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10 Good
  1. Tood 4v4 Balance Sage Records Reporting: Damage Taken: 6476088 http://imgur.com/Q5wBn1W Total Damage Done: 5265955 http://imgur.com/a/aioYN
  2. Tood Balance Sage 8v8 Total Damage: 5551242 DPS: 6093 Biggest Hit: 33751 http://imgur.com/gallery/KZ7XZ
  3. http://imgur.com/hvbfLFz Vigilance Guardian 3747.16 dps 8v8 Voidstar
  4. Madness/Balance: Using Disturbance/Lightning Strike is actually not a dps loss, it is just energy consuming so most just spam pebbles/lightning to conserve energy wile minimally decreasing dps. And as for accidentally clipping it I don't know what you are doing wrong!? B/c its not that hard to stand there for the duration besides, if u do a rotation you have more than enough time to build the 4 stacks as you may have to spam the pebbles/lighting ability more than 1 time, unless you are using disturbance/lighting strike. I don't advise this if you do not have an old 4 piece 186 set bonus that gives alacrity periodically throughout the rotation. Yes, TK is much better than balance, on certain fights and is easier to nail down the rotation. But there are many fights where Balance/Madness is much more desirable and will give you better numbers. Learn both specs, master them both, and know what works and what doesn't. All in all, balance/madness is not broken, its just challenging to nail down the proper rotation to do maximum dps.
  5. Name: Tood (Intrepidation) Spec: Telekenetics Record: Biggest Hit (4v4) not broken just good enuf to get on Number: 17,501 http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1420309147_Screenshot-(17).png
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