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10 Good
  1. It's not a greed driven thing I think, I can't speak for anyone else but for me personally I find the cap too low for the plain and simple reason that the dailies will get you to your relic cap in far far less than a week, ergo they put in a cap which is so much lower than the actual relics that you would earn even if you only do half a week worth of dailies. I'm not a dailies man, really I'm not, I'm not a fan of currency caps, but if they put one in they ought to AT LEAST get closer to the amount of relics that you COULD earn in a week, I'd already be more than happy if they'd cap it at 6 days worth of dailies. There are around 17 dailies if I'm not mistaken, most of which giving 7 relics, 4 of them give 12, you end up with a total of 139 relics every day, or 973 relics in a week, 973!!! And remember, we're not counting the weekly missions here. If you're gonna offer a potential of 973+ relics in a week then WHY put a cap at such a low number as 250? It's just too big a difference.
  2. "Okay, so it's not your fault that your class got nerfed, it's not your fault that the expansion turned all your gear worthless and it's not your fault that you died so many times on bugged quests, HOWEVER, your inability to form coherent sentences or behave properly to your fellow players is to blame on your clearly inferior intelligence levels which, in addition to the aforementioned narcicistic and elitist traits, has also caused you to lose sight of anything remotely decent....I'll sum it up nice and easy: Being an idiot is on YOU, not the rest of the world."
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