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Everything posted by Sorava

  1. Imperial! Sorry, totally forgot to add that. Edited the op.
  2. Currently looking for more HM raiders! If interested please send a message here or in game to Delyya. If not online, send an in-game mail.
  3. JC has sabotaged itself again The Queueeee!
  4. 16m HM Saturday Team is currently looking for dps and healers. Updated the OP with new information!
  5. Same problem here.
  6. I tried to with bit raider, then did a reinstall to get rid of bit raider. Both with and without it has me accepting every time..
  7. Same here, I have to agree each time! o:
  8. Looking for healers and dps for HM raiding!
  9. Same problem here. Seems like only 4 people get the kill to count towards the mission.
  10. I am curious about this part. How does grouping for the raid work (without going through group finder) for guild members that may have chosen different factions for Iokath? Will they have to swap factions? Is there a neutral area in front of the raid entrance so you can group by class faction and not Iokath faction?
  11. I'm sure that we can get you to op heal! Just send me a whisper in-game on Delyya/Tiv'rea or send a pm here.
  12. The terminal just allows you to gain back class story companions and the option to gain back companions that leave/die in the KotFE storyline and I'm assuming the next story. The warning given through the terminal lets you know that this has no impact on the story. Like stated, basically a mute skin that you can still use in the open world and for crafting.
  13. Just confirming. I took off my security key, deleted the official app from my phone and reinstalled it, then added it back. Now I can log on and it works with the 'updated' security key app.
  14. Just remember! We get to reinstall when we want to get rid of it again!
  15. Only current way I could fix my download was to turn bitraider on. No other steps, nothing. Once bitraider was active and I relaunched the game.. patch started up immediately. This is going to cost me so much time later to get rid of that horrible thing once again. -.-
  16. Sent you a message on here about all the information I had/know of.
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