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Posts posted by JamesMijkael

  1. What on earth has been done to the healing animation from dots?

    The giant beams of green light are so weird and giving me a headache. Who possibly thought this was better than the perfectly good animation that already existed and had only been in place for 6 months anyway.

    Is this a bug or a conscious decision? It's utterly bizarre and way too much. 

    Please change it back to what it was. I don't need to see giant beams of green slime or dark sludge constantly shooting my character as I try to play. It gets even worse with dot spreading.

  2. Hey I discovered upon logging in post update that the decorations Green Bush and Voss Shrub have bugged textures.

    Instead of their normal lush green color they have this horribly ugly blurry puke color.

    It's a minor thing, but I hope it gets fixed. Shouldn't be difficult to do. 

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, sithBracer said:

    As for the "A small knock on its damage won't change much for it." comment, well then why nerf it in the first place? If the change is insignificant and wont matter much, just don't do it right? Or is the problem that literally everyone and their mother are bringing nothing but 4 hatred assassins to raids these days?

    100%. People play Hatred, but its by no means a flavour of the month like Death Knell deception was at the start of 6.0.

  4. On 4/21/2023 at 7:43 AM, Shabir_Dhillon said:


    • Reduced the damage bonus given from Inevitable Demise / Aching Mind from 30% to 25%.

    This really isn't necessary at all. You've finally got Hatred/Serenity to a point where it's playing well, it's accessible, it's versatile and does really good damage, but does so at a cost, of being one of the biggest glass cannons in the game. It's basically balanced. There really is not rationale to reducing its damage as it's supposed to be near the top as a melee dot class. The execute phase of Hatred/Serenity is one of the main reasons people play this spec in pve, it's what makes it what it is. I understand the urge to nerf classes that are doing really good damage, but it's supposed to be. 

  5. As a token of appreciation, I'd like to commend the dev team from changing strongholds so you can click THROUGH decorations that you've placed that cover hooks that you can no longer click on. This is a fantastic quality of life change. Well done.

    PS. The Mek Sha stronghold is way too expensive for what it is. 

    • Like 1
  6. I am once again asking the devs to actually fix rocket out.

    It's seriously annoying to get bugged out, be not able to move, die and then end up back in spawn where I still can't move, stuck doesn't work and I end up getting timed out as a deserter and then get the lock out from joining a new warzone for good measure.

    I could use stronger words but you get the idea. A personal whine yes, but holy moly batman, the devs have had plenty of time to fix this bug but it still happens constantly. How many years since rocket out has been a thing? I've lost count.

    • Like 1
  7. The New Mek-Sha stronghold looks okay, reused area from the planet, but whatever.

    What is really stupid about it though is the price. It's currently 14 Galactic Seasons tokens on PTS. This is unacceptable to make it to live. The fleet strongholds were 8 tokens each. Making this cost 14 would result in basically no tokens for anything else in Galactic Seasons 3. It is unnecessary gate-keepy and it's really not that impressive enough of a stronghold to justify the price at all.

    The fleet strongholds were and in many cases still are buggy with issues never being addressed like floating floor decorations. If you're going to charge a lot, it needs to be amazing, and if it's not amazing, then it needs to be much less. Can already foresee this stronghold being way too dark and drab, which may have a certain appeal, but at this stage the stronghold is not worth 14. Drop it to 8 like the fleet strongholds were and then you're in the ballpark on value. 

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  8. Hey so with the new Mek Sha apartment stronghold coming next GS, I think it might be a good idea to start a dialogue on a better stronghold decoration access.

    I say this as someone with a lot of credits and a lot of good decorations also, so what I say here is not out of jealousy. I have stocks lol.

    Lighting is one of the biggest shortcomings of stronghold building, there are only a handful of good looking lights that actually give off adequate light. The amount of chandeliers that look great but give of next to no light (eg - Alderaan and Zakuul chandeliers), are too many to count, and this goes doubly for sconces and other wall lights too.

    Players, especially the ones without billions of credits to spend on decorations, should have better access to nice decorations via reputation and other rewards vendors.

    I think the Ruhnk reputation vendor had some great items but was repetitive, as did Manaan. However, a lot of these decorations are civic and environmental decorations, of which we already have a massive variety.

    Decorations really lacking in this game at the moment are unique NPCs and lights.

    (As an aside, please just make all unique NPC holo decorations, not holo and you solve that problem too.)

    Please add more good looking lights to the game that actually give off enough light to light up a gloomy stronghold like this Mek Sha one looks like. Make them easy to access via rewards without breaking the bank. Civic items are great and all but you don't need many of them, but you need many lights. So wanting to decorate with certain themes are difficult without breaking the bank.

    • Like 3
  9. I would like to see personal flagships as strongholds. Smaller than the Guild flagship strongholds, but larger than the personal ship.

    For example: The Hammerhead class cruiser for Republic players and an Imperial ship of similar size for Imperial players. 

    It could say be 2 or 3 levels instead of the 5 you get with the Guild flagships.

    Say for example: 

    Middle/main floor: Command bridge, left and right gunner, analytics, engine room, common area.

    Lower floor: A hanger

    Upper floor: General's quarters, crew quarters, other rooms?

    Something like this I feel will be neat given the progression of the characters. Feels kind of weird still using the Defender as my ship. 

    As for planets to get strongholds, I would say Dantooine Homstead and an Oricon Fortress.

  10. I would like to see personal flagships as strongholds. Smaller than the Guild flagship strongholds, but larger than the personal ship.

    For example: The Hammerhead class cruiser for Republic players and an Imperial ship of similar size for Imperial players. 

    It could say be 2 or 3 levels instead of the 5 you get with the Guild flagships.

    Say for example: 

    Middle/main floor: Command bridge, left and right gunner, analytics, engine room, common area.

    Lower floor: A hanger

    Upper floor: General's quarters, crew quarters, other rooms?

    Something like this I feel will be neat given the progression of the characters. Feels kind of weird still using the Defender as my ship. 

    As for planets to get strongholds, I would say Dantooine Homstead and an Oricon Fortress.

    • Like 1
  11. I decided to refine my thoughts a bit in the specified format. Felt I was rambling a bit.


    What is your general feeling on the Stronghold?


    All in all positive. There's a lot of potential here to make a great stronghold but is rough around the edges and some qualifty of life changes would make it monumentally better.


    Are there any specific rooms you like, or don't like, and why? Please be specific.


    I don't like the throne room and the killik cave specifically. Why? I don't like being locked into a certain build. By having the throne room with a throne already in it I can't change it if I don't want a throne room. Leave space for a hook that can utilise a throne decoration, but it shouldn't be there by default. Take it out and let people place it as a deco if they want. Same goes for the Killik cave, it's not something I enjoyed about Alderaan personally, but again if people do want to make it a Killik cave they can do so by using Killik decorations. People might want to put in a security base or a crystal cave or a hotspring. Having Killik mounds (which look like wasp nests) that we can't remove feels restrictive. Maybe include special decorations with the purchase of this stronghold?


    Not so much a room I dislike, rather a room I wonder whats the point of, is the ruins in the mountain lodge. It's very small and doesn't have a lookout or anything. I'm just curious as to why it's there or if its incomplete.


    There are also a few hallways where they appear to lead to a new room based on the floor markings, but instead lead to a dead end, specifically in the mountain lodge.


    Does the Stronghold feel too big? Too small? Why?


    A bit mixed on this one. I feel the entrance field area is far too large. I like some outdoors but it feels like too much. The stronghold itself feels small. It really feels like the main palace needs a second floor like the Organa castle on Alderaan and the rooms could use some windows, some unique room shapes, a balcony (if rooms upstairs are added) or a small garden enclosed by the mountain wall.


    If you could change one thing about the Stronghold, what would it be?


    I would change many things but I'll put a priority list.

    1. Add a second floor with rooms attached with balconies. If you're going to make a big SH go hard or go home I reckon.


    2. I would reduce the entrance area space by about a third.


    3. I would remove the throne and the killik mounds and instead have decos and hooks that can be that if people wish.


    Does the increased hook density feel too cluttered?


    It's a bit mixed, in some places it feels like its missing hooks, in others it feels like it has too many. An example of too little would be the entrance archway to the estate building. It feels like it needs a statue or fountain in that entrance but there is no hook. It's hard to give an answer on this one as I haven't done a lot of decorating.


    Does the number and placement of hooks feel to restrictive given the Stronghold's decoration cap?


    Again, hard to say.


    Anything else you want to add?


    As I mentioned in the bugs thread. While I love the idea of the stained glass window the way the light interacts with decorations could prove troublesome. Either there can't be hooks where the color projection lands on the floor or decorations need to reflect that light, and block that light from passing through it, like it does currently.


    Probably the most aesthetically pleasing interiors I've seen in any stronghold so far. I think it needs more of those stunning interiors.

  12. Noticed something in the main hall. The projection of the window on the ground is gorgeous, but when you place objects in the way of the light it doesn't change. So projection doesn't hit decos, not sure how difficult that would be to adjust, I'd imagine quite a bit. When I place a deco at the front of the hall, the light doesn't project onto it, the deco just cuts off some of the projection, and when I place a deco near the rear of the hall light doesn't move around it. It's not a huge thing I guess, but it triggers my ocd.
  13. As I said on the wrong thread (wooops)


    I have a bunch of thoughts on this new stronghold, these are just my subjective thoughts though.


    Pros: Any room with windows is gorgeous. The stained glass window is amazing, the indoor hall is a dream, the fact that centrepiece hooks are in the middle of this hall makes me so happy. (Please add a centrepiece hook to the centre of the Yavin temple main hall as well, I'd most appreciate that. I love much of the indoor areas. The mountain retreat is also amazing. Honestly I'd by the mountain retreat as its own mini stronghold.


    Cons: The outdoor entrance area is unnecessarily large imho, and for it's size does not have enough hooks at the moment. The entrance area is bigger even than the Yavin entrance. The Killik cave is not my favorite, it feels like my house is infested with wasp nests. Now, some people may be into that, but I'm not. I'd suggest removing the Killik mounds and make it a decoration for people if they wish to use it. Same with the throne room. I feel it's a beautiful room but the throne is in the way a bit.


    I feel predetermining what a room is for limits creativity. The throne room could be a dinner room, or a bar or a library. The cave doesn't need to be a Killik cave, it could be a firing range for troopers or a crystal cave for Jedi, or a dark shrine for Sith. I think the throne and mounds should be removed and kept as decorations. This would be my main criticism of this stronghold.


    Minor nitpicks: I love the stained glass window hallway, but I can't help but feel there should be an upper floor to this stronghold like the other castles on Alderaan. The three identical sqare rooms I feel could also do with some more personality, whether that be slight modifications to their shape or a window like some of the other rooms. All in all it has a lot of potential, but at the moment I only desire half the stronghold.


    Also: If we're doing stronghold requests, I'd love a mini flagship. Something larger than the personal ship but smaller than a guild flag ship. Smaller strongholds would be really nice also, appartment blocks instead of massive mansions. I'm not a king lol.

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