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Everything posted by bradvanhorn

  1. I've seen a number of references to 8/8/30 and 8/7/31 builds. I assume the 8 in the shield tree is the same as with the 8/22/16 build. So, it's the tactics and assault trees that are vague for me and my google results are not helpful. Could someone post some links to one or both of those builds? Also, just looking at the trees, I was wondering if 8/10/28 would make sense. Sorry for no link. I'm forum challenged; I need to figure out how to link my choices. Thanks
  2. Months ago I started a Vanguard as a DPS toon and I just couldn't connect with the class/spec. I later leveled up a Commando so I could range DPS and I enjoyed that toon so much I decided to try a Vanguard again. I'm currently leveling up a Vanguard tank and it is very fun and entertaining. As with most classes I think you have to get above level 30 or so to really get the good stuff which makes the class/spec more fun. My opinions on your listed questions: 1. The story is just fine. As in the previous post, very hero of the republic army and militaristic - not much in the way of major intrigue or plot twists (except your first planet maybe). 2. I love Vanguard tanking so far. I'm up to 33 and it's now really getting good. High mobility, lots of AOE, Harpoon... all good stuff. 3. Not sure how you define "cool ship". I think it looks awful and I don't do space combat stuff so I don't have much else to offer. 4. Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy. From all I've read, being able to make your own medpacks/stims/adrenals at level 55 is highly useful for a tank in the long term. During the leveling process it may not be as useful. Cybertech/Scavenging/UT might be better for leveling if you can keep up with materials so you can have the better available armor/mods. 5. Everyone has their playstyle preferences. I suggest you try the Vanguard and decide for yourself.
  3. Good stuff. Thank you. I found the time splits helpful. The depiction of skill sequencing is something I toyed with all last week but since it's all new to me I never felt I got it right. Very low stuff compared to you guys but I finally did TC SM tonight. I stayed non-AP because of the simpler pattern. This was a lot of fun to play. Will definitely need to practice and get more ops time to be effective.
  4. That DOT strategy makes sense. Thanks. AP vs. non-AP... I feel much smoother with my pattern when I'm not trying to figure out how to weave in an AP. I'll keep practicing though and maybe I'll get more comfortable keeping AP.
  5. Sorry for the simple, new guy questions; hopefully this is useful for others as well. I feel a bit uncertain about timing for DOTs and how to best apply them as fillers, especially when in the middle of a fight and you have a variety of filler options. First is how many DOTs should be present. Is one DOT enough or should the goal be as many as possible without compromising something more important? I generally assume one DOT is enough, but if an opportunity arises I assume applying additional DOTs is good too if you have ammo to spare and an open filler spot. Second is when to apply DOTs mid-fight. Depending on when a DOT will drop off, is it better to reapply early and clip the DOT? It could be I'm mismanaging the DOTs but I've had instances where my filler sequence made it so I had to reapply/clip an IR so I could stay on timing for setup of the next HIB (so: HIB -> CB -> IR -> CB -> HIB). Would it be better to let the DOT drop fall off instead and then reapply after the next HIB (so: HIB -> CB -> HS -> CB -> HIB -> IR)? Is this decision situational depending on the presence of another DOT (i.e. PC) or whether I need ammo? Generally I've been clipping IR with an open filler but as I'm typing this I'm thinking it'd be better not to clip so long as another DOT will remain up long enough for the next HIB; then refresh IR (and/or PC) as filler following the HIB. I hope the questions make sense as typed. Thanks for the help! (I've stayed with 0/10/36 since I'm still doing dailies and such, and AP is useful for random trash/mobs, but I'm thinking I'll drop AP once I'm ready to try some ops)
  6. Really like your guide. Leveled to 53 with only 33pts in assault but wanted to try AP so I respeced to 36pts. I am still leveling but still the addition of AP actually makes my rotation feel more disjointed. Is there a good 0/10/36 guide posted somewhere? I may just return to the non AP spec since my rotation felt pretty nice and smooth when I was without AP, or maybe I just need to practice more. Thanks!
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