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Everything posted by NeshobaNowa

  1. I can agree with that, for me I just think it's time to move on to another game, as stated enjoyed this game while it lasted but at this point and time swtor just left a bad taste in my mouth . metaphorically of course
  2. So I've been a sub for a few years now, and To be quiet honest I've never had a complaint about this game in my personal opinion Till now. As stated I love this game, more then any other mmo that I have played in the past, but here recently, Swtor has gotten old, yes the old ops are challenging, but at the same time it just get old, Myself and guildies have kept our ears to the ground in hopes of seeing a new ops emerge out of this. we grinded on a nightly bases to get 224 gear, to run through story content, only to find there's not much holding our interest, we have to wait a month for a story to come out, in between those chapters we run ops, most of us do pvp, but even that's getting old very quick seeing that how the past times i have pvp'd it's taken me to the newer pvp maps which is just way to huge to even really do anything with. and at this point i find myself re-rolling different classes multiple times to have something to do. and now that I've seen the 4.5 changes I'm not entirely sure what to think about it, and it's a nerf that i feel will throw the game off further from where it should be as an mmo. while the game has under went some seriously needed changes, I Feel it's more focused around single player content a bit too much, the chapters are ok at this point (having number of different toons and re-running those stories) it just gets old. I feel group content at this point has gone out the window, and re-hashed in to "more challenging ops" well it's not much of a challenge when you know the mechanics, you know the fights, about the only thing challenging about it is if you ask a healer to stop healing for a moment (no joke). Yes i'm whining about ops and how we need new ops, or something other then this game turning in to a single player game, or a heavy pvp game. while I appreciate the time the developers take to create this game and content and address something, it's been made clear that this year it was about the story, (which is all the same) ops (which is all the same) even some of the armor is rehashed......at this point I'm wondering if it's even worth staying in or staying subbed for rehashed content. but whatever my choice is for this game is, it's been fun.
  3. KoG Os Knights Of Gore About KoG Leaders Ethetas KoG Fox Vampy Role Play BIO We are KoG, We stand together casting aside differences for a common Goal...to seize power, that even the Dread lords would envy. We exist to Find strength in numbers yet seek our own paths. We fight to survive and to grow stronger with in the dark side. We take in those whom we see fit to join the ranks Of KoG. Our goal, Domination..... KoG (Kings of Gaming) outside of swtor Kings of Gaming outside of swtor: We are an online gaming community, that play pc games with others in hopes of expanding our groups beyond swtor, we band together in games, which in the end gives you a friend to give aid to those wanting to have people to game with on a day to day basis, and even offers the opportunity to Join in on the ranks and make new friends. If there is a pc game you wish to play, there is a spot for you in our group. For more information on joining inside swtor with KoG then contact one of the following names listed : Ethetas - Guild master, KoG fox - Lieutenant , Vampy - Recruiter.. as well if you are interested in joining an online community contact one of us and we will provide the information to you for KoG outside of swtor. We hope you do Choose to Join KoG, for the adventures in pc gaming, and we will see you soon!
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