a side note... The whole freaking Kotor story is based ON REVAN !.... You obviously played a bootleg version because everything that happens everything that is said is about Revan. Then again you just might be slow....
  6. He is nowhere near useless in higher levels.. iam currently a level 52 Mara and he just destroys everything on Makeb.
  7. I think its funny how you think Revan is an underrated character.... As for reputation he backs it up no question about it... - Killed Mandalore ( Ultimate ) - Defeated the mandos in the mandalorian wars - Defeated the Sith army at the foundary. - Killed Malak - Very strong force user and master of multiple lightsaber forms - Pratically almost killed the emperor but was cheap shotted - Strong will to keep fighting and keep coming back.. hard to kill... Example : many attempts to assassinate him HK units and Darth Bandon and Darth Malak and Emperor and Emperors Wrath and his enforcer ( Forget her name ) Revan is not overrated.... You guys just have favorites that put above him. He is cleary one of the Best Sith/Jedi that ever lived...
  8. Thanks for the feed back... Really appreciate it. I shall try the cybertech thing out.
  9. This post relates to my experiances with double xp... I know others don't have the same issue but if you can relate than please share your opinion. To me it seems as if Double xp just rushes everything and you don't get the chance to properly gear your character or your companion. This to me causes disaster because now not only are you getting completely frustrated with mobs at your level on lets say story missions and side quests you are completely useless in FP's and everyone complains. Not everyone has high main that has their crew skills maxed out to bring in the cash flow to help buy armor your armor for your characters. Just my little rant about this...
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