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Everything posted by denavin

  1. Well its going to cost alot more than that been infected 6 times in the last 30 min.
  2. Thank you Bioware for giving the game greefers one more tool to make playing a PIA. You have allowed other players to spread this plague just so they can greef. Are you trying to drive players away from the game? Well I for one will not be playing till this event is over. Thank you for taking the fun out of SWTOR.
  3. As far as the price for SWTOR xpac goes its cheap. Try playing EQ2 the last xpac was $80 for poor content and the need to change ALL of your gear, stats, and weapons ingame. Just pay your $19 and get the xpac then all will be golden once again. Really its that easy.
  4. Here is a sugestion on how to get rid of RMT ( Real Money Transfer ) sellers. You start by monitoring players income, any player that suddenly gets a huge amout of credits that is not transfered from a character on their own account is buying credits from a RMT seller. Then you delete all the credits in that players account for all toons on that account including the the items purchased with the credits putting them into a negative ballance making the character nearly unplayable. After doing this enough times then the players will no longer want to deal with RMT sellers thus removing the RMT sellers and the players that buy credits from them (not to worry these people are not worth keeping in the game anyway). This has been done quite sucessfully in another game, EvE Online and it works very well.
  5. Ok going to try again... Nobody has ever had this problem before? Anybody have any ideas how to fix it? Bioware anything? I need help here.
  6. Way back on October 10th there was a patch, since that time I have not had information cursors. You know when you mouse over an NPC or a harvest node and the pointer changes to let you know what the node is and if you are in range. Well my pointer stays as an arrow, it does not change. I have submitted a couple of bug reports about this. One response tolled me to delete the BitRaider folder which I did. That had a partial fix but now, I sometimes the cursor will change, ie... when I am on bord my ship I can see the cursor change and if I am up close to the item or NPC but not at long range. In the new Xpac I can see the cursor change in some of the new areas but not all of them, I onlye see the NPC conversation pointer icon, and Cargo Hold pointer icon nothing else and only at close range not out of range (Greyed Out). I recently submitted another bug report a week ago but sofar nobody has looked at it. I really need to have those info cursor icons back. I know that other people have had this problem before but I do not seem to be able to find any information in these forums to help... any ideas?
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