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Everything posted by Aehwe

  1. I do NOT want a purple crystal. Having it FORCED on my Champion Lightsaber is really tearing me down. This game is by far one of the best I've played, but the star wars fan in me is crying because I cant pick the color of my own friggin lightsaber.
  2. I want real sith eyes like the ones Malgus, Zash, Palpatine and Vader had. Red AND yellow. The stuff we got now looks like cheap crap. It doesnt look good at all. Dark V should have red/yellow.
  3. I dont actually "need" them, but I would very much like to have them. With 4 different cooldowns and buffs it would be nice to have 1 button to press to activate them all for example. Its not needed, but its faster and preferable. I would also like damage meters so I could see if what I'm doing is utter crap or if I'm on the right track. I wish to improve my performance in flashpoints and operations and its hard to do so without meters feeding the info I want back to me. I'd also want to be able to fix the UI, I'm a creature of habit and compared to WoW we have a lot fewer slots to put our abilities etc on. Like I said, I dont "need" these things.
  4. O M F G That Malgus costume looked ******! Awesome video!
  5. As a player on Lord Calypho I have indeed noted your name when it came up in global channel. I immediatly reacted with: "Sigh, not another of these morons." By chosing a name based on a STD just shows how little respect you have for RP and RP rules. Nobody is intimidated by your name. They are most likely facepalming and annoyed that you show such disrespect for the server and roleplayers. If you wanna mess around with stupid names theres 90% other servers to do so. Just keep off the ones with RP in it. Because nobody is gonna adress you as "Lord Klamydia" But I doubt any of this will even penetrate your head as you obviously dont even understand how wrong your name is.
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