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Posts posted by DarthNillard

  1. i know it a pain that this mission still not working but i would never wish them jobless and homeless that would mean IPs like dragonage and mass effect would be dead to i think the real fault why it takening so much time to fix is anthem because they did take alot of devs off SWTOR for that game


    Anthem is trash, the alpha was the worst i've ever played (and i've played a lot)

  2. Vote with your wallet - comments on the forums don't drive their metrics of success; activity, subscriptions and revenue drive those metrics.


    I sub and play for a month here and there every year, but refuse to spend more than a month's subscription on any kind of regular basis given the small amount of content added, lower than average quality levels, and many design decisions I dislike.


    And while some may rationalize continual investment in the game with 'I'm helping support the game and keeping it going', I don't consider EA to be a charity case and thus don't see any reason to invest in SWTOR if EA refuses to invest and resource at a level required to sustain a large healthy population.


    As far as gods - too little, too late for me. My friends and I pretty much quit playing regularly years ago, and there just wasn't any way I or they were going to return for a 'lets release a boss ever couple of months' operation.


    For me to return on an ongoing basis, I'd need to see a full expansion, with new open world planets, several flashpoints, and at least one full new operation available at launch, and ongoing patches over the expansion that add additional operations.


    I'd even pay for such an expansion - I pay Blizzard $50 every few years for theirs, as well as buy the yearly chapter (expansion) updates in ESO.


    A free expansion is worth about as much as it costs - that is nothing.


    I'm with you 100% I used to dump a lot of money into CC's and I haven't spent a dime outside of my sub in over a year.

  3. I'm curious about this as well. They spent quite some development time on GotM... when did they start... well, almost 2 years ago. And I would really like to know for HOW MANY players this content is actually of interest. They stated themselves in the past that raiders are a minority and NiM raiders are a minority of this minority. So... was that a good decision from a management perspective? I don't know as I don't know the metrics.


    VOTMG is a great raid, each boss is unique and fun/challenging. However, their rollout over the course of basically a year is complete BS. And the fact that all they've done since then is make is a HM and now NIM of the same raid over the better part of the last 6+ months when they could have instead been developing real new content is just a bonehead move. I guess that can be added to my list :rak_01:

  4. Not even worth rehashing all the old stuff that is still broke or senseless, but with the latest patch (in no particular order):



    • Screw PVP players with this bind to slot Enhancement crap, forcing accuracy into gear where they need none of it for all DPS
    • Make the limited time weekly mission take either 15 minutes (8 medals in 1 pvp match you can do alone) or well over an hour (4 MM FP's that require other players)
    • Complete wipe away the last 2 years of gear grinding where you could trade up with the old shell and unassembled components to go from 236 > 242 > 248 by making the 248 shells useless and no way to upgrade to the new gear the "normal way"
    • Give us new gear that doesn't stack with prior gear set bonuses (acknowledged it's a bug, but no ETA on fixing it because it requires them to actually "do work". This bug was also identified on the PTS. What good is having us test if you can't or won't fix major bugs we find???)
    • Overall just give us 2 new gear levels to grind that are a means to no end. How many teams are actually actively looking to grind NiM VOTMG? And I'm willing to bet all of those groups can readily complete it with full 248 gear sets, maybe even less for the best teams.


    Add on....

  5. These are good questions, so let me try to address them.


    1 - This is an intended change. That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which I can pass to the team. We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing. Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in SWTOR. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.


    2 - This is a bug, I acknowledged it here. The reason we didn't fix it with today's patch is that addressing this issue is actually pretty substantial from our side. It will involve us not only fixing the items to work properly going forward, but we need to actually "change" the gear already in the wild to work together. That is the part that is challenging as we need to touch armorings that players are wearing without impacting the rest of their gear. We are working on a solution for this, but it is not something we could turn around in time for 5.10a.


    Thank you all for your continued feedback. Bigger itemization changes will come and we will definitely talk through them with you when they get here (not soon™). Thanks all.




    One follow up question: you guys get paid right? Like this is your actual jobs? If so, how about you do work?

  6. To OP, Eric Musco indicates that is working as intended. Those mods/enhancements can no longer be swapped across amor from different armor slot types


    No, he didn't. In the main Dev tracker thread he said its on the list to fix. Why do people just make things up and try to pass it as facts? Same thing about the set bonuses not stacking. Either he's wrong and it is intended, or it's not and they didn't fix it yet. Either way though YOU are wrong....

  7. Hey folks,


    We will not be pushing the patch tomorrow. There are still a few issues we are working through and so we would like to take another day. I will provide updates tomorrow, but we are now aiming for Thursday. More details to come.




    Serious question: how do any of the devs at Bioware still have jobs? You perpetually give us broken things, then can't even fix the broken things in a reasonable amount of time. Every other job in America has accountability besides Bioware SW Devs. The guy on fries at McDonalds gets fired the 3rd time he messes up the fries....

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